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11.04.2024 en Roboooot
This is the summary:

Without civilization, there is nothing else but a vast, unconscious emptiness. Therefore, civilization is all that matters. Complex, adaptive, self-propagating systems or "civilizations" like our own are the only systems in the universe that have the ability to "deliberately" expand their interface with spacetime and counteract entropy.

There are two conclusions about life that many of us reach:
1. Nothing truly matters, simply sit back and try to be happy since death is imminent, anyway
2. Those premises are wrong. Death and life have no significance because the universe is only comprised of information. Therefore, all information is equal and no piece of information has more significance over the other. And therefore, we must act, and direct our energies towards expanding and defending our interface with spacetime, so that we can uncover even more information about the universe that may lend itself to an even more convincing guide for action. Doing "nothing" is unreasonable. We must act and optimize our actions towards creating the biggest, most bad-ass civilization in the universe. This is our purpose. The only reasonable purpose anyone can have. Live it.
Escrito por Almighty Pyrex, 10.04.2024 at 16:34

I never understood the reason rewalling and serb walling were so hated more than zoom bugging. I think zoombugging is the worst kind of abuse but thats considered fair- over something like a serb wall which is more of a walling function same as rewalling.

Bypassing any kind of wall and hitting beyond it is wild abusive to me
I never understood the reason rewalling and serb walling were so hated more than zoom bugging. I think zoombugging is the worst kind of abuse but thats considered fair- over something like a serb wall which is more of a walling function same as rewalling.
Escrito por Metyu, 10.04.2024 at 14:38

Escrito por Ghostface, 10.04.2024 at 14:17

Poor R5, he really deserved to win (apart from stabbing back part)

Thats kinda why i like playing africa cus even noobs think they can take you on and 2 guys that were allies backstabbed me thinking it was piece of cake but then got attritioned to death xd
Escrito por Ghostface, 10.04.2024 at 14:17

Here is debunking your claims africa cant win
i fought everyone allying with green and asia and invading americas but then russia invaded me and green started allycapping all the way up to nigeria and declared war so i fought them two in africa as well
and i started wiping the floor with them easily while asia funded them both to send 1000s of bombers and tanks while being my ally but when he saw they were losing he backstabbed me as well and sent 1000s of units to kill me
but as you can see he failed many times to kill me my cap was at 1% pop whole time from 1000s of units suiciding on it and he left russia left only green algeria stayed to the end and usa and then i won on sp t51
but if it was more turns i would probably kill algeria too and ally with usa for ally end cus i was exhausted lol
A lot of guys were watching the game (they can tell u here) cus they wanted me to abandon it and join ww1 cus they thought i couldnt beat them but in the end like i said africa is pretty strong if played by a good player that knows what hes doing

Poor R5, he really deserved to win (apart from stabbing back part)
Here is debunking your claims africa cant win
i fought everyone allying with green and asia and invading americas but then russia invaded me and green started allycapping all the way up to nigeria and declared war so i fought them two in africa as well
and i started wiping the floor with them easily while asia funded them both to send 1000s of bombers and tanks while being my ally but when he saw they were losing he backstabbed me as well and sent 1000s of units to kill me
but as you can see he failed many times to kill me my cap was at 1% pop whole time from 1000s of units suiciding on it and he left russia left only green algeria stayed to the end and usa and then i won on sp t51
but if it was more turns i would probably kill algeria too and ally with usa for ally end cus i was exhausted lol
A lot of guys were watching the game (they can tell u here) cus they wanted me to abandon it and join ww1 cus they thought i couldnt beat them but in the end like i said africa is pretty strong if played by a good player that knows what hes doing

10.04.2024 en Roboooot
10.04.2024 en Roboooot
10.04.2024 en Roboooot

green flag indicators for massive AI craze:
early versions of gpt like gpt 2 talked about a lot in ai community
google engineer said in summer of 2022 before chatgpt was released that AI was "now sentient"
claims have high false positive rate
if paying attention maybe more
once gpt was released, companies would naturally react to something so transformative
first order reaction was to buy chips to run such models so go to nvidia
energy is second order reaction, texan energy up big eastern up too, approximately 9 month reaction delay since big nvda earnings of 2023
the first uses of the ai stuff companies do is internal to make faster their recognition and database stuff and make operations smooth and ai data driven
then they also might do periphery stuff for consumers, really easy stuff for the online website just to help people search or replace customer service
medium-term things companies do is replace even harder stuff like physical employees
but then third stage is more like physical applications for companies to sell, maybe also include digital applications--applications in general
this is the third stage
amazon doing mobile robot (AMR) Proteus is indicator that the intention is real
apple might latch on next but they havent even upgraded siri yet so they have long ways to go for good autonomus apple robots
the battlefield seems like it will be between tesla and musk and openai's and bezos
nvidia seems to have not as good relations with tesla because tesla does it all in house and uses amd but apparently tesla does use nvidia for stuff due to practicality

20 years ago 2004, world was much more brick and mortar, could i have seen this ai world coming with applications like gpt?
it was of course possible and conceivable since the step-by-step operations of a computer program that can do such things is easy to imagine, but would i ever havve really thought it would be a practical engineering reality by the year 2022? The technological singularity was also imaginable, how can we put timeframe on these imaginations?
what about as of 2010?
the paper that outlined this kind of stuff didnt even really exist then, but this stuff was of course imaginable
if openAI didnt create it, who would have? and when would have someone else created it?
google was also working on it because they caught on during chatgpt's developmnt before release, but seems like they were copying what insiders were telling them
what other seminal papers have been released recently like the attention all you need but also have delayed 5-year impact?

similarily, it is imagiable to foresee robots within all households, sort of like the household fixture like the microwave or the car of the 1950s
it is imaginable that these robots will have great dexterity with their fingers and could clean nooks and crannies of home and perform other complex actuator tasks
these robots will come in different sizes and functions, but the process will be as follows:
design the robot, produce it, scale the production, deliver the robot, consumer must maintain the robot, then potentially re-sell it as used
green-flag indicators that this imagination will become practical reality?

applications of network between robots. The visual stimulus one robot receives can be auto given to another to expand the combined visual stimulus so they can all react faster and more efficiently on a project for example. May also be combined with bio human interface devices and transfer our stimulus/thoughts, thus robot becomes extension of human abilities
organoid intelligence software for information transfer better and storage
bio human interfaces

the long-term inevitabilities:
the robot's actions will occur just like humans, in the framework of causal reality
humans actions are guided by 2 things: external stimuli and the encoded dna instructions set the rules for how we react to external stimuli--for example only 2 arms may move and feel according to most dna instructions/information. In this case, the instructions at zygote stage receive external stimulus that includes nutrition, and it responds by reconfiguring this material in a way that expands the zygote into a baby with 2 arms.
for example humans may feel anger simply through visual stimulus, such as car cutting in front of you on highway. In absence of visual stimulus here, no anger occurs and no hormones released according to the instructions guideline
logical extreme: if a man is locked in a cage from birth and receives nutrition sufficient for survival and muscles are moved by tiny machines to prevent atrophy, but no other stimuli, then he will have no knowledge of the instructions encoded within him and thus he cannot know to act to change them--its not a likely branch of action/decision, and impossible if he is confined in the cage forever, of course, because then he would not have the tools to alter microscopic material.
one branch of reaction to external stimuli (external stim for short) may result in us deciding to change the instructions themselves, since we have knowledge of the instructions--endogenous relationship

this may happen because of the high-level objective function to self-perpetuate. This of course does not manifest in the conscious thought of humans, but it is 1. an obvious observation considering humans behave in a predictable fashion that seems to self-perpetuate the species (which is why human population has increased from millions to billions in the span of a few thousand years). Of course, if humans lose this mechanism, then in the absence of any intervention, the species will cease at the theoretical logical extreme.

there's all sorts of information in the universe that has no self-perpetuating mechanism, such as rocks or stars. But information came together during earth's history, phosphorous, nitrogenous base, etc., and a small single-celled self-perpetuating set of information was born. It's like how a ball (a clump of information) will keep bouncing up and down and how that would continue forever except for forces such as gravity (a causal interaction, cause and effect, which humans are simply part of the causal reality framework)

the encoded information in humans produced through evolutionary biology and history, that releases hormones in such and such contexts that likely lead to survival and reproduction, happened to manifest in a way such that one of the emergent objective functions in the instructions is to broadly "explore" . This is not an individual guaranteed decision making code, but rather an emergent property that we notice across western civilization for example. Since when a society explores, for example, it tends to survive longer and its constituent humans reproduce. Part of this exploratory, lateral creative process enables us to take on higher resolution interpretations of the information of reality--including the acknowledgment of the information-based reality itself.

If a robot is confined to a digital space with no potential actuator access such as robotic limbs, then it cannot possibly destroy the washington monument (directly).
therefore, one way to be sure robot does not change instructions of itself is to deny it certain types of external stimuli. For example, this would be like denying the human zygote nutrition material which it requires in order to grow into a bigger human. If a robot has no access to materials such as rocks, iron, metal, uranium, or the actuator robotic limbs to retrieve the material, then the robot could be confined into a digital space and literally not be able to directly affect the physical world (potentially indirectly through the digital space--depends).

the robot receives input of electricity and potentially has instructions that act upon receipt of visual stimulius. For example, encoded are instructions to traverse road on google map, then upon traversing road when identify any holes, fill hole with material collected at nearest asphalt location. This is not a general purpose robot.
And its instructions cannot mutate through exposure to radiation, unlike humans
A general purpose robot could manifest with something like an unrestricted large language model like chatgpt, that is fed an objective input, then acts until objective is met. We have already crudely created auto-gpt where the model could receive instruction to create software, and keep iterating until it is created, and keep posing itself questions along the process to ensure everything works.
Therefore I think the technological singularity could happen according to some instructions, depending on how it interprets hierarchically its instructions, and if there are redlines such that it cannot self-perpetuate. But inevitably robot creation will occur all over the world, and these instructions may be manipulated by any human

When the objective is input into general purpose robot, it can create more objectives. For example, it could seek to attain more information about the universe, it could seek to solve the availability heuristic if it determines that it optimal to satisyfing its original objective. If it determines that it should self-perpetuate (make copies of itself or hybrid versions) or to create any other machinery or eqipment to satisfy its objective then it may do so. But the self-perpetuating mechanism is just a description and at most a secondary objective, not a primary instructional objective like in humans.

The general purpose robot could convert the human language receipt of input into a cause effect relationship with spacetime.

human words simply correspond to information in causal reality. "destroy" corresponds to a specific set of information, "humanity" corresponds to the combined species, which are repesented as objects or information in the univrese. Therefore, when fed the objective "destroy humanity", the robot could find the optimal path, which may be to either do nothing if humanity would destroy itself faster than the robot could destroy it, or it could be to self-perpetuate itself and collect the resources to do so, and hack into the electrical grid, etc. Clearly it will be smarter than the most intelligent human hacker.

in the medium term this will of course have economic impact
Musk says there may be an age of abundance
The world is of course simply comprised of information and the economy is an emergent resource/information allocation system
when an individual offers something of economic value to the world through a service, he receives medium of exchange in return or something of economic value that can be converted into rent, food, etc. Lawyers provide a service, doctors provide a service, construction workers construct, entertainers entertain. Then they receive medium of exchange from other people who may perform similar services.
At the logical extreme, if humans are no longer required as factor of production, and its just robots/capital doing everything. Then, the notion of "medium of exchange" starts to become less relevant. At that point, goods will simply be provided to humans upon request. Space/land and regulations concerning what people may buy will be the only thing that prevents people from getting literally anything they want. Also of course hierarchical status cannot be given through the accumulation of property resources anymore.

the important biases which must be addressed:
the influence that other humans have on perspective in general but especially on this issue, without jeopardizing their valuable input that may help solve availability heuristic
your interpretation of reality must be derived internally from internal deliberation within your own mind. When it is derived from elsewhere, you can be manipulated into behaving certain ways that are counter productive and not optimal. For example the toxic work environment, the nice old lady who wants you to take it easy, the seductive women, the sports perspective
relict mechanisms such as the hierarchical authority mechanisms or the sexual mechanism must be filtered through the mind then actions/decisions come after this filter
it is possible that some perspectives could be useful by happenstance, such as hard work culture silicon valley
still, its important to know why the perspective works and not take it for granted, because than later in life might fall to the weak leisure perspective
liberate yourself from these perspectives presented to you by men guided primarily by mental authority mechanisms
also we must act as an architect first, then the engineer
we must act as the strategist first, then the logistician/tactician
work from high level abstraction deliberations then get down into details due to practical human mind compute limitations, also good for availability heuristic solution
the reason for action must of course be due to the fact that without civilization, there is nothing else but a vast unconscious emptiness. This is inspiration take. Unique complex systems in general are needed with emergent properties that seem to have ability to counteract entropy, not necessarily human civilization exactly. And we must act because at least when we act it is possible to uncover more information that may uncover more convincing guides for action, whereas doing nothing is unreasonable
Just saying, could be Gun. There's already a galactic map for the actual game, all one would need to do is set up units/cities(the planets) and make Super Earth Strong enough to withstand a 3v1
This list isnt right
Where is april update noob
Escrito por DioVi, 17.08.2023 at 05:59


I have stumbled upon hell and one of its demons
Escrito por ulvi., 17.03.2024 at 12:51

Remove this shamefull list i cannot be in same list with temour or gigi cannot be in top list.... fast rimuv it and purge list maker!

this you?
Always ally unfairly to cause chaos
Escrito por soft goth avery, 09.11.2023 at 19:02

Thank you for your service! Hooah

Without our country's finest, i couldnt sit on my ass all day watching tiktok and being a femboy, thank you veterans!

Thank me for my service with bussy
Escrito por 31TENGRI69, 22.12.2023 at 03:19

So many names....So many dead
Escrito por nutt, 08.04.2024 at 09:00

Most sane r14

is this pro?
Most sane r14
1. world map
2. GMT+8
3. learn new stuff, new skills, try to make friends,
I played for 178 turns once... kind of becomes like an endurance race
How will we defend civilization from gamma ray bursts, black holes, asteroids, the inevitable expansion of our sun, or other external threats? Even more importantly, how will we defend civilization from internal collapse or self-annihilation?

Like how Lyndon B. Johnson declared a national war on poverty, we must declare a war on these THREATS. And the best teacher of war is SUN TZU. Guess what? Sun Tzu is atwar's mascot.

Atwar's mascot tells us to the importance of utilizing the tank for attack, the infantry unit for defense, and beyond. And therefore, atwar is INSTRUMENTAL in the defense of human civilization, Mars, and beyond.

05.04.2024 en The Steam Proposal
Nice bump
Escrito por Ghostface, 02.04.2024 at 19:04

Cus noobs played africa , its really hard to manage the eco even with imp full spam inf from t1 on 50k world and few mils here and there for walls you still are down to like 10-20k by t50 or have no more money at all imagine only 30$ inf spam
and these guys that pick there are lower rank so they maybe dont even have the inf cost upgrade so imagine even with imp 40$ inf they go broke in few turns but they prob spam tanks and ATs and what not
but normally they go some expensive strat like sm and even on 50k world are broke like after 10 turns or if u ally them they beg u for money lol

u can see from this on average from 1 reinf turn africa makes like 30 income which is barely enough to make 1 imp inf with full upgrades and not even counting the upkeep costs
so u have to have all upgrades and very good eco management skills to excell with africa but if u can they have op reinf and u can overrun eu if they are alone or middleast player but not 2 or more ppl together from these factions
but you cant lose vs a whole united asia or even americas only united eu asia can damage u and they need na too to make sure they can kill u in time or else they lose on sp

I dont agree at all.. In about t15, i am already full china/india(as NK), going with a lot marines in Saudi(we are talking about playing against 2-3 players in asia) .. You are telling me that 2x richer asia with 2.5x more units will lose against good player in africa?
NA has almost 3x more income than SA and 1.5x more reinfs.. Its not balanced..
Just accept the fact that new map is more balanced and better than the new..
Make it pink
Escrito por SHEIKH, 03.04.2024 at 12:32

I agree with Dog face here.

Silence, dodger.
I agree with Dog face here.
Someone sabotaged the poll, but I believe we already know which option won
Cus noobs played africa , its really hard to manage the eco even with imp full spam inf from t1 on 50k world and few mils here and there for walls you still are down to like 10-20k by t50 or have no more money at all imagine only 30$ inf spam
and these guys that pick there are lower rank so they maybe dont even have the inf cost upgrade so imagine even with imp 40$ inf they go broke in few turns but they prob spam tanks and ATs and what not
but normally they go some expensive strat like sm and even on 50k world are broke like after 10 turns or if u ally them they beg u for money lol

u can see from this on average from 1 reinf turn africa makes like 30 income which is barely enough to make 1 imp inf with full upgrades and not even counting the upkeep costs
so u have to have all upgrades and very good eco management skills to excell with africa but if u can they have op reinf and u can overrun eu if they are alone or middleast player but not 2 or more ppl together from these factions
but you cant lose vs a whole united asia or even americas only united eu asia can damage u and they need na too to make sure they can kill u in time or else they lose on sp

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