Modern easily, casualties are at an all time low, much higher chances of surviving, better medicine and above all at least you get supplied food on a regular basis.
And while death can come from everywhere, im sure its an easier death being blow up by a drone than it is getting hacked to bits by a peasant with an axe.
Casualties are at an all time low for the first world countries that fought against 3rd world shit holes maybe. But peer and near peer conflicts have only just started beginning in the modern era, our only example now is the Russo Ukrainian war and that is not an all time low casualty war, there's estimates running for both sides at a million to nearly two million dead in higher estimates. Trench warfare is back with heavy shelling, soldiers getting trench foot, pneumonia, and suffering sepsis without access to hospitals like the first world war. The massive tank battles and air war of second world war. On top of this with modern military systems like night vision, thermals, and laser guided rockets as well as drones you have to worry about, and you're not guaranteed to be one of the fortunate units that deals with thermal and night vision equipment. So unless you're fighting in one of the worlds premier militaries that either has a small army but good economy and therefore ability and desire to equip well, like Germany or UK, or a huge army with big budget like US, you are fucked. Besides the point DOD is finding out that materiel quantity is a big factor too in wars of attrition so the longer a war goes the less likely you'll have good equipment.
WW2, best of both worlds. No having to worry about fighting close quarters with axes and swords, but also no absolute horrors of mankind's military evolution weapons capable of launching 20+ laser guided missiles watching you through a thermal camo that can see you in thick woods of the modern era, no trenches of WW1 and Napoleonic is a bonus too, I don't know what I'd do though. I had family on both sides of the war, my great grandpa on Dad's side was a US Army engineer and on my mom's side there were 11th armata Italian soldiers.
As most of you know, I am a complete competitive fag. I barely played 10 scenarios in my life. I have tried some, but all those were only time-losing (for me, of course) and I didn't have any kind of excitement while playing them. I couldn't even find any kind of enjoyment in that 'usual' WW1 by Aetius. It was too big, too long and too complicated for me. On the other side, I can understand that it's probably because I'm not that experienced in scenarios and that I am definitely not being someone with credits to give my review on it.
But what I can review is following. Today, completely accidentally, from boredom, I joined this scenario made by Reichsheer:
It is basically WW1, similar to Aetius's one, but fully relieved and simplified. Also, it's number of players is reduced to 7, which is much more easy to follow and to adapt even for scenario noobs like me. As Khauman called it - a pocket WW1. Each country has it major 'task' and couple (possible) smaller tasks which depend on how the game between warring sides develop. First time ever I really enjoyed playing an actual scenario and tryharded while playing it. It was finally a super scenario experience for me, one of the most concerned competitive players.
Definitely a honest recommendation to everyone and I will surely give it another tries whenever I can. Try it
In order to save maps for future matches I give em a star so I can easily find em in My Rating since there's no map favoriting or bookmark system.
Whenever I do that with scenarios though the rating never saves forcing me to have to look for certain maps every time I wanna play em.
Poland: Belligerent
Blue Dragons: France
USSR: Prestige
Paradox: United Kingdom
Greece: Hellenism
Djibouti: Yugoslavia
goth girls haven: Australia
EC and Illyria: America
The empire me and Dominoz built will be remembered...
His Burgerskieg one looks very promising for a Civil War game with a couple people and his American Civil War 1v1 looks very good as well. Thank you friend.
I'd upvote and laugh if someone else had posted this
This thread will lay it all out for you - how Sascha, our beloved AtWar moderator, has officially ruined Christmas for the entire Germany. All it took was some digging and connecting the dots. Brace yourselves, because the truth is even crazier than the rumors.
It all began when I casually checked Sascha's profile, don't ask why (I have a thing for Germans in power):
Nothing unusual at first, right? But then I went to check the former members of the coalition and this is what greeted me:
A coalition named Albanian Mafiia? Are you kidding me? Hitlerian purist moderator in the Albanian Mafia? Something was off. Naturally, I went back to his profile to take a closer look. Remember Sascha's unique trophy?
That's when I noticed the unique trophy Sascha had in his possession is missing:
At first, I thought maybe Sascha is not a nazi anymore. But no, it was optimistic thinking. When tempest wrote a topic about wanting playoffs back, Sascha did not even think to mention Thanksgiving. This got me thinking - why does Sascha hate holidays? I am not moderator so I can't check the following statement - but some players asked through /help why were they banned for congratulating Christmas last year?
Who bans players for writing Merry Christmas in chat? SASCHA, apparently. That's who. I decided to test him in the public chat. During my test, I needed to take a phone call. Guess what happened when I returned?
What was he censored for? Is Dave, the Trumpian warrior for protecting Christmas and family values, our owner, censoring Sascha's Christmas hate?. But wait, it gets worse. I did some light Googling—typed "Sascha atWar Christmas" - and THIS is what came up:
Those Santa dolls? Their arms are doing THAT. Someone explain this! I reminded myself he once bragged about being a fan of vintage music, so I searched "Sascha Christmas songs" and... no words:
It's not just the dolls. He's full-on recording himself singing Erika next to them.
Still not convinced? Fine. At this point, I realized I had to dig deeper. Typed "Sascha Claus conspiracy" and found this:
He's planning to replace Santa with himself. This is no joke anymore. Sascha is confirmed to be leading an anti-Christmas movement right under our noses.
This thread will lay it all out for you - how Sascha, our beloved AtWar moderator, has officially ruined Christmas for the entire Germany. All it took was some digging and connecting the dots. Brace yourselves, because the truth is even crazier than the rumors.
It all began when I casually checked Sascha's profile, don't ask why (I have a thing for Germans in power):
Nothing unusual at first, right? But then I went to check the former members of the coalition and this is what greeted me:
A coalition named Albanian Mafiia? Are you kidding me? Hitlerian purist moderator in the Albanian Mafia? Something was off. Naturally, I went back to his profile to take a closer look. Remember Sascha's unique trophy?
That's when I noticed the unique trophy Sascha had in his possession is missing:
At first, I thought maybe Sascha is not a nazi anymore. But no, it was optimistic thinking. When tempest wrote a topic about wanting playoffs back, Sascha did not even think to mention Thanksgiving. This got me thinking - why does Sascha hate holidays? I am not moderator so I can't check the following statement - but some players asked through /help why were they banned for congratulating Christmas last year?
Who bans players for writing Merry Christmas in chat? SASCHA, apparently. That's who. I decided to test him in the public chat. During my test, I needed to take a phone call. Guess what happened when I returned?
What was he censored for? Is Dave, the Trumpian warrior for protecting Christmas and family values, our owner, censoring Sascha's Christmas hate?. But wait, it gets worse. I did some light Googling - typed "Sascha atWar Christmas" - and THIS is what came up:
Those Santa dolls? Their arms are doing THAT. Someone explain this! I reminded myself he once bragged about being a fan of vintage music, so I searched "Sascha Christmas songs" and... no words:
It's not just the dolls. He's full-on recording himself singing Erika next to them.
Still not convinced? Fine. At this point, I realized I had to dig deeper. Typed "Sascha Claus conspiracy" and found this:
He's planning to replace Santa with himself. This is no joke anymore. Sascha is confirmed to be leading an anti-Christmas movement right under our noses.