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12.07.2012 - 08:08
Hey guys i'm here to advertise my scenario in a complete and truthful manner. My scenario is set in Ancient times. It features a constantly updating event system and 19 civilizations. The game starts in 450 B.C and ends in 500 A.D so over a thousand years! Every turn is equal to 25 years. So for example in 350 B.C Greece will get 60 units to destroy Persia (don't worry future Persians you are very powerful and rich) to represent Alexander's conquests in Persia which began in 336 B.C. In the game each continent has one superpower and a few minor but still powerful other nations. Unlike other Ancient Scenarios I do not neglect Africa. It has 5 countries that could possibly take it over. Carthage, Egypt, Mali, Ethiopia and Bantu. Carthage is the most powerful but it will be too busy with the Europeans and Persians to bother the other Africans. I have renamed 70% of the map to match the Ancient world. European provinces are renamed to Latin, and Asian are renamed to Chinese and Indian. All of the units are replaced and all planes are disabled except for air transports which are replaced by roads. So the next time you are browsing the servers try and find Utah's Ancient World and feel free to tell me what you think it needs. Enjoy!
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
31.07.2012 - 19:26
To be accurate, wouldn't all of your units die in a turn, maybe two? Average life expectancy was 50 or so. To be in the army, wouldn't you have to be at least 20, even in this age? Shouldn't really make it 25 years a turn.
05.08.2012 - 18:56
Ninja why are you worrying about that? Are you saying I should make turns equal 1 year so that halfway through its already turn 450? Games can't always be 100% accurate.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.

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