Besides the random banter at the end..., I would say its not a bad idea. Only flaw the units are not during Roman Period.
But I don't see it going far at all cause of naming their countries, getting GDP stats, etc. would be too hard to configure what goes where and what numbers best suit places. At least in my opinion.
Escrito por Ivan, 06.01.2011 at 04:54
Escrito por Cardinal, 06.01.2011 at 04:29
BTW, I think you are planning other maps, is it so?
For example, if we stick to real maps, it can be 1 chosen country (USA for ex.) or even Mars or Moon map with "future colonized villages"
Not possible without massive reorganization of the whole engine. We might think of it in the future, when we're done with all the other ideas and bored ![](/images/smilies/smiley.gif)