02.09.2013 - 03:59
August is over, here is the new PotM. Its good to see that the PotM award becomes more populair within AW. The mods had a hard month for picking a player, we had many candidates for the award. Also thanks to all the players that did suggest someone for PotM. Remember: If your suggestion isn't chosen this month, we will keep him in mind for comming months. So players won't be forgotten; the current player was also a candidate in previous month, but just didn't make it. Keep your suggestions comming, mods don't see everything. The player we selected is a devoted mapmaker: Even the admins mentioned that his maps always looked very professional and have featured at least one of his maps every two weeks so far. Futhermore this players is low-profile, very helpfull in the chats and having a real 'anti-troll behaviour'. Winner of August: Congrats J.Schumpeter, and thanks very much for helping us, and the AW-community! Current candidates for player of the year:
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
02.09.2013 - 05:21
arrghh everytime i see your avatar I think that i already posted in here ![]() good job Schumpeter ![]()
02.09.2013 - 05:32
Yes its my Avatar now Thx that you noticed ![]()
---- Believe you can and you're halfway there
02.09.2013 - 06:49
With all due respect to J.Schumpeter, I have to call bs on this and declare myself potm. Lol. Sorry. 1) Started a successful and very active clan. Nothing makes me happier than logging on and seeing new 187 members starting up 3 v 3 games on their own. There is a whole thread on mentoring. I never responded in thread, but the correct way to mentor in my opinion is to set a good example, enjoy playing the game, provide basic information, and help out with any questions. If you look at our clan forum or ask 187 players, I think they many will say I've been the most helpful player they've met for 3 v 3 games. 2) Tried to start a weekly tournament. http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=9157 It didn't succeed, though newer players from clans such as Bloodline Empire and The British Empire participated and I would like to think got their first taste of meaningful competitive 3 v 3 games through it. 3) And what I'd consider my most noteworthy accomplishment of August was the attempt to set up a showdown match between EC and 187 for the Summer CW Season. We could have easily tried to take the 'winning route' and outpaced them, but we purposely kept them close with our 9th cw and tried to set up a fun showdown match. We tried to create a meaningful season out of a broken cw system. It didn't work. To pull off a tango, you need a fit dancing partner. And Comrade wasn't up for the task. But the reality is AW doesn't have a huge player base, and it shouldn't be left up to myself and Comrade to find a way to make the Summer Season meaningful or fair. But that's another subject. It did generate interest and excitement, which was also intentional. I mean, why not try to shake things up a little? And finally, if you look down that list of potm, which active competitive player is not viewed as a troll by at least half the community? Answer: tesla. But he plays 10 games a month. So he might not qualify. Regular players such as b0nker, FSM, and TopHats were/are all trolls. So you can't be holding that against me. The funny thing is I don't think I care about the potm. (Though maybe I do since I wrote all this out.) But looking at it from the outside, I realize as a player I'll never have another month where I contribute this much to AW. It was a fortuitous convergence of events that I won't ever be able to repeat if I tried. Restore your credibility Hugosch and let me know it wasn't politics that has tainted the potm selection?
---- He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
notplaying Cuenta eliminada |
02.09.2013 - 07:31 notplaying Cuenta eliminada
This guy did nothing in the month he is mentioned yet he is the player of that month this award lost its value
02.09.2013 - 07:34
''With all due respect to J.Schumpeter, I have to call bs on this and declare myself potm. Lol. Sorry'' And writing this just proved why they are right not to give it to you. Next time be humble and congratulate the winner. Also please stop bringing my name up in forums about things that are no concern to me. I am now taking serious offence to you calling me a troll, you have no right to label people as trolls or to assume that 'half the community' thinks said players are so. I'm sorry that you consider playing blitz Italy 'trolling' or asking for cw's as trolling. Every post you make recently has a reference to me, its like you are obsessed. The funny thing here thunder is your closing statement saying you don't care about PotM, yet you have decided to come and claim this month as yours, sadly you have totally lost respect on this one, saying Hugosch and the other selectors have 'tainted' the fun, and lets remember that this is a FUN competition, when actually discrediting J.Shumpeter the only person who is tainting it is you. Once again congratulations J.Shumpeter.
02.09.2013 - 08:19
@Thunderballs Its ironic how you say you don't care about the PotM, and then spend a whole story on it. I know you are mad at me, but please don't abuse this topic in order to vent your anger. If you want to troll me, go ahead, but leave J.Schumpeter out of this; he won a fair way and deserves all credits. To refute some of your assumptions: Do realise that you are one of the players that i repect very much, and i do see how you contribute to this game. I'm sorry if you feel ignored, we can't please everyone though.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
02.09.2013 - 08:31
Congrats! ![]() ![]() ![]()
---- It's not the end. ![]()
02.09.2013 - 08:54
Lies. This is not your dictatorship, pls leave AW. If you give POTM award to map makers, give Cronus POTY award.
---- ![]()
02.09.2013 - 09:00
Funny the only map maker here other than J.Schumpeter is Columna Durruti. ![]()
02.09.2013 - 09:29
I would like to thank VRIL for reminding me to face my problems.
---- He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
02.09.2013 - 09:42
shhhhhhhh! ![]() ![]()
---- ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT! You opinion is not recognized as being valid.
02.09.2013 - 09:56
Well declaring yourself the winner over everyone else is never a good idea. It's arrogant and doesn't give you a good image towards others. Then you blame Hugosch for "his" choice when in reality it's the whole of the mods and admins who decide. So again, you looked ignorant by making a false assumption. I recall you saying that you didn't care for potm (in the same post), yet you felt the need to defend yourself with a large post because you were unsatisfied with the turnout. You can't simply say you have an outsider's perspective in all this; again, arrogant. You even brought other players' names into this declaring they're trolls, which makes the readers assume that the players you named didn't deserve their awards. So in terms, after your post, instead of gathering people on your side to prove your point, you have the entire community against you. And some maybe even hating you in the process. You can call me a troll, but I can call you one too. Mfw I'm called a troll.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
02.09.2013 - 10:14
Lol. Well, the one point about the post that is arrogant is that I don't mention khal.eesi who I feel is equally deserving. But after that, I don't know. I don't really care. MrOwnU maybe? Mauzer maybe? LB went inactive. SunTzu? slowind? You tell me. Being falsely modest is a waste of time too. And yes, you can def call me a troll. I'm assuming half of AW thinks I am.
---- He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
02.09.2013 - 10:42
first you say "With all due respect to J.Schumpeter, I have to call bs on this and declare myself potm. Lol. Sorry." Then you say maybe tesla should have won in that same post. And now to compensate you name a bunch of people who should have won to disguise what you were initially upset about and the claim you initially made. And you don't care?
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
02.09.2013 - 15:04
ar·ro·gant Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. Yup, pretty much. now quit whining. gg
06.09.2013 - 12:10
Oh my god, I'm late 4 days! Sorry! Since one Month, and unfortunately, I am very absence of Atwar. It's true that I got a lot invested in mapping but there comes a time when boredom is installed. With this price, you give me the desire to continue maps. It's really nice to be recognized a little more and I really thank you all. Regarding the comment that was me. I really thank Hugosh! And if you have ideas for map to create or design on a map, I can modify it to make it more HD! Really thank you, I hope to live up to the next map! And sorry for not being here when I was recognized ^^ THANK YOU PS : SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH, i'm frensh !
07.09.2013 - 09:02
Way to go, JS. Without you & all the map-makers we'd probably be playing on high school geography maps. The quality of most AW maps is outstanding & a joy to play with. Congradulations & keep up the 'Award Winning' work! Thunderballs, get bent
---- I'm Mike & I like stuff.
07.09.2013 - 15:24
Thx man, Thx. I create a new map for tomorrow ![]() The name of the map "Victory isles"
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