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07.08.2012 - 19:58
It has been said that I, and Tim2shoes are the same person. I can understand why this hhas happened, let me explain.
Both Tim and I currently reside at a Veterans Affairs facility in Lyons, New Jersey. We are friends. He introduced me to AW about 2 months ago. We do have the same IP address. We use government computers. We sit next to each other a lot of times when we play. I do not know how to prove this other than by people seeing us play. There is no way if we were the same person that we could do all that gets done in the course of a 4 minute turn. I ask everyone to please stop accusing us of cheating or farming, it just is not the case. If we need to verify further for Moderator purposes we will do that.
07.08.2012 - 20:25
I can't vouch for you but I can confirm there is a long term care facility where you claim you and Tim share a government computer.

I hope that your stay in a VA long term care facility is as pleasant as possible. I have not found them to be especially cheerful places to visit my sailors at.
I have not yet begun to troll!
08.08.2012 - 02:35
To the players who reported Darton and Tim2shoes; we took a good look and it and we see no problem in this. Playing from the same IP is not illegal itself, because it is possible that it are really 2 different persons (look at Caulerpa and Lucius for example, but we have many more of these). Even when both players are in the same game at the same time, then there is no problem. Because even if you are 1 person with 2computers on Afterwind, it will be too hard to move units on both computers, within the timelimit. It will be illegal, when you both start duelling or play private scenario's with just the 2 of you. In the current duel results i see just a few games, not enough to prove real farming (really: Its about gaining 1k SP tops!). If players have more questions about it; feel free to ask one of the mods available.

Thanks for your explanation Darton, this will be enough and i'm closing this thread. If you have anymore trouble with players let us know. Last advice: Please stop duelling each other to prevent further accusings from other players.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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