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20.09.2011 - 14:46
Lord Revenge
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Maybe if you want to practice playing afterwind with out anyway afterwind players then you could have you against the computers. So you could play a computer depending on the status, easy, medium, hard.

This could be a good thing for all those whiny low ranked guys who get the ass whipped by the bigger ranked guys. They could practice their strategies against the computer and maybe become better and better to beat the bigger ranks one day.

I know it may be hard work, but if this could literally make this game better since they low ranked will like this game therefore maybe buying the premium features, also they will tell their friends who will "Hopefully" like this game and buy premium features too.

Sorry if I'm being a bit big headed P But it would help a lot.


20.09.2011 - 14:55
Please read the FAQ of this board before posting an idea.

AI/Single Player and Downloadable AW - Can you make AI for me to play against in single player mode? Also can I download the game to play it offline?
We have AI planned, but it's rather low-priority at the moment. We're not planning to make a downloadable version to play offline. http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=5&board_page=
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