27.05.2011 - 15:47
There have been several attempts to get in touch with mods when they were needed but lo and behold there were none. Ivan and Amok, this isn't a plea to become a mod or anything, this is a cry out for help and change! trolls are getting worse. they aren't funny or cute or anything but annoying and it is the virus that will end up killing off all the good and respectable players on Afterwind. no not cancer, cancer can be cured or cut out, viruses run their course. we need to change their course for them. i'm not asking for more mods or less mods or like i have said to even become a mod, no, but in fact a new system. I propose that in active coalitions, which are mostly on the front page of the coalitions listing. have members of the coalitions vote for an Ambassador, which would be like a mod but not have the power to ban, give warnings, or anything just the main diplomat to communicate with the other Ambassadors, if there be any problems the /report message could be linked to an ambassador from any coalition, they try to handle it right then, if it needs to go higher up then they are the ones to get the mods involved. The ambassadors would kind of be like the United Nations write strongly worded letters and if nothing changes, then mods or even you Ivan or Amok step in. Not all mods are bad, but i feel that some are just in it for the title and that is all, some of them don't even communicate with other players at all from a simple hello to a /report message. I hate to bring up the Hawk incident again but i waited online for about 6 hours or so hoping a mod would come on so i wouldn't have to handle it publicly or send the creators anything but i finally had to do that cause i had to do other things besides wait. i don't know how many times if at all ivan or amok get messaged for something whether it's trivial or important but i think this whole ambassador thing would help out a lot.
---- Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
27.05.2011 - 15:52
I agree, but instead of active coalitions only, it becomes every coalition gets ambassadors that are equal to the population (every 10 members means another ambassador?)
27.05.2011 - 15:54
Yes and i say active coalitions because like coalitions, in my opinion, paper cranes, isn't active. three members last active person was 77d ago. come one? why are they around still?
---- Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
27.05.2011 - 16:03
Also, I know of 1 case that a report was made via pm and there was justice. Do it.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
27.05.2011 - 16:10
1/??? seriously if only one got through? how many haven't? so far it's 1/2
---- Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
27.05.2011 - 16:38
Lol. 1.
27.05.2011 - 16:43
but that is a 50% fail to success ratio. which is not good, and yes implying that only two reports have ever been tried to get through to a mod.
---- Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
27.05.2011 - 17:01
I know of 1 case and no other. Did you ever pm anyone? Who did you pm, an inactive mod? Maybe your report sucked and there was no reason for action?
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
27.05.2011 - 17:13
I don't know what to think about the system your proposed, since I can't really see it working, but I might be wrong. About moderating Many troubles were solved and you didn't notice simply because that's the way they should be taken care (in my opinion). I don't think we need to explain to anyone (besides the players involved) that they were muted, banned or had their posts deleted. About that issue with Hawk I wasn't online and probably no other mods were either, but still when you made your report on the forum Ivan took care of it, so you can always use PM's and the forum itself as alternative ways of reports. Justice may not happen fast, but it will at the end.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
27.05.2011 - 17:20
No threads, pms are enough, and stuff happened.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
27.05.2011 - 17:24
What the mods dont realize, is that when we mean "online" we mean in the game, moderating, not skimming the forums looking for the occasional flamer.
27.05.2011 - 17:35
exactly cause things happen more in the game itself than in the threads. i just think it'd be a good thing over all to get other players more involved. i'm not saying it should be handled more publicly but there is 99% of the time someone from NoE, Semper Fi, Jericho, BiteMe, or ZA on, and that one person from each active ( i defined what that was before) coalition were on it would be an alternative than making it public on the threads such as what happened with the incident with Hawk. and it would all be voted upon inside each coalition who this ambassador is to be. because how many mods are there? i honestly don't know but i think there should be one on at any given moment, to be honest.
---- Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
27.05.2011 - 18:36
>mods over modding in the thread questioning their mod-ness
27.05.2011 - 19:01
again, proving my point. One post at a time.
---- Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?
27.05.2011 - 19:07
Put on some soviet union music, viva la revolution!
27.05.2011 - 19:17
28.05.2011 - 04:40
Ah, such a nice music, such memories!... But anyway You do realize, people, that mods here is not contracters? mods here do not get anything and never will want to have something, out of that comes real life... you know of it probably.... for example stuff you eat have to be bought with real money ![]() So Jace, I don't know with that problem you were reporting to some mod, but it can be 1 of 2 things: *inactive mod *bad report MAIN POINT! If you do something to report and there is no mods online, unfortunately, do make a screen and do send it to a mod, or several of them, with short comment of that happened. For a time being I can guarantee, that I WILL look into such reports and contact you in both cases (good/bad report) Since there is no "account" valuables, no "real life", no Vent (mind some coalitions perhabs) and it is a browser game, screen or several screens WILL make a very strong case.
---- Very vicious moderator
28.05.2011 - 11:09
Ok, lets see it one by one now:
I'm sorry, you were just trolling, posting things (not in this case anyway) that had nothing to do with the subject of the thread (vatican, pope, etc.).
Actually, I do realize what you are talking about, and you probably understand my answer wrong. Of course the more important things happen inside the game, and they need to be taken care of, such as farming rooms, spam in the global, swearing and other stuff. I'm just showing you guys an alternative way to deal with issues when you can't find any mod online at the time. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that every mod, when online, tries their best to deal with the problems they see or were reported. So, when you have any problem always use the report option, way better then complaining in the global (I'm not saying you do that, but I've already seem it many times). And, as Cardinal said, PM's help a lot, better if they have a screenshot to make things clear.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
28.05.2011 - 11:34
Yes, pms work, one of you jerichos reported me because of your maths incompetence and I got warned, so why cry so much
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
28.05.2011 - 12:57
Ive gotten the same excuse each time "just PM them", the mods are here to moniter the game and mute (and alot more) players no? Heres an example, last night sificvoid came on- for maybe 5-10 minutes. As the current mod count is low- every mod should be required to put in some time in afterwind each day, say an hour.
28.05.2011 - 12:59
Pms worked, 2 cases now, one was personal involvement (maybe you and certainly me)
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
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