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28.03.2011 - 18:30
There has been a huge problem in the community recently with mods abusing their powers regarding changing game settings and muting people in global for less-then-legitimate reasons. I believe i have a way to solve this.

Each week/month/day (the interval doesnt matter much as long as it is quick and routine), a list of all the actions taken by the mods will be posted on the forum/front page and also sent to the creators of the game. This will both help the community see what the mods have "been up to" and create a situation for the mods where their actions will be seen by the people and those above them, decreasing the ways which they abuse their power.

I hope this is taken into serious consideration, as it appears to be the only way to check back on the mods effectively as the current programs have not worked.
28.03.2011 - 18:46
Oh i think we may have had a misunderstanding. This thread was supposed to be about how a mod should act or something to that effect.

First off i may have forgotten to mention this; the developers do keep constant record of moderator's actions. That both mods and developers can view. I'm not sure if the public would be interested in this record or not but i do not see an issue with it, those interested in looking at it should ask Amok or Ivan. They may not wish to publish it though in order to keep programing rights intact.

As for me I think the rules for a mod should be as follows
1) Never involve your moderation powers in a game you are personally involved in. Get another mod to fix it.
(Very few exceptions one being you are the only moderator on at the time)

2) Be reasonable with muting powers. Mute only for spam issues. First give a warning then mute.
(Suggesting people go into a private game to have their conversation or simply to pm each other is appropriate)

Not sure if there is a number 3 so here is where i will let others add on

*all decisions by moderators are subjected to review by designers.
*If you belive a moderator is not following these rules please use the report feature.
28.03.2011 - 18:49
There has not been a problem with mods abusing their powers. Rather, there is a problem with players who are annoyed by being moderated for breaking the rules. Anyone getting modded for "minor violations" are those problem players who have been warned several times before and persist. You, for instance, have been warned by mods before. Even so, mutes are temporary punishments.

Plus, there's already logs which we monitor.

I am not going to keep responding to these pointless threads, but I will leave this thread open for the time being. If you have something productive to contribute, you may do so. If not, your post will be deleted and you risk getting your posting rights revoked.
28.03.2011 - 19:06
Hmmm....my dealings with the mods seem to be fine, haven't had a problem with them at all.

Question about spamming, I know global is off limits to spammers, but is it okay for people to be having giant random conversations in the main room chat? cuz it's happening right now...
Bow down before the mathmagician
28.03.2011 - 20:36
I have mod friends, so it's cool(HeyI), but alexxxi brings up a good point. the spammers have switched to room chat, and it annoys me. a lot. Also, isn't there a thing that there always has to be one mod on at any time?
29.03.2011 - 00:41
Escrito por Psychostick, 28.03.2011 at 20:36

I have mod friends, so it's cool(HeyI), but alexxxi brings up a good point. the spammers have switched to room chat, and it annoys me. a lot. Also, isn't there a thing that there always has to be one mod on at any time?

We are trying to reach perfectness on this matter, but, belive it or not, Mods are just as same people as you all are, we voluntarily agree to help Ivan and Amok to improve community and we all have much more important stuff in our life.... but we trying...

As for topic and, especially TOPIC STARTER, consider this

If you do feel, that Mod abusing his "powers", DO make a screen out of it, if it include people in game atm - it will be even better. After that - send it to any Mod or Admins - then we will have our conversation, 'coz, you know, vocal charges is not the thing you deal in online gaming.
Very vicious moderator
29.03.2011 - 02:19
Well I for one am very sorry for all the people I muted for long periods of time. (and then unmuted 5 mins later or a day later)

Think of all the precious and fragile minds I have destroyed because they can no longer use global chat.
29.03.2011 - 11:31
This HeyI mod is constantly threatening me with mutes for the most trivial reasons. Once he said he would ban me if I said another (completely non-offensive) joke with which everyone (except for him) laughed with!
Beheading infidels is a patriotic duty
29.03.2011 - 17:12
HeyI is the mod whom ive had the most trouble with, he is clearly a power hungry asshole who probably gets bullied at school/work and has no friends at all. to make up for this, HeyI goes home and pleasures himself to the smooth feeling of muting people who do nothing more then post simple messages in the global chat.
29.03.2011 - 17:16
Fight the power yo

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