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25.12.2010 - 17:48
Idea is simple and does not replace the current system, it's just something you can pick.

Imagine picking europe and then making sure "advanced world domination" is checked. What does this do?

Advanced World Domination:
-Every country will be in it's full glory, with all it's cities (Small towns not included, or would it?),
-You open the country when you click on it.
-Once a country is taken over fully, you can manage the country more easily on the world map when it's about making units etc.

Just a small suggestion that might be fun
27.12.2010 - 03:38
 Ivan (Administrador)
It's a boatload of work (think weeks/months), but I'm not sure if it would be a big benefit to the game. The exisiting map is already pretty big and games can last for many hours. Adding more depth/detail/cities would make games drag for days.
27.12.2010 - 07:58
Still, perhaps with some changes, this could be an option.

-Maybe you can select the countries you want for advanced world domination, so you can play a map as big as the whole world while you are just playing with 6 countries, pretty much like the "country maps" suggestion

Perhaps some other stuff to make it more fast paced.

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