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Publicado por Ferlucci1389, 22.11.2014 - 10:12
Lets just let MS win this season so they dont have to bother playing with all that low rank clans and alt clans ,lets just give it to them bcs it means so much to them
that cp system is bs anyway and they can never become elite clan ,so lets all be merciful and let Hdra tends his wounds.
and stop them from spreading so much hate , u can never catch up skills with rage and cheating :) GG
btw Clovis for MOD
25.11.2014 - 00:17
Commando you say we refuses to play evol, I'm not sure if you're trolling or you actually forgot that 7 days ago you played with rank advantage against us.

As bautista and raul said we cw any clan, if we decline cw offer is either because we have few members online or we're afk.
My original goal for Mystical Society was not to win the first spot but to achieve 100 clan wars for this season and we accomplish it at the first month of the season with the help of clovis1122, zone, ferlucci and general kratore and i thank them for that
I will lie if i say i don't want MS to win the first spot, we have a shot for it, but it doesn't mean we will do anything to achieve it, like farming low ranks or use cheats, we play it the fairest way possible for both clans sometimes we're the ones in advantage, happens. We're not the only ones who are cw'ing, right now more than 5 clans are competing for the first spot that is pretty tense, and pretty much amazing compared to the last seasons and i wish every one good luck. we'll not be upset or anything if we don't win, other way around we'll congratulate the winner and hope to do better in the next season with the same attitude so please stop your blind hatred (and hypocrisy ferlucci) and show good sportsmenship
25.11.2014 - 03:47
Cuenta eliminada
25.11.2014 - 15:56
Cuenta eliminada
Illyria farming all clans ! hUe
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