23.02.2013 - 10:18
I think that we seriously need a tweaking of our current competitive map the Europe map. The current situation start to be pretty boring with always the same picks in 3 vs 3 more or less 1 country. In 1 VS 1 Turkey and Ukraine have an advantage over the west and its clear. My goal would be to clone the current map of europe and by doing some minors changes to achevie not the perfect balance but at least a decent balanced map. I won't go in massive changes, people are used to play this map and if the map is to different it won't be used as the next competitive map. I will need the help of high levels competitives players from every coalitions so the new perfect competitive map will be accepted by everyone. I'm not god and don't know what is the best to do for everything, the more I get help on every subjects the better the map will be. Here a starting shortlist of problems that need to be fixed according to me. Just post if you want to fix others problems that I forgot or propose an idea that could solve the problem. First problem we need more options in 3 VS 3, currently we have only 7 really competitive countries, 5 in the west 2 in the east. I would like this to increase to 10 5 in the west 5 in the east. Boosting Russia Central: Post if you got idea on how to boost Russia Central to be competitive in 3VS3 -10 Reinf to moscow? -2 Reinf to the other cities in R:C? - Boosting Russia North-West: - - - Boosting Russia Volga: - - - Boosting an other country?: Russia south?, poland?, Greece? - - - Second set of problems nerfing overpowered countries: Nerfing Turkey: -Splitting Trukey? - - Nerfing Ukraine: Can be done simply by boosting R:C and R: NW, - - - Third set of problems: Boosting some countries in the west to be competitive against Ukraine and Turkey or balancing 3VS3 Boosting Italy: -Rome should be a port? -Add Genoa? -Add Venice? - Boosting a little bit France: Risky, France can be to overpowered in 1vs1 and to weak in 3 vs 3, hard to find a balance, probably that the fact that there would be more starting options would fix the problems of France being surrounded every game - - - Boosting other countries: Spain, Germany or UK....... if you think it could be good for the gameplay, personnally these 3 countries are 100% ok right now - - - Others problems: - - -
23.02.2013 - 10:31
Changing Rome into a port may make it pretty overpowered regarding how many port cities it has. NC anyone? I've read somewhere on the forum before of a suggestion to splitting Turkey in half to make it more balanced, or we can either just decrease the number of reinforcement and/or income, or we can increase the price of choosing Turkey? I'd say UK, Germany, France and Spain are balanced.
23.02.2013 - 16:12
You clearly have no idea where the reinforcement, incomes and starting cost come from. It's not a formula when you don't follow it. I, as a rigid mapmaker, would love to see the Ukraine nerfs removed etc. Don't blame me, since the stats speak for itself.
23.02.2013 - 16:25
I'd also love to see you make suggestions rather than criticizing people. Please do explain the concept you mentioned though, I honestly have no idea.
23.02.2013 - 16:27
If Rome became a port, it becomes much, much easier for Italy to reach Madrid and Paris. That's a considerable buff as it already has access to the Balkans.
Tunder6 Cuenta eliminada |
25.02.2013 - 20:32 Tunder6 Cuenta eliminada
but, remember that NC burns the money quickly, he will overexpand and then he will have a hard time trying to take any landlock city. leading him to collapse if he fights other player.
28.02.2013 - 18:19
To add to this, It would be nearly impossible to expand otherwise. Assuming you are playing Europe, there is only one other country with its capital on the Mediterranean Sea, making expansion basically impossible. Your only other option with NC is to go north, and that would only give you 11 other countries (12 in Europe+) to invade of the 49 countries (56 in Europe+) to capture, and 7 of those are passed the North Sea. By then your empire is already doomed. Assuming you are playing Eurasia and Africa, this adds only 4 more countries on the Med Sea to capture. All in all, it is basically useless until you are at the Pacific, at which point Italy is useless.
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28.02.2013 - 21:48
Just use the infantry which have no nerf's ads extra trans capacity to hit landlocked cities. I think the addition of Venice to Italy with 1 reinforcement could be good as it would allow the northern Italian troops greater access to the Balkans without relying on Bari or expensive AT's. This would give Italy 8 cities(22) compared with France 6 (22) Spain 8 (22) Germany (23).
01.03.2013 - 00:03
Venice only has a population of 270000. it's not really plausible to add it. Genoa would make more sense, giving italy access to spain via the north of italy. By the way, spain is already very accessible from Rome by using a double transport tactic through the island to the west. this would just allow italy to take both spain and greece in a on 1v1 comfortably. as well as other Balkans states. I can't see how it would affect italy in a 3v3 though, seeing as anyone who takes either spain or turkey significantly fucks your expnsion, and you see both spain and turkey taken regularly, making italy a terrible choice for 3v3.
01.03.2013 - 17:00
Yes i'm just taking as much feedback as possible beofre to do a first test. Need the opinion of everyone that have one. Also I would liek ideally to balance map while keeping it realistic so yea im listening to everyone..... A first beta should be up in a week or 2.
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