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Publicado por Hugosch, 21.09.2011 - 13:26

Scheduling matches
When the tournament starts, you have to play against all opponents in your group. Every week you play 1 round/match. If you have 4teams in total in your group, there will be 3 game weeks and 1 week for schedulings that didn't work out. The groupstage will end then after 4 weeks. The same will happen to the knock-out round, one match per week. You have to arrange the matches yourselve with the opponent you are playing against. When you think you can't arrange a date/time, PM me so i will arrange a date and time for you. If a team is unavailable for the first 2 matches, it will be disqualified and replaced by a reserve team (if available).

Matches rules:
Game Type: Teams (2)
Map: Europe+
Turn duration: 3mins (2 if both teams agree on it, default is 3)
Starting funds: 10k
Maximum players: 4
Joining until week: 0
Victory: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns
Game duration: 50turns
Rares: None
Initial countries: 1
+100 cities: On
Allow rejoining: Off
Additional rule: First turnblocking (rushing) is NOT allowed. No attacks on enemy in the first turn at all (also not with more units). Doing this in the game will lead in a automaticly loss for that match.
Note: 1 player can play for just 1 team. If there are players with serval accounts; you can enter the tournament with just one of them. Entering the tournament with more accounts will lead in disqualification with all accounts.

Reporting your score
When you have played your match, upload your score in the topic of your group (every group will have it's own topic). No screenshot = no match!
- Make a screenshot that will show who is the winner, but also; The SP count of both side's. If 3 teams will end up with the same amount of wins; the winner is decided by total SP score!
- When your enemy cheated (by attacking in the first turn for example); make a screenshot of that happening, and also put that in the forum.

Names of the players in this group:
Aguardente: SonyHaxor and Pinheiro
MajorMan: Majorkill and MrMan
The Hangovers: Safari and bmwGTR
Dalmatians: LuciusII and Caulerpa
11.11.2011 - 06:36
Casual games for this group has been created. A message to all players with the passwords are sent.

- When joining the game, make sure you join the right team! The teamnames are shown when you click the 'Join game' button.
- Don't give this password to anyone, except when all players are in the game. Or when the max joining weeks (5) have passed.
- The game will be created by me, so you will miss week0. Therefor, the game will start in week1 and you have no reinforcements until week 5. Joining the game soon can have some advantages.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
16.11.2011 - 14:09
Our game against MajorMan is over. MrMan didn't appear and Majorkill left by time out. Max joining week has passed.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
16.11.2011 - 14:39
Our game against MajorMan is over. Same as by Pinherio.
16.11.2011 - 15:30
Ok, thanks for you messages. Congrats with your win Hangovers, but it has just given you the 3rd place. Also congrats to Aguardente that got the second place.

This is the first group where all matches have been played. Dalmati will go trough as winner and Aguardente in second place. Check the Afterwind 2v2 Tournament topic for the schema of the finals. I will now close this topic, thanks for playing all!
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
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