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12.12.2019 - 07:27
For example, when someone searches for a business or a game, a side panel pops up with some information regarding said search. AtWar should get its own knowledge panel to help promote itself.

I'm sure Dave knows how to do it, but just in case - https://www.impulsecreative.com/blog/how-to-get-your-business-on-googles-right-sidebar-knowledge-graph
12.12.2019 - 08:28
Escrito por smegma lover, 12.12.2019 at 07:27

For example, when someone searches for a business or a game, a side panel pops up with some information regarding said search. AtWar should get its own knowledge panel to help promote itself.

I'm sure Dave knows how to do it, but just in case - https://www.impulsecreative.com/blog/how-to-get-your-business-on-googles-right-sidebar-knowledge-graph

This is on the to-do list, we discussed this in one of our latest meetings
12.12.2019 - 11:59
Good idea

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