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Publicado por Fatcheek, 15.08.2021 - 19:20
As US troops redraw from Afghanistan, The Terrorist Group known as the Taliban takes over, We are now pathetically begging the Taliban not to burn down our embassy.

If this reminds of something, let me clear it up here...

Yeah, This is basically the Fall of Saigon v2, except this time, Instead of North Vietnam taking the South back, its 4th-century primitives taking over an entire country with trucks and Ak-47s alone, while the strongest military of the world can't stop it. One of the most pathetic military losses of the United States in history, as we spent 2 billion dollars in investments in Afghanistan and thousands of American lives, only to lose and let the terrorists retake Afghanistan by force. All that effort after 9/11 has been put to waste. Now the human rights of women and other minorities in Afghanistan are at risk. What's worse is that Al-Qaeda is returning to Afghanistan.

Horrible decision made by The United States of America. Has furthered destroyed American foreign policy in the Middle East, as this embarrassing loss by the US has happened similarly in scale to the Fall of Saigon in 1975. When America gets attacked by Islamic extremists again like 9/11, Don't be surprised.
17.08.2021 - 10:08
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 17.08.2021 at 09:35

Escrito por Black Swans, 17.08.2021 at 08:53

Americans helped Mujahedeens. Mujs are the only one left who are fighting talibans in Afghanistan. Afghani vice-president Amrullah Saleh and Ahmad Masood (son of legendary Mujahedeen leader Ahmad Shah Masood) are fighting in an enclave and basically leading only resistance pocket in Afghanistan.

But don't let facts prevent you from stating your already formed opinion.

The Taliban are made up almost entirely of former Mujahideen that fought the Soviets with American funding.

this isnt true...
After the ousting of the former communist president, the mujahideen took over but had infighting. Another civil war broke out which was very deadly for 4 years. Few years into the civil war the taliban was formed which had its support from ISI. Taliban operates in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Then the different factions started to fight each other and the taliban was the victorious one. The mujahideen who were left over as resistance formed the northern alliance and had western backing. Until 2001 then the US invaded and removed taliban from office and placed the northern alliance as new government officials. The thing about taliban being entirely made of former Mujahideen is not true because mujahideen are the men who fought the soviets during soviet invasion. Talibans origin are in Pakistan which were afghans and their sons who previously fled the country to pakistan in large numbers. These werent the so called mujahideen.
17.08.2021 - 10:31
Escrito por ITSGG1122, 17.08.2021 at 10:08

this isnt true...
After the ousting of the former communist president, the mujahideen took over but had infighting. Another civil war broke out which was very deadly for 4 years. Few years into the civil war the taliban was formed which had its support from ISI. Taliban operates in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Then the different factions started to fight each other and the taliban was the victorious one. The mujahideen who were left over as resistance formed the northern alliance and had western backing. Until 2001 then the US invaded and removed taliban from office and placed the northern alliance as new government officials. The thing about taliban being entirely made of former Mujahideen is not true because mujahideen are the men who fought the soviets during soviet invasion. Talibans origin are in Pakistan which were afghans and their sons who previously fled the country to pakistan in large numbers. These werent the so called mujahideen.

The founder and first leader of the Taliban, Mohammed Omar, was a native Pashtun Mujahideen who fought the Soviets during the war as part of various Mujahideen factions. When civil war started between the various Mujahideen factions, he started his own movement based in Kandahar province in the south, gathering students (Taliban literally means "students" in Pashto) and later many former Mujahideen allies of his with the promise of ending warlordism, he did have some Pakistani volunteers by his side as well but the vast majority of his supporters were Afghan, from Afghanistan itself. He received funding and support from the Pakistani ISI but the ISI was often the middleman for US funds to move into Afghanistan.
Someone Better Than You
17.08.2021 - 10:39
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 17.08.2021 at 09:35

Escrito por Black Swans, 17.08.2021 at 08:53

Americans helped Mujahedeens. Mujs are the only one left who are fighting talibans in Afghanistan. Afghani vice-president Amrullah Saleh and Ahmad Masood (son of legendary Mujahedeen leader Ahmad Shah Masood) are fighting in an enclave and basically leading only resistance pocket in Afghanistan.

But don't let facts prevent you from stating your already formed opinion.

The Taliban are made up almost entirely of former Mujahideen that fought the Soviets with American funding.

Those who were 20 in 1989 today are 52 (let alone those who were 20 in 1980). Those people certainly can't be majority in any army. Of course some talibans were fighting Soviet Union. But Talibans are not same as Mujs. That's like saying all Italian ww1 veterans were fascist in ww2
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
17.08.2021 - 10:39
Escrito por Connection error, 16.08.2021 at 19:42

Black Swans is fucking stupid.

9/11 was undoubtedly an inside job. The terrorists are not in Kabul. The US never should have invaded Afghanistan to begin with.

But the reason we attacked Afghanistan is cause Osama was in Afghanistan, operating 9//11 via Afghanistan. Then the Taliban refused to give up Osama so they attacked. Osama was a former US agent Mujahideen so I guess that makes sense.
RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
17.08.2021 - 14:18
Escrito por Fatcheek, 16.08.2021 at 10:18

Escrito por Connection error, 15.08.2021 at 19:49

The people suffering the most from this nonsense are Americans. The government in Washington is bankrupting us in wars all over the globe. And this isn't the end of empire. Biden is just shifting troops elsewhere, to places like Somalia and Syria.

To be honest? Americans aren't the ones suffering right now. The Afghan people are now under an insanely strict Sharia law system where women can't get a freaking education. American deaths were so low in the past 2 years, that you have a better chance of dying in Brooklyn than dying in Afghanistan. I understand this war has had a toll on the American people, but the money is already has been already spent and people already died. What we SHOULDN'T Have done, was let 4th-century primitives who started 9/11, take the country of an entire country full of American equipment, which they are now probably planning the world's next terror attack. By the way, under the new government homosexuals are put to DEATH, so let that sink in.

they didnt start 9/11, your confusing taliban with al qaeda xd
17.08.2021 - 14:31
Also why is their some r10 american guy having a tantrum over being called somthing he didnt like lmao xD
17.08.2021 - 14:32
Escrito por sirivann, 17.08.2021 at 14:18

they didnt start 9/11, your confusing taliban with al qaeda xd

They were closely connected and allies during the civil war
Someone Better Than You
17.08.2021 - 14:33
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 17.08.2021 at 14:32

Escrito por sirivann, 17.08.2021 at 14:18

they didnt start 9/11, your confusing taliban with al qaeda xd

They were closely connected and allies during the civil war

so, thats like saying all USA allies are guilty for shit USA does xD

Their only crime was not givign up al qaeda in their territory which is kinda obvious if ur friends xD
17.08.2021 - 14:38
I think USA fucked up, the morons shouldev been like all the 9/11 terrorists are from saudi including bin ladin, lets go invade saudi and take all that oil!!!

instead they choose to go for iraq and the goatfarmers in afghan xD
17.08.2021 - 18:12
Afghanistan is best
They beat the shit out of soviets and now us army best army in the world

congratulations and best wishes finally you are free
17.08.2021 - 18:14
Escrito por sirivann, 17.08.2021 at 14:18

Escrito por Fatcheek, 16.08.2021 at 10:18

Escrito por Connection error, 15.08.2021 at 19:49

The people suffering the most from this nonsense are Americans. The government in Washington is bankrupting us in wars all over the globe. And this isn't the end of empire. Biden is just shifting troops elsewhere, to places like Somalia and Syria.

To be honest? Americans aren't the ones suffering right now. The Afghan people are now under an insanely strict Sharia law system where women can't get a freaking education. American deaths were so low in the past 2 years, that you have a better chance of dying in Brooklyn than dying in Afghanistan. I understand this war has had a toll on the American people, but the money is already has been already spent and people already died. What we SHOULDN'T Have done, was let 4th-century primitives who started 9/11, take the country of an entire country full of American equipment, which they are now probably planning the world's next terror attack. By the way, under the new government homosexuals are put to DEATH, so let that sink in.

they didnt start 9/11, your confusing taliban with al qaeda xd

The Al Qaeda Branch was operating within Afghanistan, under the Taliban rule. That's why we invaded them in the first place.
RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
17.08.2021 - 19:53
Escrito por Fatcheek, 17.08.2021 at 18:14

Escrito por sirivann, 17.08.2021 at 14:18

Escrito por Fatcheek, 16.08.2021 at 10:18

Escrito por Connection error, 15.08.2021 at 19:49

The people suffering the most from this nonsense are Americans. The government in Washington is bankrupting us in wars all over the globe. And this isn't the end of empire. Biden is just shifting troops elsewhere, to places like Somalia and Syria.

To be honest? Americans aren't the ones suffering right now. The Afghan people are now under an insanely strict Sharia law system where women can't get a freaking education. American deaths were so low in the past 2 years, that you have a better chance of dying in Brooklyn than dying in Afghanistan. I understand this war has had a toll on the American people, but the money is already has been already spent and people already died. What we SHOULDN'T Have done, was let 4th-century primitives who started 9/11, take the country of an entire country full of American equipment, which they are now probably planning the world's next terror attack. By the way, under the new government homosexuals are put to DEATH, so let that sink in.

they didnt start 9/11, your confusing taliban with al qaeda xd

The Al Qaeda Branch was operating within Afghanistan, under the Taliban rule. That's why we invaded them in the first place.

the al aqeda branch was operating in several places including afghanistan, the only readson u went for afghan was because bin ladin was their at the time but after he avoided the first operation he left afghan and u guys stayed xD
18.08.2021 - 03:30
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 17.08.2021 at 10:31

Escrito por ITSGG1122, 17.08.2021 at 10:08

this isnt true...
After the ousting of the former communist president, the mujahideen took over but had infighting. Another civil war broke out which was very deadly for 4 years. Few years into the civil war the taliban was formed which had its support from ISI. Taliban operates in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Then the different factions started to fight each other and the taliban was the victorious one. The mujahideen who were left over as resistance formed the northern alliance and had western backing. Until 2001 then the US invaded and removed taliban from office and placed the northern alliance as new government officials. The thing about taliban being entirely made of former Mujahideen is not true because mujahideen are the men who fought the soviets during soviet invasion. Talibans origin are in Pakistan which were afghans and their sons who previously fled the country to pakistan in large numbers. These werent the so called mujahideen.

The founder and first leader of the Taliban, Mohammed Omar, was a native Pashtun Mujahideen who fought the Soviets during the war as part of various Mujahideen factions. When civil war started between the various Mujahideen factions, he started his own movement based in Kandahar province in the south, gathering students (Taliban literally means "students" in Pashto) and later many former Mujahideen allies of his with the promise of ending warlordism, he did have some Pakistani volunteers by his side as well but the vast majority of his supporters were Afghan, from Afghanistan itself. He received funding and support from the Pakistani ISI but the ISI was often the middleman for US funds to move into Afghanistan.

Maybe i should change my flag so you'd know i speak pashto and dari.
Stop confusing the mujahideen with the taliban.
The taliban finds its roots in the civil war like i said 1992-1996. Nowhere have i said the taliban werent afghans. The taliban found its support in the south of afghanistan and in neighbour pakistan, there are two branches of taliban today. The US did indeed fund a lot of factions, but they never funded taliban, again stop rewriting history.
The mujahideen were formed marking the soviet invasion which was 1979. The time period is like 15 years between the start of the invasion (or even before the infighting with the communist regime) and the forming of taliban. Majority if not all of taliban were refugees who fled this invasion of the soviets. As they grew up in Pakistan they were very distanced from afghan culture and DID not endure the soviet occupation. Total deaths during the soviet invasion is estimated to be 1.5mil with a population of that time to be around 13 million. Majority of people who died were men.
Now back to original comment. Some did indeed fought against the soviets, but thats not what they distinquish themselves at. The taliban clearly distinquish themselves from the mujahideen. Not that weird as they found their roots in pakistani camps. 1979 - 1994 is 15 years time frame. Average age for soldiers is young, hell even the median age in afghanistan is very young, at around 15 years. The people who fought during the soviet invasion, and survived mostly became officers/ high rank officials or dead. A typical taliban DID NOT fight in soviet invasion.
18.08.2021 - 03:35
Escrito por Fatcheek, 17.08.2021 at 10:39

Escrito por Connection error, 16.08.2021 at 19:42

Black Swans is fucking stupid.

9/11 was undoubtedly an inside job. The terrorists are not in Kabul. The US never should have invaded Afghanistan to begin with.

But the reason we attacked Afghanistan is cause Osama was in Afghanistan, operating 9//11 via Afghanistan. Then the Taliban refused to give up Osama so they attacked. Osama was a former US agent Mujahideen so I guess that makes sense.

Stop rewriting history. The taliban didnt refuse to give up osama. They just refused to give osama to the US. They did accept US' plea to give osama and his cohorts but only to a neutral country.
18.08.2021 - 03:38
Escrito por sirivann, 17.08.2021 at 14:38

I think USA fucked up, the morons shouldev been like all the 9/11 terrorists are from saudi including bin ladin, lets go invade saudi and take all that oil!!!

instead they choose to go for iraq and the goatfarmers in afghan xD

The saudis, doesnt matter how barbaric they would be, are already in american pockets. Saddam wasnt. Why should usa attack saudi which is an ally and gives usa what it needs.
Double standards, the way everyone likes it
18.08.2021 - 03:44
Escrito por Fatcheek, 17.08.2021 at 18:14

Escrito por sirivann, 17.08.2021 at 14:18

Escrito por Fatcheek, 16.08.2021 at 10:18

Escrito por Connection error, 15.08.2021 at 19:49

The people suffering the most from this nonsense are Americans. The government in Washington is bankrupting us in wars all over the globe. And this isn't the end of empire. Biden is just shifting troops elsewhere, to places like Somalia and Syria.

To be honest? Americans aren't the ones suffering right now. The Afghan people are now under an insanely strict Sharia law system where women can't get a freaking education. American deaths were so low in the past 2 years, that you have a better chance of dying in Brooklyn than dying in Afghanistan. I understand this war has had a toll on the American people, but the money is already has been already spent and people already died. What we SHOULDN'T Have done, was let 4th-century primitives who started 9/11, take the country of an entire country full of American equipment, which they are now probably planning the world's next terror attack. By the way, under the new government homosexuals are put to DEATH, so let that sink in.

they didnt start 9/11, your confusing taliban with al qaeda xd

The Al Qaeda Branch was operating within Afghanistan, under the Taliban rule. That's why we invaded them in the first place.

When USA found Bin Laden in Pakistan, why didnt they ask Pakistan nicely to hand over Bin Laden and its consorts, and if Pakistan then refused, would USA then invade pakistan under that pretext? If not, then why was an invasion needed and not a special forces operation just like the one that killed Bin Laden.
Seems fishy to me.
18.08.2021 - 04:52
Escrito por ITSGG1122, 18.08.2021 at 03:30

Maybe i should change my flag so you'd know i speak pashto and dari.
Stop confusing the mujahideen with the taliban.
The taliban finds its roots in the civil war like i said 1992-1996. Nowhere have i said the taliban werent afghans. The taliban found its support in the south of afghanistan and in neighbour pakistan, there are two branches of taliban today. The US did indeed fund a lot of factions, but they never funded taliban, again stop rewriting history.
The mujahideen were formed marking the soviet invasion which was 1979. The time period is like 15 years between the start of the invasion (or even before the infighting with the communist regime) and the forming of taliban. Majority if not all of taliban were refugees who fled this invasion of the soviets. As they grew up in Pakistan they were very distanced from afghan culture and DID not endure the soviet occupation. Total deaths during the soviet invasion is estimated to be 1.5mil with a population of that time to be around 13 million. Majority of people who died were men.
Now back to original comment. Some did indeed fought against the soviets, but thats not what they distinquish themselves at. The taliban clearly distinquish themselves from the mujahideen. Not that weird as they found their roots in pakistani camps. 1979 - 1994 is 15 years time frame. Average age for soldiers is young, hell even the median age in afghanistan is very young, at around 15 years. The people who fought during the soviet invasion, and survived mostly became officers/ high rank officials or dead. A typical taliban DID NOT fight in soviet invasion.

No idea where you're getting this shit that most Taliban came from refugee camps in Pakistan, the Taliban were founded and rose to power in Kandahar province, they were supporters of Mohammed Omar, a former Mujahideen who was working as a teacher in a rural town in Kandahar. Why thousands of people would rally to the cause of a teacher in Kandahar is beyond me, but him rousing locals to his side is far more reasonable.
Someone Better Than You
18.08.2021 - 12:13
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 18.08.2021 at 04:52

Escrito por ITSGG1122, 18.08.2021 at 03:30

Maybe i should change my flag so you'd know i speak pashto and dari.
Stop confusing the mujahideen with the taliban.
The taliban finds its roots in the civil war like i said 1992-1996. Nowhere have i said the taliban werent afghans. The taliban found its support in the south of afghanistan and in neighbour pakistan, there are two branches of taliban today. The US did indeed fund a lot of factions, but they never funded taliban, again stop rewriting history.
The mujahideen were formed marking the soviet invasion which was 1979. The time period is like 15 years between the start of the invasion (or even before the infighting with the communist regime) and the forming of taliban. Majority if not all of taliban were refugees who fled this invasion of the soviets. As they grew up in Pakistan they were very distanced from afghan culture and DID not endure the soviet occupation. Total deaths during the soviet invasion is estimated to be 1.5mil with a population of that time to be around 13 million. Majority of people who died were men.
Now back to original comment. Some did indeed fought against the soviets, but thats not what they distinquish themselves at. The taliban clearly distinquish themselves from the mujahideen. Not that weird as they found their roots in pakistani camps. 1979 - 1994 is 15 years time frame. Average age for soldiers is young, hell even the median age in afghanistan is very young, at around 15 years. The people who fought during the soviet invasion, and survived mostly became officers/ high rank officials or dead. A typical taliban DID NOT fight in soviet invasion.

No idea where you're getting this shit that most Taliban came from refugee camps in Pakistan, the Taliban were founded and rose to power in Kandahar province, they were supporters of Mohammed Omar, a former Mujahideen who was working as a teacher in a rural town in Kandahar. Why thousands of people would rally to the cause of a teacher in Kandahar is beyond me, but him rousing locals to his side is far more reasonable.

Funny how a greek thinks he can know more about this than someone who lives it xD

Its good to have knowledge of issues in this world.
You mentioned the talibans name 'student'. Now go research where and why they got this name….
Ill comment later today. But read this. Especially recruitment training volunteers paragraph.
20.08.2021 - 10:19
Another empire bites the dust.

And Gigi being gigi.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
20.08.2021 - 13:07
Escrito por Skanderbeg, 20.08.2021 at 10:19

Another empire bites the dust.

And Gigi being gigi.

you can go troll somewhere else, stop mentioning my name. troll. Are u posting as a serb or greek now? Russian or buryati? khameleon
20.08.2021 - 14:15
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 18.08.2021 at 04:52

Escrito por ITSGG1122, 18.08.2021 at 03:30

Maybe i should change my flag so you'd know i speak pashto and dari.
Stop confusing the mujahideen with the taliban.
The taliban finds its roots in the civil war like i said 1992-1996. Nowhere have i said the taliban werent afghans. The taliban found its support in the south of afghanistan and in neighbour pakistan, there are two branches of taliban today. The US did indeed fund a lot of factions, but they never funded taliban, again stop rewriting history.
The mujahideen were formed marking the soviet invasion which was 1979. The time period is like 15 years between the start of the invasion (or even before the infighting with the communist regime) and the forming of taliban. Majority if not all of taliban were refugees who fled this invasion of the soviets. As they grew up in Pakistan they were very distanced from afghan culture and DID not endure the soviet occupation. Total deaths during the soviet invasion is estimated to be 1.5mil with a population of that time to be around 13 million. Majority of people who died were men.
Now back to original comment. Some did indeed fought against the soviets, but thats not what they distinquish themselves at. The taliban clearly distinquish themselves from the mujahideen. Not that weird as they found their roots in pakistani camps. 1979 - 1994 is 15 years time frame. Average age for soldiers is young, hell even the median age in afghanistan is very young, at around 15 years. The people who fought during the soviet invasion, and survived mostly became officers/ high rank officials or dead. A typical taliban DID NOT fight in soviet invasion.

No idea where you're getting this shit that most Taliban came from refugee camps in Pakistan, the Taliban were founded and rose to power in Kandahar province, they were supporters of Mohammed Omar, a former Mujahideen who was working as a teacher in a rural town in Kandahar. Why thousands of people would rally to the cause of a teacher in Kandahar is beyond me, but him rousing locals to his side is far more reasonable.

The Original Taliban originally started in Kandahar, But most of the current Taliban fighters are Pashtuns from Pakistan. The Taliban has been funded by Pashtuns living in Pakistan, and they come into Afghanistan to fight.
RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
20.08.2021 - 14:36
U guys talking as if theirs real data on how many taliban are from x place xD

Their are only asumptions, tho i guess now that taliban are the gov maybe u can make a survey xD
21.08.2021 - 09:11
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