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04.04.2015 - 20:10
Hello! I am looking for a laid back, friendly coalition who plays simply for fun, not for bragging rights or a spot on the leader board (not that I don't want a coalition shooting for a place). I am not the best player in the world, but certainly not very bad. I cannot play during the week, and even on the weekends, I may not be available. I may make mistakes, and I don't want to be kicked or attacked/shamed for it . I don't have a top notch computer, and sometimes something may go wrong. even If I know a set date ahead of time, something may come up and I may not be able to make it. I am, honestly, new to this clan stuff, and may need to be shown the ropes. and one more thing, I do not have Skype or any other communicating device. well, enough of the bad stuff. I have another level 5 account that I recently abandoned, so i am certainly not new. I think I know a very good bit about the game and have built up a fair bit of strategies with this game. so, just to recap, I want a friendly clan that's not too serious. Thanks
04.04.2015 - 20:28
I love the honesty. Goodluck searching
It's not the end.

04.04.2015 - 22:01
05.04.2015 - 09:09
You masochist :O

05.04.2015 - 13:25
I also applaud your honesty and maturity. and we also got the hint in your avatar (rainbow) that you are gay and thats great too. good luck in your search and stay away from a clan currently named Illyria (stolen name) and from guys in Aetius/Tik tok clan (they are homophobic closet homosexuals)
06.04.2015 - 14:49
If you're a believer in christ. I would accept you. I'm currently only member, but hey there no way down for us. I'm real laid back person, and would love to have you! Let me know if you're interested.
25.04.2015 - 01:55
Escrito por FitzGibbon, 06.04.2015 at 14:49

If you're a believer in christ. I would accept you. I'm currently only member, but hey there no way down for us. I'm real laid back person, and would love to have you! Let me know if you're interested.

Aces would be good for you. Christ is strong in here
25.04.2015 - 04:31
Axaxaxaxaxaxaxax 10/10 axaxxaxx eeelll xDDDD
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!

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