07.12.2018 - 04:36 ![]() The beginners room has more games than the main room at this time of the day. What do you think about combining the two rooms for some time so we can fill games in the main room?
07.12.2018 - 05:48
Why not the beginner room always has more players than the main room. To be honest it's hard to find games in the main room these days, excluding Duels.
07.12.2018 - 06:25
I agree, there should be a single room for everyone. The beginner room is just for farming now since there are no more new players. Also, it would help newbies learn faster who are sticking to beginners.
07.12.2018 - 08:08
Main lobby use to be full before they started allowing ranks 5 and 6 in the beginners room
---- ![]()
07.12.2018 - 08:20
True, true! While people go about nagging how there are no new players, the fact that there are more games in the Beginners room seems to speak for itself. There is a reason for two separate rooms, throwing newcomers in one pot with the elite players can't possibly sound like a good idea.
...an approach like this would fix it. So there really are only Beginners in that room. No higher ranked players able to join or open games there, leading to more open games in the Main room, while leaving newcomers alone.
07.12.2018 - 08:44
Nice picture that has been taken out of context. There are 16 people online in main lobby. Do you expect all of them to make 1 game and play solo in it? Probably taken like 3/4 AM Central EU time. It is well known that at this time the game isnt really populated, since most people sleep at this time. This is a more representing picture: ![]() This is taken on friday in the afternoon (15:30), whilst most people (20+) are at their work at this moment. I'd say thats a pretty good accomplishment. Not to mention games in the beginnersroom usualy start with like 2/3 people, whilst most games in main lobby are nearly full, or atleast contain 2 or 3 times the amount of players in beginnersroom games. Merging the 2 lobbies will be disastrous and it will lead aot of players leaving the game, because they are getting joined by people who are way higher ranked and skilled (debatable) and like to farm beginners. Besides they have no option to put ranklimits on their games (because its only for premiums), so it will be a pain in the ass for them and will be far from noob-friendly.
07.12.2018 - 08:58
I took the screen shot right after I finished my game, 4 hours ago, which is around 11 or 10am in central Europe. In 3 or 4am central Europe there are players from the Americas that fill the games. I thought about taking screen shot of the beginners room because it wasn't just 2 or 3 players like you're saying, I should have done it. And there's rank limit. If they don't want to play against high ranks they can buy premium and set their games to the ranks they want to play with.
07.12.2018 - 09:12
First of all its a friday. friday's are usualy the most bussiest days at work, especially around 10 or 11 AM. Its not a surprise its that empty at that time and for someone who plays this game since 2010, it must be a well known factor. This game isn't as popular as Fortnite or Call of Duty, where the lobbies are always worldwide filled. The american community in this game isn't really that active at that time, since they all know its night in EU and there won't be really much going on at this game. As for the rank limits. Non-premiums aren't allowed to put ranklimits, which is already a huge problem but will become a bigger problem if the lobbies merge. And we could say they should buy premium for it, but lets be honest, the current state of this game isn't really worth buying premium for.
07.12.2018 - 09:32
It doesn't happen just on Fridays. I happened to take it on this day. It's usually 1-5 games in main lobby around this time of the day in any day of the week, while the beginners room is double or more than that. I know non premiums can't use the rank limit like you said but they can buy premium which doesnt cost much and can help the game, or learn how to play better by playing better players.
08.12.2018 - 06:22
7.20 AM central EU time. Its just the same as the previous ss you posted, it doesn't represent the actual playerbase of this game and is no legitimate input to support your claim. The only point it makes is that beginnerroom has more American (maybe asian) players than mainroom, and that all europeans (largest part of this playerbase) are sleeping right now. And have you actually watched the rooms in beginners lobby? As of now , there are 7 games that has been made but never been left and just been going on for 20/40+ turns now. Almost rest of the games contains 2/3 persons, each, like I said above. A few exceptions where there are 5/6 persons in a lobby. ![]() ![]() The reason I didn't respond to your previous quote, is because its like I am speaking to a wall. And I have no idea why everytime this comes as a surprise to me, since you've always been like this. So don't expect another respond from me.
08.12.2018 - 07:05
Yeah I know that this doesn't represent the largest playerbase of the game. What I'm asking here is if we need to merge the two rooms so that people who are active at these times can play the same frequency as people who play at other times without waiting a long time just to start a game with one player. I took this screenshot because you said that the screenshot I posted yesterday was taken out of context and taken at a different time. And this was to show you that the game at these times is usually like this, and I and some other people would like to play but usually there is no one to play with, because most of the games that are being played are already closed to us. On the other hand, in your picture you can see games that are still open. With both rooms merging temporarily, at least we will have games available. And it will also give the impression that the game is alive at this time and maybe it will attract the new players to stick around for a while or even become permanent members.
09.12.2018 - 20:50
Don't see how that is going to work from a server stand point. It makes logical sense but nothing much aside from that
12.03.2019 - 04:43
There is so many mods and suporters that dont do anything but abuse their power, they can make one obligatory game every day at 06:00GMT ... or the game can just ban ranks higher than 4 in the beginers room.., or the owner can advertise the game in asian market so there would be people at this time... there is so many options, but they dont deal with this problem...
12.03.2019 - 05:54
This is the least active I have seen the game. Was on last night aroud 12am - 1am no one on and 1-2 games. For the last 2 days. Activity is down the drain.
30.03.2019 - 14:28
Beginner more fun. Level difference for main maps is a big problem. Solution: "two team" must be default New players are not constantly defeated.
09.08.2019 - 21:39
●hdrakon: I think main lobby and beginners room should be merged W4R_MaChINE: I agree hdrakon; but the ranking system needs an overhaul ●hdrakon: Yes KJoferyBartheon: we hardly had any KJoferyBartheon: every freckn time someone trolls it W4R_MaChINE: need to get low ranks actively playing, leveling up W4R_MaChINE: boosting games played ●hdrakon: I suggested this over 8 months ago when I saw a decrease in the active players in main room W4R_MaChINE: no one supports it W4R_MaChINE: no one wants to change the ranking system AlexTheGreek: even if people supported it W4R_MaChINE: but its needed AlexTheGreek: admins aint gonna do shit ●hdrakon: Yes waffel was very much against it ●hdrakon: And dave upvoted him ●hdrakon: My plan was a counter to what we have now AlexTheGreek: dave is r5 the newwwbbbbb I_Hate_You: how a counter? W4R_MaChINE: we should try bringing it up again I_Hate_You: made the noobs rank faster? W4R_MaChINE: in a way yes ●hdrakon: If they had merged the rooms we may have had more players because its harder to retain players when there are barely any games up or players to play against I_Hate_You: just bring them free general for g_d sake W4R_MaChINE: ^ exactly KJoferyBartheon: if they merged the rooms it will be a mess
09.08.2019 - 21:47
Merging the two lobbies, updating/changing the ranking system, and tweaking premium features are needed for the game to survive.
09.08.2019 - 22:34
Not sure why people think merging lobbies is a good idea especially considering how skill level for lower ranks has regressed. If anything that'll just make lower ranks want to fuck off quicker because they already get treated like shit in main lobby, they'll just get kicked 24/7 in the new lobby and not be able to play
09.08.2019 - 23:39
Crucible by fire ejr, the strong will prosper. Its how it was when I started.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
09.08.2019 - 23:56
I just think it's ironic how they say stuff like merging lobbies is how game will survive when it's new players that will keep the game alive, yet they deny new players all the time when it's new players that are supposed to produce us new high ranks the game needs
10.08.2019 - 01:18
Merging the rooms won't make the game survive on its own, it'll just extand the amount of time players play the game before they leave and that may be enough to encourage few players to stick around instead of leaving as well. Right now there are players at around this time that leave the game for good because there aren't enough open games up or players to play against. The main things that will help the game survive is mass advertising campaign, and properly functioning map maker, and plenty of good/high quality custom maps to keep a variety of maps that'll attract more audience. But these things aren't easy to accomplish. While we can give the merging lobbies idea a chance and see if it has changed the activity at this time of the day, and after 3 or 4 months experiment, dave can decide if to make it permanent or not. And to solve the low ranks issue we can give low ranks the option to set rank limits up until rank 6, regardless if they have premium or not. Those low ranks that don't want to play against high ranks will play with other lower ranks, the rest will learn how to play better by playing against stronger opponents over time.
10.08.2019 - 01:43
Stop this discussion immediately. Before we move on, I think it's important we consider these three facts: 1. This idea is disliked by everyone. 2. This idea is unrealistic. 3. This idea will never be implemented. Hdrakon, unless you're able to overcome these facts and/or change reality, I don't see this idea going anywhere. It's not enough to emphasize what the ideal solution may be. We have to figure out how to actually get there, and I'll tell you what, we're not getting there through your silly idealism. Your dreams mean NOTHING. Your feelings and aspirations mean NOTHING. You are DEAD to me.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
10.08.2019 - 02:10
There are some good points pro and con here, but I don't think merging lobbies is the answer. We have more fundamental problems. For example, the tutorial. It turns people away. I'm running Facebook ads right now, directing traffic to a special landing page. It asks you to choose a username and password, then takes you immediately into the tutorial. This has greatly increased our conversion rate (% of people who sign up after clicking the ad). BUT, most people never even make it all the way through the tutorial. ![]() Yesterday 6 people signed up from our ad. 6 people started the tutorial. 0 finished it. They just left and never came back. If we're lucky, out of an entire weekend of FB ads we might get 1 guy who actually completes the tutorial and goes on to play more games. So I think we really must do something to improve the tutorial. At first glance it doesn't look that bad to me, but obviously something about it just isn't working out. I think this is the next step to getting more people in the beginners lobby. As for the main lobby, merging beginners in there is not the answer because they'll just be treated like shit by some of the high ranks, and have yet another reason not to stay. Instead, we should try to get back some of the players who haven't been active in forever. There are literally thousands of players r6-up who haven't logged in for months or years. Many of them have email addresses on their profiles so in the future I'll be trying an email campaign to try and bring them back. (But there's some other shit I've got to do before this can happen so be patient...)
10.08.2019 - 02:34
A choice must be made: do we want to bring in brain damaged nine-year-olds into this game, or do we want quality players? If we want the nine-year-olds, then the tutorial must be made more appealing to a younger audience, like the Clash of Clans tutorial (check it out). It should be more graphic; for instance, planes should fly over the screen when you invade the "enemy" or something, then the kid will fantasize about war. When the game is expanded to an Asian audience, we should make sure Sun Tzu has an Asian hat with ninja stars, then the young Asians will be very enthralled. We have to think demographics: who wouldn't finish the tutorial? Probably a brain damaged nine-year-old who isn't able to grasp the mechanics of a game outside of the X-Box. Personally, I'm fine keeping these kids out, because then we'd have to accommodate them with a PG environment. We need to advertise on places like 4chan, 8chan, lichess, and the Risk website, etc.. Maybe contract the Risk people and strike a deal, we allow them to advertise on here if they allow AtWar to be advertised on their website, it's win-win. I am sure they're struggling just as much as AtWar is, I've never played Risk but I think this must be explored.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
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