Hazte Premium para esconder la publicidad
Publicaciones: 5   Visitado por: 35 users
12.05.2017 - 10:38
Hey, I want to make a coalition, but I don't have any money to get premium.

so is there anyone that would be willing to make me one and make me leader?
12.05.2017 - 14:38
Pretty sure you can't be a leader or officer without first having premium.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
13.05.2017 - 01:15
Escrito por Helly, 12.05.2017 at 14:38

Pretty sure you can't be a leader or officer without first having premium.

Premium guy makes Coalition. Admits in non-premium guy. Premium guy leaves. Since no one else is in the clan, non-premium guy automatically gets Leader. Done and done.

Alternatively, log in on an alt that has been inactive for 30+ days. You get 3 days free premium. Idk the rank needed but if you have 10,000 SP you can make your own coalition with it.

13.05.2017 - 17:17
Escrito por Darth., 13.05.2017 at 01:15

Escrito por Helly, 12.05.2017 at 14:38

Pretty sure you can't be a leader or officer without first having premium.

Premium guy makes Coalition. Admits in non-premium guy. Premium guy leaves. Since no one else is in the clan, non-premium guy automatically gets Leader. Done and done.

Alternatively, log in on an alt that has been inactive for 30+ days. You get 3 days free premium. Idk the rank needed but if you have 10,000 SP you can make your own coalition with it.

Them hax...
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
14.05.2017 - 08:05
Escrito por Sun Tsu, 13.05.2017 at 17:17

Escrito por Darth., 13.05.2017 at 01:15

Escrito por Helly, 12.05.2017 at 14:38

Pretty sure you can't be a leader or officer without first having premium.

Premium guy makes Coalition. Admits in non-premium guy. Premium guy leaves. Since no one else is in the clan, non-premium guy automatically gets Leader. Done and done.

Alternatively, log in on an alt that has been inactive for 30+ days. You get 3 days free premium. Idk the rank needed but if you have 10,000 SP you can make your own coalition with it.

Them hax...

Not hax.
Intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result


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