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09.04.2019 - 12:36
 Lelouch. (Mod)


The idea for this strategy is to simply have cheap tanks at the cost of defense. The tanks have 5 attack to justify their low cost. Here is a screenshot of the strategy's stats: (NOTE: These numbers include all the upgrades.)

Below are some rolls I calculated with clovis1122's AtWar Calculator. I did some tests with different stats for the tanks for comparison and to estimate how the tanks would perform against PD infantry. I thought it would be best for the rolls to be relative to LB infantry against PD infantry. Note that the rolls would be stronger against strategies that aren't PD, since PD has a defense buff against tanks.


LB Infantry against PD Infantry

Tanks with 6 attack against PD Infantry

Tanks with 5 attack against PD Infantry

After looking at these, I concluded that having the tanks at 5 attack with 12% critical was a good balance. Making the tanks 11% critical just to be safe might be considered.

Tanks with 5 attack and 12% critical against PD Infantry


Tank defense rolls against 4 attack PD Infantry compared to PD Infantry defense rolls against PD Infantry

I've already showed drafts of this strategy to a lot of the active players in the competitive scene to see what their opinion was about it. I originally did not plan on making a forum post about it, but meh... whatever. Let me know what you guys think. Is it too strong? Is it too weak? Do you have any questions about the reasoning behind certain nerfs and buffs? Let me know down below.
09.04.2019 - 19:34
5/5 +7 crit 60 cost tanks

just kill me now
09.04.2019 - 19:49
Wait... what
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
10.04.2019 - 01:08
Make mil 4att 3def with 3range like hw
And at with 6 cap cuz we got shitty units need more units to take neutral or ennemies stuff?
And maybe I would play it
13.04.2019 - 16:07
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Escrito por Augustus Caesar, 09.04.2019 at 19:49

Wait... what

So... Is it too weak or too strong?
13.04.2019 - 16:07
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Escrito por boywind2, 09.04.2019 at 19:34

5/5 +7 crit 60 cost tanks

just kill me now

So... is it too weak or too strong?
15.04.2019 - 10:55
I think we should test this strategy
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

15.04.2019 - 11:23
The strat seems interesting, I'm not sure what to feel about it yet, if we played it then I could give critiques
15.04.2019 - 11:51
As I said before Lelouch, continue testing this strategy on your custom map and give us raw data to look at. Maybe start a few 3v3s with trusted individuals to see how this strategy interacts with others and how it functions in your proposed picks; How closely it resembles your ethos and hypothesis.

You can't expect anyone to tell you whether it's too weak or too strong, because we don't even know how it would be played yet, or what kind of interactions it would have.
15.04.2019 - 15:31
I really don't find this that interesting. It's a one unit strat. Need to defend? Use tanks. Same defense, and cheaper than inf. Need to attack? Use tanks. Want to be economical? Use tanks. Wanna rush? Use tanks. It just simplifies gameplay into using 1 unit.


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