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29.06.2020 - 06:38
Hey I know alot of players are not from the states but how would 4th july event seem to you all
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
29.06.2020 - 08:42
Escrito por Echoo, 29.06.2020 at 06:38

Hey I know alot of players are not from the states but how would 4th july event seem to you all

Works for me, staff has some stuff planned
29.06.2020 - 09:32
Escrito por Alois, 29.06.2020 at 08:42

Escrito por Echoo, 29.06.2020 at 06:38

Hey I know alot of players are not from the states but how would 4th july event seem to you all

Works for me, staff has some stuff planned

hmmm pm me if your on I got a splended idea
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
30.06.2020 - 00:15
I understand is special for US people... but is it really needed?

30.06.2020 - 08:59
Escrito por Alois, 29.06.2020 at 08:42

Escrito por Echoo, 29.06.2020 at 06:38

Hey I know alot of players are not from the states but how would 4th july event seem to you all

Works for me, staff has some stuff planned

Yes people would be disappointed if they are not from states, so i have suggestion:
Summer Day!
In July 4th, we can make a summer day. There will discounts on everything as a happy sales kind of..and just for fun (maybe its cringe) we can add two units i made up:
Watergun Man and Hamburger Grill Tank
Watergun Man is what you would expect, infantary unit with more attack because it sprays water on people
Hamburger Grill is like a tank but has a lot more attack and more expense because it throws hamburgers at people...
If you win a game on summer day, you get a medallion on profile with a beach picture saying "You won on Summer Day"
Also you add calming beach summer music to playing a game, like in the april fools stuff when they made music "Me coocoo me poo poo"
Cringy, but its all i got!
01.07.2020 - 16:32
Escrito por PaIm, 30.06.2020 at 00:15

I understand is special for US people... but is it really needed?

no its not really needed but adds some spice
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
01.07.2020 - 18:21
Escrito por Echoo, 01.07.2020 at 16:32

Escrito por PaIm, 30.06.2020 at 00:15

I understand is special for US people... but is it really needed?

no its not really needed but adds some spice

ok then add a 9th of July event for Argentina Independence day since it also gives some spice

02.07.2020 - 08:28
Just so you all are updated.. atwar is now BASED in the United States. Atwar has every right to celebrate their Independence Day as they are based in that country and are bound to its laws.
02.07.2020 - 18:09
No one cares xd
04.07.2020 - 13:01

Unless if would if it involve others too, and maybe huge events in other peoples country aswell. Could have double SP that day(s) or increase PC drop and sales during all those themed/notifications of the certain events.

I actually think that's a good idea for the game there to help it with game flow
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
04.07.2020 - 14:32
I too am eager to celebrate Rwandan liberation day.
Someone Better Than You
04.07.2020 - 16:59
And? what was the event? D

05.07.2020 - 10:49
Escrito por Alois, 02.07.2020 at 08:28

Just so you all are updated.. atwar is now BASED in the United States. Atwar has every right to celebrate their Independence Day as they are based in that country and are bound to its laws.

atwar should make a hoilday thing seeing all the different cultures playing atwar instead of having nation themed holidays we could have history-themed holidays for example VE-day or VA-day ( yes in some areas these are celebrated)
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
06.07.2020 - 04:31
I agree with Alois. When I was playing Metin2 (a far-east themed mmorpg) they used to celebrate the Chinese New Year through a series of events and nobody complained because it meant more exp/goodies for us, the players
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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