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15.07.2020 - 12:38
Yes, it is good to have option to delete your account for players. But if i was the owner of the game, I would simply take the option away. Because it's just not a good marketing.

Here's why
How many players emotionally deleted their account and never comeback? Some of them has regretted their decision and wanted to comeback after sometime. But chances are some of them are embarassed to ask to revive the account and to some of them reviving the account is impossible . They surely would love to play the game they loved so much after taking sometime, but giving the option to delete their account completely removes any option to comeback.
Majority of the Atwar players are young. And young people make emotional decisions. For example: A kid goes "man i'm never playing yu gi oh card i'll burn the shit out of em". Yes that's me and now i wish i had those cards to look back. Now It's a pity lots of high ranks deleting their account. Wouldn't they love to read their forum posts after 5 years? 10 years? Wouldn't they love to see their old friend list? Moreso wouldn't they love to play the game for at least the nostalgia?
I legit feel like too many people has deleted their account and now that there's global pandamic i had several people talking to me about how they wish they still had their accounts.

So. The customer doesn't know what's good for them. I currently see nothing good for atwar as business in this unnecessary option.
Feel free to enlighten me on how having the option to delete is good for Atwar as a business.
15.07.2020 - 14:01
Escrito por NegTheEskimo, 15.07.2020 at 12:38

How many players emotionally deleted their account and never comeback?


Account deletion is just a paravane for attention seeking. Confirmed by all alternative and guest accounts cruising around by players whose main account is dELeTeD.

Trust me, whoever was stopped by real life to play the game or got rid of playing (emotionally or not), that one just logged off and focused on another things.
Whoever deletes account is just looking for some kind of attention, a childish ego feeding bullshit, nothing else.

So, yea, generally, I agree with you.
Option to delete accounts should be removed at least for regular players. So, if you are leaving, then leave in peace by logging off.
Your account won't be shown anyways on the lists after 30 days of being logged off.
If you need some days of rest or if you need to focus on your real life things, but you cant resist logging into atwar, then rather please a Moderator to ban you for needed period, so you don't join, instead of deleteing whole account then begging for undeleting, to save it.

I think we should either remove the deleting option for regular players, either staff should stop undeleting deleted accounts, otherwise, that option really has no sense.
First option much less painful and more fair, so I guess I support it.

16.07.2020 - 06:39
All users should be able to determine how their data is used and any account that has been created using personal data (including IP address association/cookies) should able to be managed accordingly. Removing the account delete feature is unethical for that reason and possibly unlawful, regardless of the benefits to the business model.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
16.07.2020 - 08:23
You should be able to delete your account but if you decide you want to come back then there shouldn't be any reason you can have your account back unless you were hacked and someone else deleted it. It just defeats the purpose of deleting an account in the first place.
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