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Publicado por Alois, 24.03.2020 - 10:54
Let's decide who is the best player in 2020 (PLAYERS FROM all-time- since AW first released) (YOU ARE NOT RESTRICTED TO 2020). Here's how it's going to work:

Post who you think is the best 10 players that you have met in atWar. You need to say in which position from 1-10 (1-best player you think) and the position means points that will be added with others to determine the best. The player with the most points wins!

Position 10 means 1 point
Position 9 means 2 points
Position 8 means 3 ponits
Position 7 means 4 ponits
Position 6 means 5 ponits
Position 5 means 6 ponits
Position 4 means 7 ponits
Position 3 means 10 ponits
Position 2 means 15 ponits
Position 1 means 20 ponits

Please Post your top 10

Thanks to Covid19 for the last "Who is the best player?" and his system.

What defines the Best Player?

Well for one, you have to be good at the game. But being good at the game isn't what makes you "the best". On top of being good at the game, you should be:

- Working to keep the community involved
- Well respected and known
- Knowledgable on the general community
- Has been here for a while
- Knows what's going on in the community
- Participates in the community via tournaments, clan wars, making guides, etc.

Remember this thread doesnt mean they truly are the best player, if we wanted to do that we would have an entirely new system. This is mostly to see what everyones opinions are
18.04.2020 - 20:23
Escrito por Your Bitch, 18.04.2020 at 08:52

1 colvis11222
2 loachra
3 opi
4mauzer panteri
6 egale
7 don
rest are RNG noobs that cant win without tb, rush and late move.

who is egale
18.04.2020 - 20:47
Escrito por Nations, 18.04.2020 at 20:23

Escrito por Your Bitch, 18.04.2020 at 08:52

1 colvis11222
2 loachra
3 opi
4mauzer panteri
6 egale
7 don
rest are RNG noobs that cant win without tb, rush and late move.

who is egale

think he means e girl
19.04.2020 - 09:47
Escrito por Your Bitch, 18.04.2020 at 08:52

1 colvis11222
2 loachra
3 opi
4mauzer panteri
6 egale
7 don
rest are RNG noobs that cant win without tb, rush and late move.

lol rng noobs. I like that phrase. There's quite a few players who are considered good that i'd describe that way.

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