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16.10.2015 - 06:31
I was playing a world game(brianwl and adiloi can approve)and while i tried to make some bombers(usually 8 per city) sometimes it started producing by itself and wouldnt stop until it reached 200+ or if i tried to buy from the same city and unit.Anywa this is a REALLY big problem since if you try to use the stack next turn it doesnt move at all and if you put the stack to another all moves involved will fail next turn(all the way from the beginning).Also when it produces its not free...it costs me a lot of money,its like im producing them cor real so i dont have any money to buy anything else on that turn.......
brianwl sorry for being angry,did you kill him?
16.10.2015 - 06:31
Oh and i know this has been reported(once) but i wanted ppl to notice this.
16.10.2015 - 08:49
I wonder if you ever check before posting.

Hint: You don't.
Hint #2: This bug has been reported before and even had a video attached to it, showing how does one reproduce it.
Hint #3: There exist 3 Forums - Mechanics, Display and Features. The bug you reiterated has been reported in the Display bugs, where it actually belongs.
Hint #4: You ought to stop making new threads.
Hint #5: This isn't a hint. You expected one, didn't you.

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