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31.12.2018 - 10:33
When I click on "New Map" it just opens an empty screen, from where can I find the map background? does the background recognize the borders between countries or should I draw the borders? wouldn't this take a lot of effort?
31.12.2018 - 18:19
Escrito por Umayad Caliphate, 31.12.2018 at 10:33

When I click on "New Map" it just opens an empty screen, from where can I find the map background? does the background recognize the borders between countries or should I draw the borders? wouldn't this take a lot of effort?

pinterest is a good source to find high quality map backgrounds. As for borders that is something you draw manually, lots and lots of clicking. It does take a lot of effort but the more you do the easier it becomes.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
01.01.2019 - 05:23
I got it, thanks
04.01.2019 - 12:21
Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 11:39

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 10:46

Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 09:18

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 09:02

Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 08:03

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 05:34

Escrito por Black Vortex, 03.01.2019 at 21:58

Escrito por Helly, 01.01.2019 at 08:46

Escrito por Umayad Caliphate, 31.12.2018 at 10:33

When I click on "New Map" it just opens an empty screen, from where can I find the map background? does the background recognize the borders between countries or should I draw the borders? wouldn't this take a lot of effort?

To add to what trystane said some people allow their maps to be copied but it's totally up to you to search the map catalog to find which ones can be copied. Those will already have backgrounds and borders drawn you can just make edits. Although the map making community usually looks poorly on those that copy others maps. But it is an option.

No offense but the map making community is dead.

Does not mean its acceptable.

I don't think the whole 2 people from the map making community that actually care will give you any flak about it

I'm one of them and I care lol. It would be a shame for the community to be revived snd this to become common practice.

I mean at least there would be new content being produced rather than nothing. There has been a sharp decrease in maps being released every year and now it's going to be even worse since Nifty quit the game and he was one of the active map makers

That's because copying was broken for a year. And the html5 editor is still broken. Aswell you cant make silverlight maps anymore they turned it off entirely.

I'm just gonna resend what I said to deep fried:
That's a broken argument, even before the html5 editor switch the map making community was dead. They pulled the plug on the silverlight editor in late 2018 I believe and the amount of new maps between the space of 2015-2017 was extremely minimal and you gradually saw an decrease in new maps each year.
The map making community being dead has nothing to do with the html5 editor, it's been dead long before the silverlight editor was shut down

That's a opinion your posting as facts without substantial evidence to the contrary.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
04.01.2019 - 17:56
Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 17:47

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 15:15

Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 14:54

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 14:29

Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 14:02

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 13:47

Escrito por Black Vortex, 04.01.2019 at 13:07

Escrito por Helly, 04.01.2019 at 12:21

That's a opinion your posting as facts without substantial evidence to the contrary.

What do you mean lol.
Let's compare map activity from most popular map makers first from 2015 to 2017 to confirm my theory (i'm only counting public maps as I can't tell how many maps a maker has privated)
Pyrrhus uploaded 10 maps from their day of creation in the space of 2015 to 2017 out of his 20 public maps
Aetius uploaded 9 maps based on their creation date in the space of 2015-2017 out of his 33 maps in total
You, helly, uploaded 4 public maps judging from their creation date from 2015 - 2017 out of your 11 total public maps
Adog uploaded 0 new maps in the space of 2015-2017 out of his 10 public maps
Your Camel uploaded 1 new map in the space of 2015-2017 out of his 9 public maps
Tunder uploaded 10 new maps in the space of 2015-2017 out of his 22 public maps
Andartes uploaded 0 new maps in the space of 2015-2017 out of his 16 public maps
Lotar Luis uploaded 5 out of his 8 total maps in the space of 2015-2017
This list goes on for map makers with at least 100+ plays showing the same trend.
The only people you can really argue for are Lotar Luis, Witch-Doctor and Nifty.

You can make the argument that these popular map creators are inactive now, but they have all been on at least in 2017, therefore it stays consistent.
Either you just have blatantly NOT been playing this game or you're blind to not even see this fact, that the amount of maps being released has been slowing down exponentially.
Now you can try to argue about the map makers who haven't become popularized,those map makers that have created clones of world maps or whatever, but they aren't the heart of the map making community, they aren't producing the content that scenario players enjoy,

Release date doesnt matter lol, phyruss to this day still updates his maps lol.

I'll also say I have several maps ready to release in html5 the moment they make borders appear when hosting and let me set the turn units become available m.

Updating a map =/= creating new content, sometimes there may be a major post-release update like with Tik-Tok's ww2 but an update to a map doesn't necessarily mean new content, therefore that argument is redundant
And plus, most major border/unit updates done to a map are usually done within the timeframe of a year, therefore it'll still fit into the 2015-2017 timeframe since I'm sure no map maker has to spend years creating borders or units

That wasnt the arguement, you tried to justify content stealing because of a lack of content. Updates are indeed new content, aswell if they are copying others work it ain't new content either.

Copying maps can be new content, have you heard of what "fair use" is? It allows you to use someone else's content if you're using it in a transformative nature, so if you abide by fair use, copies can be new content if you transform it into something of your own. I bring up fair use because it proves that even though you use content from someone else it can be classified as new content, as long as they are transformative with that. Also at least i said "it doesn't necessarily mean new content" meaning, whereas you said "it ain't new content either" completely ruling out that someone could transform someone else's base content into something new

Show me a case of this on atwar.

Edit btw lol

fair use
(in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.

It says nothing about copying content.

One case of this is with me and nifty's collaborative map "Nifty medieval evolutionary" map, it's supposed to be a revamped type of sapien map and he made a scenario of that map into a GGG- esque scenario and removed the evolving units, therefore changing the basis of the original map. That in of itself being transformative work

Copyright itself gives copyright holder rights to their own content saying the content is theirs, which leads me to this:
"Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances." Coming straight from copyright website and not google.

No lol that's not how fair use works. Fair use is for critisizing someone work, news, artistic expression, and satire. If that's how fair use works, I could just steal Elon musk's electric battery, change some shit and sell it to the chinese space program lol. Anyways this is leading no where your one hard headed mother fucker. Ain't no point in humoring whatever bs you come up with anymore, especially since your trying so hard to shift from the original point of topic into something that doesn't matter.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
06.01.2019 - 04:15
World Map background (Night Style): https://pt.atwar-game.com/map/?id=20107 (Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/j32kk41nynklhaf/World+-+Copia.jpg )

If do you need the borders, you can COPY this map and continue to make the borders(I'm making this map yet): https://pt.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39761

I have some maps in my inventory that permits the copy. Look at my inventory maps like 'Ersia', 'Thay map', 'Confederation', 'Eldoran' etc.
13.01.2019 - 10:18
Escrito por Orc, 06.01.2019 at 04:15

World Map background (Night Style): https://pt.atwar-game.com/map/?id=20107 (Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/j32kk41nynklhaf/World+-+Copia.jpg )

If do you need the borders, you can COPY this map and continue to make the borders(I'm making this map yet): https://pt.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=39761

I have some maps in my inventory that permits the copy. Look at my inventory maps like 'Ersia', 'Thay map', 'Confederation', 'Eldoran' etc.

Nice post

We are not the same- I am a Martian.

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