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07.01.2020 - 08:38

''13 million people in Yemen are facing starvation in what could be the "worst famine seen anywhere in the world for 100 years..."
''... Its people suffering desperate privation and living under the constant threat of air strikes.''

The World's 'forgotten war': The Yemen War 2019.

Victory condition: capture all enemy players by holding capital for 3 turns
Max. game duration: 50 turns
Turn duration: 4 min
Players: 6

Specified Buildings:
Rare units:

To win this scenario, it is recommended to take controle over the oil fields and gas plants spread out over the Yemen territory...

Map overview

Factions: 3 teams
1 ~ Saudi Arabia: help the Yemen Government with funds as well as pushing the Houthi's northern.

1 ~ Yemen West: defend your southwestern territory, push slow and never rush without Saudi's assistance (!).

1 ~ Yemen East: hold your eastern territory at all cost, it is the ultimate survival. Its capital is located near Aden, otherwise it would be an impossible game for you.

2 ~ Houthi North: defend and counter the opponent once they failed to rush.

2 ~ Houthi South: defend and counter the opponent once they failed to rush.

3 ~ AQAP: attack, counter, capture: play aggresive, your direct opponent doesn't have a clue how to defend you..

Starting funds


Specific units and events
Don't worry, every faction will receive a gen turn 1.

Hints, recommended strategies and play guide
Saudi Arabia: no specific recommendation
Houthi North: main key is to hold trenches and expand slowly, IMP or PD
Houthi South: main key is to hold trenches and expand slowly, IMP or PD
Yemen West: try to make Houthi faction mad, IMP or GC (?)
Yemen East: don't lose East too quickly, IMP or PD
Al Qaeda: play as an annoying player, GW (highly recommended) or IMP

03.02.2020: Updated overall design.
03.02.2020: Nerfed suicide-truck in stats and costs
07.01.2020 - 09:00
Nice new Map Rasp! Hope it becames play for several players.

07.01.2020 - 10:02
Escrito por Rasp, 07.01.2020 at 08:38

''13 million people in Yemen are facing starvation in what could be the "worst famine seen anywhere in the world for 100 years..."
''... Its people suffering desperate privation and living under the constant threat of air strikes.''

USA-Iran problems, Australia bushfires, what about... a Yemen scenario?

The World's 'forgotten war': The Yemen War 2019.

Players: 6
Turn duration: 4 min
Victory condition: capture all enemy players by holding capital for 3 turns
Max. game duration: 50 turns.
Specified Buildings:
Rare units:

To win this scenario, it is recommended to take controle over the oil fields and gas plants spread out over the Yemen territory...

Map overview

Factions: 3 teams
1. Saudi Arabia, assisting the majority Sunni Muslim population
1. Yemen West, having control over large parts of the southwest coast of Yemen
1. Yemen East, having control over small parts of the eastern coast of Yemen

2. Houthi North, having control over the regions northern of the capital Aden
2. Houthi South, having control over the regions southern of the capital Aden

3. AQAP, known as Al Qaeda, expanding like a virus, having control over several regions spread out over Yemen.

Starting funds


Specific units and events
Al Qaeda
Jihadists: buildable, motivated and therefore buffed marines
Suicide Truck: expensive although with 12 att. and 15 crit. (!) a pretty useful unit

Iranian Soldiers: 'as long as Saudi Arabia is in, we join', useful in defence, not really in attack.
Scud Missiles: very strong in attack, not in defence.

Saudi Arabia
RSAF Infantry: 'as long as Iran is in, we join', elite infantry, useful in defence either attack.
RSAF: very strong bombers, strong in attack as well in defence

Hints, recommended strategies and play guide
Saudi Arabia: no specific recommendation
Houthi North: main key is to hold trenches and expand slowly, IMP or PD
Houthi South: main key is to hold trenches and expand slowly, IMP or PD
Yemen West: try to make Houthi faction mad, IMP or GC (?)
Yemen East: don't lose East too quickly, IMP or PD
Al Qaeda: play like an annoying player, GW (highly recommended) or IMP


Suicide truck looks a bit useless. Decrease it's overall stats and cost maybe? A truck wouldn't cost twice as much as a tank and deal 50% more damage than one. So in order to make it realistic, you should make it weaker and cheaper. However, it should be costly in terms of reinforcements/manpower to build.

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