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08.06.2020 - 19:34

Ok this post was brought upon by the 10 Turn Battle Royale Tournament
I already touched on this when taz was whining about not being on my list but I haven't done a cry thread in awhile so here we go.

In the final game of this battle royal tournament there were 3 random players: Sphinx, Pavle, Laki (YourLife), and 3 supernova players, Hannibal,taz and apoc. The results were obvious.

Here is turn 7.. Green, Purple and Orange haven't even WFd each other much less attack each other, they 2v1ed Laki and Pavle in Central Europe. This is clearly ally fagging at its finest in the tourney finals. Apoc is completely bypassing taz to hurt pavle and taz is completely bypassing hannibal to hurt laki, both of these players agree that the supernova clan is ally-fagging and gang-banging in their own tourney final. I mean, you have any competitive player look at the map and tell them its a FFA, they can clearly identify the fagging going on. For fucks sake they don't have A SINGLE UNIT on each others land A SINGLE UNIT.

I'm calling for the disqualification of the supernova clan from their own tourney , and somehow splitting the awards up between the 3 non unified players, maybe y'all can draw your own conclusions or get a mod to look into this. I have a high chance of placing cause im beating hannibal for now, until i get 3v1ed, but the other player who were ruthlessly fagged on don't, and its not fair. Its only turn 7 and i assumed they will start attacking each other now, but the damage is done, the other 2 players are already dead.

● Maximum number of alliances : 0
● Unfair play is prohibited

At the very least if nothing productive comes of this I want to get some more eyes on this.

A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep
08.06.2020 - 21:03
08.06.2020 - 21:25
I don't get it, why play unfair with others, it ruins the fun of the game.
like honestly, was this Supernova after that game?
09.06.2020 - 07:21
Hello Sphinx,

Firstly I did not cry on your post, it just makes me laugh to always see the same thing on such or such absurd classification which does not take into account all the database of players and all the communities, but I know it that you like to stay between you and believe yourself above others.

Let's come back to this wonderful post that you made us the ^^ I suspected that a post like this one will be born, I just could not say when it will appear. Because yes we are 3 of the same coalition in this final, wouahhhhh scandal, we each win our match in our pool, wouahhhhh double scandal, how did we do it, there is a plot somewhere !!

I should have made a screen of each turn and explain each of my movements to you, so that you stop believing such a thing (but I don't hold it against you and neither at Pavle, I can understand it, because when i saw the list of 6 participants for the final, it's the first thing I told myself, that people would believe such a thing, it's human and normal)
The worst comes from players putting a green thumb, without knowing the details of the game, but on some players I am not surprised, it proves to me their great intelligence ...

Here is the summary of each of my turns:

I specify that I play LB, finances are not kings with this strategy.

T1 Wall capital Denmark
T2 Attack Stockholm and Gothenburg
T3 I wanted to go from Stockolm to Helsinki, that was what I wanted to do, but Apocalypse had sent everything to North Russia in T2, so I didn't want to take the risk of going there, lest he sends his stock also, otherwise I would have lost everything General, armies and transport, defeat was assured. So I changed my plans, I went to Oslo with units from Gotembourg, then the rest to Berlin.
T4 From Berlin, I sent my stock to Warsaw General and army, Apocalypse lost several units on it and I took Latvia while breaking its capital wall in Belarus. Then I took Malmo.
T5 Several of my walls were destroyed by Apocalypse, From Warsaw I returned to Berlin and I defended my positions in Scandinavia to avoid losing my finances.
T6 I redid my walls, except in Sweden, because units of Apocalypse prevented me there. I capture on this turn Leipzig, Wroclaw and Krakow.
T7 The opportunity to take Austria with the General of YourLife presented itself, I was a little too far for the Capital of Apocalypse and to choose between a Capital with General and one without General the choice is quickly made, for this tournament, right?
T8 We will see the result of this round ... but you may be surprised if my attacks pass, but it does not matter. I can understand your doubts.

For the others I cannot explain their tricks and their choices to you, but you can be sure that there was nothing on their first 7 laps.
Whether you believe me or not, it will not change the fact that I am honest in telling you that.

After you say that I did not attack Hannibal, yes so what? you are in 1v1 facing him, where is my interest to go at the attack? or do you need help fighting it? you had to tell me that you weren't strong enough against him, I would have understood the thing better.
If I attack everyone goes without thinking, I can only endanger myself on other fronts and in addition to its, as I said above, I play LB in this game, so I do not can't make all my units, i have to make choices. Sorry to be careful.

In this game my goal was to stay quiet until T7 see T8, while taking a max of finance (I now have 1.5K I can finally do more interesting things, without putting myself in too much danger) and make my points on the last 2 turn, where is it wrong? I made the choice to play like this, cautiously as every time, because if you don't know it yet, I'm a slowroll player, I don't like Rush and games on small cards, but it doesn't is no secret.

Ah yes last thing, YourLife can always win a trophy, because it has scored more points than you and in this tournament if you have not read it, the players are rewarded compared to SP and not by staying alive at the end, so if you have less points than him in the end but you are in the last 3 and well the trophy you will not be allowed.
But to affirm what you said above, you must surely know this important rule, otherwise I would not understand why you would post this kind of commentary ...

In fact I think I should be sorry to be smarter than you, is that my crime?
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
09.06.2020 - 07:25
Wtf? you took screenshot on the only turn where we have not units in each others country but the turn before we was attacking each others in scandinavi where I broke his wall and sent unit's to attack, taz also attacked me in batlic countries but we just destroyed each others units in this turn, why didn't you take screenshot of the turn 6 or before that lmao?
09.06.2020 - 13:22
Frenchmen EXPOSED
09.06.2020 - 13:26
Escrito por Apocalypse, 09.06.2020 at 07:25

Wtf? you took screenshot on the only turn where we have not units in each others country but the turn before we was attacking each others in scandinavi where I broke his wall and sent unit's to attack, taz also attacked me in batlic countries but we just destroyed each others units in this turn, why didn't you take screenshot of the turn 6 or before that lmao?

Do you have a ss of you attacking taz or hannibal? If you don't you're lying about attacking eachother.
09.06.2020 - 14:56
Escrito por temp, 09.06.2020 at 13:26

Escrito por Apocalypse, 09.06.2020 at 07:25

Wtf? you took screenshot on the only turn where we have not units in each others country but the turn before we was attacking each others in scandinavi where I broke his wall and sent unit's to attack, taz also attacked me in batlic countries but we just destroyed each others units in this turn, why didn't you take screenshot of the turn 6 or before that lmao?

Do you have a ss of you attacking taz or hannibal? If you don't you're lying about attacking eachother.

I don't, I wasn't expecting ppl to lie about this final to get trophies tbh, next time I play a tournament with ppl like this I will definetly do this, and also, hannibal was too far from me since the begining, so no i have not attacked him yet, anyway you are not from this tournament so why are you even trying to take position here? All you know is what sphinx is telling and it's a lie or he just don't saw it but I have big doubts about this.
09.06.2020 - 15:04
Escrito por Apocalypse, 09.06.2020 at 14:56

I hate faggots that gangbang others and play unfairly, thats why i'm taking a position in this.

P.S- you were stacking greece so why not just attack Hannibal in italy?
09.06.2020 - 15:54
Cool from what im gathering is you broke eachothers walls once wooohooo, now apoc completely ignores germany to 2v1 me with hannibal. You guys are obviously cheating, its turn 6 and you are holding hands in the scandies, how sketchy will it look when 3 players from the same clan all come out on top in this game? imagine if illyria did this, there would be a fucking MELTDOWN on all fronts, but you guys are irrelevant so theres not as much pressure on you. stop cheating and allyfagging, and award Sphinx, Pavle, and Laki our protos, and take a walk of shame. It doesn't take a genius to look at this game and declare it fucking bullshit, get an unbiased mod to look into it.
09.06.2020 - 17:20
I wasn't stacking greece, I took greece and turkey this turn. Anyway, go ahead and call a mod yes. If I get unfairly ejected without clear evidence I will still accepte it, I did this tournament with good intention and spend hours and real money (10$) to give 1000PC to entertain players of atwar and give nice prizes. But if it turn out in a flame war it completely defeat the purpose of it and I will stop to invest time in it I guess.
10.06.2020 - 02:46
So the same stuff written in ATN Chart is written here as well. Somebody gets really, REALLY bored...

Leave the Frenchmen alone !
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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