27.01.2015 - 23:23
Ingame the unit list describes helicopters as being short-range aircraft that are highly effective against infantry and militia but have low defense against other aircraft. I have a couple questions regarding helicopters. When attacking main and secondary defense units what numerical advantage does the helicopter get? When defending against other aircraft, does the helicopter receive a penalty along with it's already low defense and if so what is the numerical value? In relation to bombers with no strategies applied, how is the helicopter better and worse?
28.01.2015 - 00:18
http://atwar-game.com/home/units.php this should be helpful
---- The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new
28.01.2015 - 00:30
Thanks, very useful. You just got my first upvote. In the defense bonus column and in the Infantry row, what do the first 2 pictures represent? I couldn't recognize them on the other side of the chart.
28.01.2015 - 01:28
hover over the icon with your curser and it should tell you what the image represents, I believe your talking about the +1 defense infantry get while inside cities and while in defensive lines
---- The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new
28.01.2015 - 06:50
The defense bonus can be either positive or negative. The description of helicopter say it is good against Infantries and Militias You can see that the militias have a defensive bonus of "-1" against helicopters, and infantries have a "-2" against helicopters. ¿What does this mean? It mean that if a helicopter have max 6 attack and one infantry have max 6 defense, the infantry will get a -2 defense bonus. In other words, it would be a helicopter with max 6 attack against an infantry with 4 max attack. I've used the terminology "Max attack" instead of "Attack" because... well, don't want to get you too deep on game mechanic. "but have low defense against other aircraft" has been edited long ago. Helicopters used to have -2 defense against bombers and stealth, but they don't anymore (it was edited by community agreement).
28.01.2015 - 06:57
I already understand the game mechanics. Just because a certain stat says 6 doesn't mean it will always roll 6. It may roll 5 or less as well. I played Star Conflict where the understanding of game mechanics was very important if you were to destroy others.
28.01.2015 - 07:19
cool, then the mechanic goes equal except that defense AND ONLY DEFENSE gets -/+ max roll. The infantries have a max roll of 6 which is his max attack value (from 1 to 6). When they are in cities or in walls, they have a bonus which add +1 defense. After the bonus, his max roll turn into 7 (from 1 to 7). However if they are against helicopters they also get -2, which make it 5 max roll (from 1 to 5). In scenarios when they tell you one unit have extra attack against another or is super effective against certain unit, they are not boosting the attacker's max roll (it away stay the same) but lowering the defensive roll. In this case, the helicopter doesn't get +2 attack, it will away roll from 1 to 6 unless you play Desert Storm or change the unit's value in other way. In response of your main question, helicopters aren't useful unless you are playing Desert Storm. Why? Because it does not wort the cost. One tank would be more effective than one helicopter for sure, because you are having one infantry in city, which mean his max roll is 7 (from 1 to 7). One tank have 8 damage for 120 cost, which make it a 8 attack vs 7 defense battle. Helicopters have 6 attack and 200 cost, which make it a 6 attack vs 5 defense battle. By making a tank instead of a helicopter, you are saving 80 cost... but when you want to go let's say from paris to london, then here is where helicopters are useful as they're air type of unit. But this is true when you don't have sea port or when you are sending 1 OR 2 helicopters, as with 3 it would be better to buy tanks and one sea transport, and with 6 helis would be better to buy one Air Transport.....
30.01.2015 - 05:36
Plus the problem with helicopters is you can't take city with them. So you also have the cost of a militia or infantry to take a city. I agree: use a tank.
30.01.2015 - 10:05
Desert Storm choppers can carry marines which take cities, and usually a few inf will be strong enough as long as the attack power is also strong enough to fight any defense, and helps with the battle roll.
---- Power, Beauty, Soul.
30.01.2015 - 10:13
He is not premium......
30.01.2015 - 11:56
I dunno what these guys are arguing about, but dont use helis unless you are playing the strat desert storm. Theyre not cost effective.
---- ![]()
30.01.2015 - 12:09
Doesn't mean he cant still explain about it. Who knows the person bought strat packages and not full premium... Guidelines The following guidelines will help promote a user-friendly environment: 3) Do not bump posts to the top without adding constructive content to the thread.
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