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12.01.2016 - 00:51
All of we know or have even played at least one time Unleashed's WWII (bassed in the Ultimate WWII by Tik Tok).

So, u must question; what if Turkey and Spain had joined the Axis? What if the Fascist Revolts in USA prospered? What if the ressistance Movements against axis were strong enought to retake Warsaw, for example?

All of this questions are answered in the new scenario i'm presenting. It's publicated now and i'm open to sugestions in order to made the map the more ballanced possible.

Current features:

-New units for Spain, Mexico & LatinAmerica and Ressistance vs Axis.
-Deffensive borders
-Currently only one winter event for Soviet Union.
-New theaters for WWII: Southamerica (with fascist latin american countries vs Brazil) and Mexico & NorthAmerica (vs fascist guerrilla) and British India vs Indian Nationalists.

If someone wants to collaborate on this Alternate WWII scenario, just pr me.
12.01.2016 - 12:32
Thanks for ruining one of atwars best scenarios
12.01.2016 - 14:14
Escrito por Viruslegion, 12.01.2016 at 12:32

Thanks for ruining one of atwars best scenarios


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