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10.09.2018 - 15:39
Hello, it is my pleasure to announce that we are introducing the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service). This is a service that will be run by the King of RP and higher members of Aloysian Guard. It aims to make RP a fairer, more enjoyable place and it requires the help of the rest of the aw community. This service is going to be used to ban trolls, leavers and rule breakers.

The way it will work is like this:
First we will have people who will be collecting ss on people who are trolling and breaking rules of RP (please no fake ss). These ss should be made of the whole screen and then sent to the Aloysian Guard leadership (aka Trixxstar). Then these ss will be filtered to me and the council for rp will make a decision on whether or not to ban the person.

Now I know that this is a new concept so it may take a while to get used to but it's main purpose is to ban trolls and to ensure that rp is less toxic for everyone else who wishes to enjoy playing rp maps. I will be taking pms for people who want to join this service so that we can get them started.

If you are serious about this role please PM me (no trolls)

Many thanks,
King Achilles.
10.09.2018 - 16:20
11.09.2018 - 06:14
I like how this egoistic prick changed his name from achilles to king achilles after a few of his rpfag friends gave him the title "king"
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

12.09.2018 - 10:25
Stop LARPing

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