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12.11.2021 - 14:33
Hi AtWar community,
I am writing this little message on my behalf and on your behalf, to submit a request: Could you from the upper echelons of AtWar give me a chance as a Moderator? I know this is a sensitive and very private matter, I understand that. When do we ever see an r6 moderator? It never (perhaps) existed! That's why I want to be the first. Don't underestimate me! I'll accumulate achievements after achievements, push my limits in any way I can, and climb the whole game, all the way to the top of AtWar! So Dave, or Sid, or whoever decides these things, please give me a chance, let me become a mod! I swear I will not disappoint you!
If someone wants to comment and say his opinion, write. I'll read all.
I wait your decision, AtWar!

P.S. maybe I'm not alone and someone else wants to become a mod. Reply in the comments.
12.11.2021 - 14:44
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
You've been muted recently for global chat abuse. I don't think it would be well received if you had the power to mute people while getting muted yourself.

[2021-11-02 14:39:54.4361] Global
  • , Noctis-kun [2201814]: Bros I need 300 pc for do a one-month subscription…someone wants to help me? This is probably my last message in global. I don't wanna be banned

    [2021-11-03 08:01:28.7706] Global
  • , Noctis-kun [2201814]: Khkhkh
    [2021-11-03 08:02:33.3969] Global
  • , Noctis-kun [2201814]: Ended. I lost too much elo in this season T_T I play only against nOObs
    [2021-11-03 08:12:31.5731] Global
  • , Noctis-kun [2201814]: "I love my asy"
  • Cargando...
    12.11.2021 - 14:52
    Escrito por Noctis-kun, 12.11.2021 at 14:33

    My bro,
    You'd make an awesome mod.
    You've already got the requirements.
    *enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
    12.11.2021 - 15:43
    Escrito por Witch-Doctor, 12.11.2021 at 14:44

    You've been muted recently for global chat abuse. I don't think it would be well received if you had the power to mute people while getting muted yourself.

    Then he would perfectly fit in the mod team, since the most mods does so, just without being muted D
    14.11.2021 - 02:36
    I don't want to become a moderator to "reign" by abusing a power not mine, but I want AtWar to be a better place for everyone, where everyone is at peace and no one feels threatened. Do you really think I'd use that power to get revenge? I am not a coward. I want to become a mod to help people, show everyone who criticizes me that I am different from how they saw me. And this without the powers of a Moderator. A mod has no time for revenge. As for the Global Chat I have already clarified with Leo.
    I excused myself with Leo, and I said I won't use global chat, except in exceptional cases (for share a match link). Witch Doctor what do you think now? I am not a coward. If someone ban me I say sorry, and I'll not do the same error. What am I? A baby?
    14.11.2021 - 03:31
     brianwl (Administrador)
    Mod requests are a process. Posting in forums asking to be mod is an effective way to never become mod. Locked. Message me if you like and I'll clarify if needed.


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