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10.08.2022 - 09:08
Avatar: Hundred Year War
AtWar Avatar Discord server:

This scenario is first of the planned series of scenarios based on Avatar lore.

The Hundred Year War was a major global military conflict that began with the Air Nomad Genocide and lasted for a century, from 0 AG to 100 AG. The conflict was waged by the Fire Nation against the other three nations: the Earth Kingdom, the Water Tribes, and the Air Nomads. However, over the course of the escalating conflict, several smaller factions became involved in the fighting as well. The war was initiated by Fire Lord Sozin, who wished to expand the Fire Nation into a worldwide empire and spread what he saw as his nation's prosperity to the rest of the world.

The scenario itself represents the last 5 years of the war (95 AG to 100 AG). In 95 AG, Fire Nation attempted to siege the city of Ba Sing Se, but failed. Fire Nation troops withdrew to the western part of the continent. The conquered western shore of the Earth Kingdom was put under tighter control, with Fire Nation building its colonies, exploiting resources and arresting any earthbenders in their territory, forcing them into slave labor on offshore factories and shipyards.
Every 5 turns represent a year.


- NO LEAVING BEFORE turn 15 (0 tolerance policy for leavers)
- Blitz and ins disabled
- No wf-ing, no trespassing turn 1 (except for Ba Sing Se to wall cities in Colonies territory t1), no Serbian walling, Wall glitching, rewalling - unfair play is prohibited
- 4 minutes per turn should be enough (or 5)

Game Mechanics

Main units in the game are benders, with each faction having its own type. Benders are much stronger against non-benders.

Fire Nation units (Fire Nation, Colonies and Southern Raiders)

Main unit of the Fire Nation army is Firebender. They are weak to Waterbenders (-1 defence bonus), and strong against Airbenders (+1 defence bonus). They are strong against Civilians, Water Warriors and Non-Bending Warrios (+1 defence bonus)

Southern Raiders are the only faction of the game with Naval:Main Attack unit (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game).

As the most technologically advanced, factions of the Fire Nation are the first to get some advanced units:
Turn 1 (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game):

Same buffs/nerfs are earthbenders.

Turn 12 (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game):

Turn 16 (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game):

Earth Kingdom units (Ba Sing Se and Omashu)

Main unit of the Earth Kingdom army is Earthbender. They are weak to Airbenders (-1 defence bonus), and strong against Waterbenders (+1 defence bonus). They are strong against Civilians, Water Warriors and Non-Bending Warrios (+1 defence bonus).

While the Earth Kingdom was slow to industrialize, its technology was still more developed than that of the nature-oriented Air Nomad civilization as well as the Water Tribe:
Turn 1 (Ba Sing Se)
Same buffs/nerfs are earthbenders.

Turn 1 (Omashu)

Turn 13 (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game):

Turn 21 (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game):

Turn 29 (no special buffs, descriptions and stats are visible in the game):

Water Tribes units (Northern Water Tribe and Southern Water Tribe)

Main Defense unit of the Water Tribe is Waterbender. They are weak against Earthbenders (-1 defence bonu), and strong against Firebenders (+1 defence bonus). They are strong against Civilians, Water Warriors and Non-Bending Warrios (+1 defence bonus).

Main Attack of the Water Tribe is Water Warrior. They are weak against Earthbenders, Firebenders and Waterbenders (-1 defence bonus). They are strong against Civilians and Non-Bending Warrios (+1 defence bonus).

Waterbending Healer is buildable in every Northern Water Tribe province and give +1 defence bonus.

Civilians are weak against all units (-2 defence bonus).

Non-Water Warriors are weak against Earthbenders, Firebenders and Waterbenders (-2 defence bonus).


Northern Water Tribe

Turn 2:
General and fort in Capital
Wall of ice
AA inside the walls.
Walling navy
2 forts in Sacred Island with walls
Turn 24:
Avatar Returns!
Turn 30:
Avatar is coming event near Waiting For Avatar city

Southern Water Tribe

Turn 2:
Navy blocking
General and fort in Capital
Turn 20:
Avatar Returns!
Turn 30:
Avatar is coming event near Waiting For Avatar city

Fire Nation

Turn 2:
General and fort in Capital
Great gates of Azulon


Turn 2:
General and fort in Capital


Turn 2:
General and 3 forts in Pouha, cranefish town and the island nearby


Turn 2:
General and fort in Capital
Fort in chu port and 2 forts in Kyoshi Island
2 forts in Chameleon Bay
Turn 28:
Avatar Returns!
Turn 30:
Avatar is coming event near Waiting For Avatar city

Ba Sing Se

Turn 2:
Fort in Capital
AA inside the walls.
2 forts in free Colonies cities each
2 forts in Serpents pass
Walls of Ba Sing Se
8 Dai Li inflation
Turn 22:
Earth King starts realising that there is a war going on.
General spawns in Ba Sing Se.
Turn 26 (1x), turn 20 (1x), turn 24 (1x) and turn 28 (1x) - Council of Five to remove inflation
Turn 28:
Avatar Returns!
Turn 30:
Avatar is coming event near Waiting For Avatar city

Neutral events

Turn 2:
4 forts in Foggy Swamp
4 forts in Sun Warrior Ancient City
4 forts in Wan Shi Tong's library
4 forts in Abbey
10 forts in Dai Li Corruption neutral
1 Waiting For Avatar in the Waiting For Avatar city
Turn 32:
Avatar spawning in Waiting for Avatar city



In Works

Ozai and Azula
Eclipse event
Sozin Comet event
White Lotus event

Special thanks to my boys Mobster, Gilalad, Nedris and DireWarlord99 for helping me through this process.

10.08.2022 - 19:06
Awesome, Pavle!
11.08.2022 - 04:52
 Mobster (Mod)
Best Avatar map I've ever seen
11.08.2022 - 17:17
I would be a fire bender of the highest order and bring my fire to all the chicks in the realm yo
Happiness = reality - expectations
11.08.2022 - 17:55
Escrito por Tribune Aquila, 11.08.2022 at 17:17

I would be a fire bender of the highest order and bring my fire to all the chicks in the realm yo

Sean bringing fire to all the chicks in the realm:

13.08.2022 - 07:35
Major update 1.1:
- Bending camps are removed from the map, player can build his units everywhere
- Benders moved to ground:main defence
- Fire Nation gets its main attack units from turn 1, Earth Kingdom from turn 13
- Fire Nation gets its air transports from turn 13, Earth Kingdom from turn 21
- FIre Nation gets its air:attack from turn 25, Earth Kingdom from turn 29

13.08.2022 - 19:01
Balance fix 1.2
- +1 attack to Tundra tanks
- Fortresses in northwestern Omashu were removed
- +2 corruption in Ba Sing Se turn 1
- +120 income to Raiders
- +5 reinf to Colonies

13.08.2022 - 19:21
Looks really good
Water tribes should be 1 player to help fill faster and balance
13.08.2022 - 20:15
All hail Pavle

Happiness = reality - expectations
14.08.2022 - 16:14
Really nicely done map
15.08.2022 - 19:45
This is kickass!
16.08.2022 - 10:59
Amazing! Finally!
28.08.2022 - 08:12
Update 1.3:
- Fire Nation cavarly unit added
- Fire Nation artillery unit added
- Omashu and Ba Sing Se cavarly unit added
- Omashu stealth sandbender unit added
- Fire Nation main navy transport is nove Navy:Other with 5 atk 5 def and 15 capacity

I hope that this Fire Nation Navy buff will be enough to equalize teams. If not, I might increase FN reinf next update.

03.09.2022 - 17:06
Should add Avatar Aang unit and cities around the avatr globe he need to conquer to learn the bending (like one in northern water tribe, ba sing se , and the fire nation)
Of Corse add avatr team (Appa (carry 10) , Katara , Soka , (get Toph as Event later) (Zuko also as later event) and of course Momo (that should be weak but lucky bastard)
I think it will make your already Awesome Scenario even better .
04.09.2022 - 11:24
Escrito por Infinite Bulk, 03.09.2022 at 17:06

Should add Avatar Aang unit and cities around the avatr globe he need to conquer to learn the bending (like one in northern water tribe, ba sing se , and the fire nation)
Of Corse add avatr team (Appa (carry 10) , Katara , Soka , (get Toph as Event later) (Zuko also as later event) and of course Momo (that should be weak but lucky bastard)
I think it will make your already Awesome Scenario even better .

That is exactly my plan sexy

04.09.2022 - 14:16
Escrito por Oleg, 04.09.2022 at 11:24

Escrito por Infinite Bulk, 03.09.2022 at 17:06

Should add Avatar Aang unit and cities around the avatr globe he need to conquer to learn the bending (like one in northern water tribe, ba sing se , and the fire nation)
Of Corse add avatr team (Appa (carry 10) , Katara , Soka , (get Toph as Event later) (Zuko also as later event) and of course Momo (that should be weak but lucky bastard)
I think it will make your already Awesome Scenario even better .

That is exactly my plan sexy

16.01.2024 - 09:46
Avatar: Hundred Year War has been updated:

Update 1.4:
Major Changes:
- NEW EVENT, turns: 20, 24, 28 and main event turn 32 - Avatar Returns!:
turn 20: Southern Water Tribe gets event buildings - Avatar Has Returned! - Which grant +3 reinf in their cities.
turn 24: Northern Water Tribe gets event buildings - Avatar Has Returned!
turn 28: Ba Sing Se gets event buildings - Avatar Has Returned!
turn 32: Under control of Southern Water Tribe, Avatar and 4 Team Avatar Members with Appa spawn near Western Air Temple.
- Dai Li Corruption (Ba Sing Se pick) has been reworked and now it is moved to northeastern part of the map.
Ba Sing Se starts the game with 8 Dai Li corruption units (total 4000 income nerf).
Turn 16 (1x), turn 20 (1x), turn 24 (1x) and turn 28 (1x) you get air transport units Council of Five that can transport corruption and destroy it in the neutral city nearby. (Each Council of Five can hold 2 Dai Li corruption units, which basically means you free up 1000 income.)

Minor changes:
- Colonies and Fire Nation income is nerfed
- Walls of Ba Sing Se and Northern Wall have been buffed to prevent rushes
- Water Warriors are now ground main attack unit. Both Waterbenders and Water Warriors are now available to each Water Tribe.
- Few other units adjusted for balance

I might have buffed Resistance too much now, hope not though.

16.01.2024 - 12:11
Bumping, someone better load this or I'm going full Roku
[pr] ●HellRaiserX666X: ever try beating your meat with sand paper?
18.01.2024 - 06:12
Hotfix 1.5:

All turn 1 events are moved to turn 2 for casual compability.

18.01.2024 - 19:34
Update 1.6:

- Buffed Fire Nation Cruisers
- Nerfed all ports in South Omashu. Made Kyoshi island not a port. Now Omashu only has one port in the south, with one reinf.
- Added 100 income to the Colonies
- +2 range on all Fire Nation units.
- Buffed Avatar. He basically ends the game if Fire Nation does not cap all enemies before he spawns.
- Moved Southern Water Tribe Capital to Ba Sing Se.
- Added AA to Ba Sing Se and Northern Water Tribe (to counter taking advantage of airships behind trenches.
- Nerfed Omashu income
- Added The wall on sea to block Omashu from rushing Raiders

20.01.2024 - 15:38
Update 1.7:

- All units range is increased by +2

20.01.2024 - 16:14
Unbalaced map.
20.01.2024 - 16:19
Escrito por SHEIKH, 20.01.2024 at 16:14

Unbalaced map.

I need more games - more data - to get the balance right. Feel free to help out by playing it and giving feedback, or any suggestions about the map.

22.01.2024 - 20:20
Update 1.8:

Major Update:
- Avatar system has been reworked. There is a neutral city in the north-eastern part of the map in which the avatar will spawn Turn 32. Turn 30, all Resistance players gain unit that can breach and take this neutral city. This means that avatar will spawn in any of the resistance factions (rasistance can agree, or let it be random by all alive members attacking the city). This update means that Fire Nation needs to kill all Resistance players before turn 32 to prevent them from gaining avatar.
Reminder: Avatar does not mean autolose, it is 100/100/100 100% crit unit, which means that it deals 150 average damage, with 100 hp - Fire Nation needs 15000 damage*hp to take it. Probably pretty impossible I guess, but in future I might add one more event which spawns Fire Lord Ozai with Sozin Comet which has similiar but lower stats, so that it can make a fatal blow to the Avatar unit and then if you have more units within the ozai stack, you might kill the Avatar.

Minor changes:
- Returned SWT capital to the south
- Nerfed Omashu income and starting money, buffed FN and Colonies income and starting money a bit.

23.01.2024 - 22:36
Update 1.9:

Additional Dai Li corruption hits Ba Sing Se at turn 6, 10 and 14.
All human non benders units now suffer the same buffs nerfs as benders (human! tanks, planes etc do not have these buffs/nerfs).

28.01.2024 - 09:21
Thank you avatar. after ancient map he did something good again

28.01.2024 - 09:35
Escrito por 77TENGRI99, 28.01.2024 at 09:21

Thank you avatar. after ancient map he did something good again

You are so smart

02.09.2024 - 06:40
Its amazing!
Entertain doubt is to dance with death

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