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24.01.2011 - 05:15
I was playing an Africa game and was at war with madagascar. He landed his transport ships on my shore and I attacked his troops and transport with 10 tanks and a sub. I won the battle however my remaining sub and 8 tanks got stuck in halfland half water mode or something. Couldnt move the tanks, neither could I move the sub. Ive also experienced that if both players attack at the same time as the first move one still gets the defense modifier? Shouldnt this be changed so both get the attack modifier or defense modifier.
24.01.2011 - 12:06
I think u miss understand how the attack scheme works. if two stacks attack each other then they alternate who is attacking and who is defending. any way the other issue is a bug they have been trying to work it out
24.01.2011 - 16:48
In that situation you could try to send one transport to where they are and try to "pick them up" off the sea, sometimes it works. Once i sent some battleships to attack a group of tanks on a shore, they ended up inland the next turn... but i could approach a battleship to the shore close enough to "merge" them back at the sea... and it worked, they were free again to roam the seas.
25.01.2011 - 04:32
I was playing on Africa and the upkeep of those troops in the sea had me crippled, I could not afford a transport.

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