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Publicado por Permamuted, 23.11.2014 - 09:25
Just a warning about the player indian tiger, to my surprise the past few days he began asking me for a duel, when i finally agreed he even left me host it which ensured there'd be no playing with the victory conditions.

The first duel i lost, i got blitz rushed, there was some shocking rolls but i thought nothing of it at the time, it's aw this happens. The worst being 12 bombers 12 militia 2 inf failing against 17 blitz militia 1 inf and gen with 5 militia remaining.

i agreed to a rematch then, it was germany vs uk. turn 1 i walled both denmark and Berlin and completed a normal expansion. He takes norway paris and madrid. There are witnesses to this game, but for whatever reason turn 1, neither the wall on berlin or denmark formed correctly. I asked indian tiger not to hit berlin. He just said "why". Turn 2 he hits my cap with 23 units, appearing to be blitz again since without having capped netherlands he managed to get the trans under denmark. I attempted a recap with 45 units vs 31 in my cap to fail with 8 remaining on his side.

Between the iceland duels and his bug usage in previous duels like shown above, i don't know why his guy still his his elo or why he hasnt been punished much more severely, especially when we compare his punishment of a 1 week ban against the 3 week ban, seasonal cw ban and competence reset mk took when one of their players used a bug in a competitive game.

anyway this is just a warning, i didnt take screenshots of the duels so at best you can take this as a theory. Whatever is going on with this guy, play him at your own peril.
27.11.2014 - 02:56
Escrito por Waffel, 27.11.2014 at 02:37

Escrito por TL_GoD, 26.11.2014 at 20:22

Escrito por Tundy, 26.11.2014 at 11:58

Escrito por TL_GoD, 26.11.2014 at 00:43

what u have done in this pic is u can make ur own map and gave units very long range.
because in current world map there is no city with null reinforcements

you can't have cities with null reinforcements in custom maps either

Escrito por TL_GoD, 26.11.2014 at 00:43

even if u attack with 1 unit to attack it u will fail because SERVER have 4 militias holding that city

Only a person that has used this exploit would know this

1. am not premium yet so didnt know u can't make a null city
2. to know this u didnt need to be a hacker, i m software engg. so i know how these client server model swork

Maybe instead of exploiting them, you should inform the moderators about how to provide this and avoid this, and make this game fair.
Atleast the least you cant do when you are software engineer.

bro i aint exploiting them, and game admins are programmers as well, the too know about these facts, but problem is some things cant be programmed, like rewalling is wrong as per many of our fellow players view, but game mechanics cant discriminate b/w rewalling and making a brand new wall, similarly about many things and first turn wf etc, so we too will have eto adjust a litttle with game
<a title=' ' rel=lightbox[group] href=http://atwar-game.com/?p=335497><img src=http://atwar-game.com/user/335497/signature.png alt=atWar></a>
27.11.2014 - 02:59
Escrito por TL_GoD, 27.11.2014 at 02:56

Escrito por Waffel, 27.11.2014 at 02:37

Escrito por TL_GoD, 26.11.2014 at 20:22

Escrito por Tundy, 26.11.2014 at 11:58

Escrito por TL_GoD, 26.11.2014 at 00:43

what u have done in this pic is u can make ur own map and gave units very long range.
because in current world map there is no city with null reinforcements

you can't have cities with null reinforcements in custom maps either

Escrito por TL_GoD, 26.11.2014 at 00:43

even if u attack with 1 unit to attack it u will fail because SERVER have 4 militias holding that city

Only a person that has used this exploit would know this

1. am not premium yet so didnt know u can't make a null city
2. to know this u didnt need to be a hacker, i m software engg. so i know how these client server model swork

Maybe instead of exploiting them, you should inform the moderators about how to provide this and avoid this, and make this game fair.
Atleast the least you cant do when you are software engineer.

bro i aint exploiting them, and game admins are programmers as well, the too know about these facts, but problem is some things cant be programmed, like rewalling is wrong as per many of our fellow players view, but game mechanics cant discriminate b/w rewalling and making a brand new wall, similarly about many things and first turn wf etc, so we too will have eto adjust a litttle with game

The thing is, the admins hear it probably TO late about those buggs, the zooming bugg crap, and the moneyhack/buggs, crossing land. Rewall is complete legit, even tho it is legit doesnt mean it cant be faggy or lame, but thats people perspective. The admins don't know it all because they simply dont play this game that much to see what players exactly do and how they do it, and if they dont play it they rely on the mods, and 80% of the mods arent that much online so it comes down to us the community to tell them how to improve and what to improve, thats where forums are for. Its up to the mods if they ware willing to change it or not.

Escrito por Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
30.04.2015 - 07:59
Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 10:45
Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean

Everyone who you hate uses bugs...... cry more pls
30.04.2015 - 11:10
Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 10:45

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean

Everyone who you hate uses bugs...... cry more pls

making alts to use forum banned baby?
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 11:19
Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:10

Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 10:45

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean

Everyone who you hate uses bugs...... cry more pls

making alts to use forum banned baby?

Dont call me baby... are you gay?
01.05.2015 - 00:21
RaYan S.K
Cuenta eliminada
Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 11:19

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:10

Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 10:45

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean

Everyone who you hate uses bugs...... cry more pls

making alts to use forum banned baby?

Dont call me baby... are you gay?

you are alt 100% I see you only had 16 post and in 1 day , post from your main account if you man
01.05.2015 - 00:49
Escrito por Guest, 01.05.2015 at 00:21

Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 11:19

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:10

Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 10:45

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean

Everyone who you hate uses bugs...... cry more pls

making alts to use forum banned baby?

Dont call me baby... are you gay?

you are alt 100% I see you only had 16 post and in 1 day , post from your main account if you man

Your wish came true. My alt name is commando eagle, you couldnt tell whos my main account?

08.05.2015 - 23:47
Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean

08.05.2015 - 23:48
Escrito por Your Monkey, 08.05.2015 at 23:47

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 07:59

Revive this topic please he using bugs again just look on his duel list and you will get what i mean


TJM !!!

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