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24.05.2013 - 11:02
I've been wondering what if the game had been added with weather features? For example Germany invading Russia in WW2 during the winter and their tanks were badly affected? I propose that we add the weather feature to this game. Each type of weather affecting different units negatively or positively.,
A little rusty but I think I can still put up a bit of a fight
24.05.2013 - 11:51
Why not just make it so if your units are in an area then they get weaker. Like no-go areas they will be visible only in the map editor.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
24.05.2013 - 12:08
Escrito por Utah, 24.05.2013 at 11:51

Why not just make it so if your units are in an area then they get weaker. Like no-go areas they will be visible only in the map editor.

Lol, implaying there is no bugs in the no go area.

( i can land in the middle of the no go areas and shit like that )
Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
24.05.2013 - 12:16
Something like Terrain
A little rusty but I think I can still put up a bit of a fight
24.05.2013 - 14:27
Support, because you can't really drive tanks over the alps
ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT!
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24.05.2013 - 16:37
Has been suggested before, don't remember by who because was long time ago. I support, but only as a game option that you can tick on or off before the game starts.
24.05.2013 - 22:10
28.05.2013 - 19:53
Escrito por Guest, 24.05.2013 at 15:55

Escrito por LordEdwardthe5th, 24.05.2013 at 14:27

Support, because you can't really drive tanks over the alps

thats why you drive them THROUGH the alps

and how do you manage to go througth the alps my friend. (tunnels don't cout because in rl the would be blocked)
ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT!
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28.05.2013 - 20:06
Escrito por Guest, 28.05.2013 at 19:59

Escrito por LordEdwardthe5th, 28.05.2013 at 19:53

Escrito por Guest, 24.05.2013 at 15:55

Escrito por LordEdwardthe5th, 24.05.2013 at 14:27

Support, because you can't really drive tanks over the alps

thats why you drive them THROUGH the alps

and how do you manage to go througth the alps my friend. (tunnels don't cout because in rl the would be blocked)

you break through the blockade! After all your have tanks!

The russian way
28.05.2013 - 23:28
Would it just be worldwide random weather or regional/local area weather with some areas more prone to a certain weather condition then others, would be interesting if we could have seasons to go with it too~
Capitalism, Ho!
29.05.2013 - 03:18
Some people like you, some people don't. In the end you just have to be yourself.
29.05.2013 - 04:27
Escrito por Killingforfun, 24.05.2013 at 11:02

I've been wondering what if the game had been added with weather features? For example Germany invading Russia in WW2 during the winter and their tanks were badly affected? I propose that we add the weather feature to this game. Each type of weather affecting different units negatively or positively.,

Weather is already considered in the luck.
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
29.05.2013 - 06:51
Escrito por raetahcodeupon, 29.05.2013 at 04:27

Escrito por Killingforfun, 24.05.2013 at 11:02

I've been wondering what if the game had been added with weather features? For example Germany invading Russia in WW2 during the winter and their tanks were badly affected? I propose that we add the weather feature to this game. Each type of weather affecting different units negatively or positively.,

Weather is already considered in the luck.

ye true.. hmm what about seasons? changes every 4 turns
A little rusty but I think I can still put up a bit of a fight
29.05.2013 - 15:13
Escrito por Guest, 29.05.2013 at 10:33

Escrito por Killingforfun, 29.05.2013 at 06:51

Escrito por raetahcodeupon, 29.05.2013 at 04:27

Escrito por Killingforfun, 24.05.2013 at 11:02

I've been wondering what if the game had been added with weather features? For example Germany invading Russia in WW2 during the winter and their tanks were badly affected? I propose that we add the weather feature to this game. Each type of weather affecting different units negatively or positively.,

Weather is already considered in the luck.

ye true.. hmm what about seasons? changes every 4 turns

Turns used to be know as weeks... I have no idea what planet you live on where the seasons change every month!

Yes but now turns are not weeks anymore, they can be hours, days, weeks or anything you want, including hats.
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
31.05.2013 - 08:38
Would be cool having this feature but not needed. I don't see why we should make a simple game complicated. You might say weather don't cause a huge impact. Think of this... I am about to lose my cap but it i manage to attack Kiev with my men we might just take each other out. I send my 50 tanks to Kiev he send 4 Infantry 20 Bombers at Ankara. Weathers take effect and it rains in Kiev. My tanks get stuck in the mud.. there goes my chance of winning.

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