28.05.2013 - 13:53
I want to create a new function for map creator. Because i have a map with many mountains etc... and i need to create prohibited areas. But, fly can't be on it because it's prohibited. I think that we can create an input to allow for an units to go on this type of aera. EDIT : Water aera = not my solution, because mountains =/= water and this is on a country and not bordered by countries... hum ?
28.05.2013 - 18:38
For allowing only air units = don't add land For not allowing anything = no go area :p no need to implement this
29.05.2013 - 03:54
If you read my text... you can understand why it's necessary. For you, i will explain again. I have a map with different countries. In one country for example, i have normal borders. But in this country i have mountains. I don't want that mountains can allow to tank or unit to go on. BUT, i want for example, that fly can. To resume : if i put your first solution : Only by air = no land, but i want a land ! because moutains is on the land. Not allowing anything = no go aera, yes... but the idea is allow for specific units. May be you do not need it but I do.
29.05.2013 - 03:57
You can make those zones without land (water).
---- I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive: http://imageshack.us/a/img854/6531/fzhd.png "I... Feel a little dead inside" -Gardevoir
29.05.2013 - 04:04
Ok, i edit my subject... because you don't understand. My explain is bad so. My prohibited aera is in a country (because mountains is in a country = logic). So my prohibited aera can't be water... it's not the idea.
29.05.2013 - 04:10
You can still doing it with water... Make your country in two parts or more parts, but without the zone that are mountains.
---- I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive: http://imageshack.us/a/img854/6531/fzhd.png "I... Feel a little dead inside" -Gardevoir
29.05.2013 - 05:13
Ok. See the France, Alpes + Pyrennées are mountains no ?? and it is in France no ? So why you want absolumently don't include mountains in a country ? I want my mountains in the country and do it prohibited. But i want that plane can go to. So you understand? I don't want water land.
29.05.2013 - 05:32
Simple make a hole in your country like this: Step 1: Draw country ![]() Step 2: Draw your mountain or lake in the country ![]() Step 3: Select country and copy ![]() Step 4: Paste ![]() Now you got your country with a hole in it. The space inside the hole acts like water so it can also be a lake. ![]()
29.05.2013 - 06:10
Wow, really cool trick, I had no idea ![]()
29.05.2013 - 06:27
Cool, solution ! But, i don't want it. I will explain more. (my english is very bad may be). In fact, i want a country with mountains (include), because is the reality, france for example, are not bordered by its mountains. Mountains are included in the country. Si if i do your solution, my country (like France) would be bordered by mountains (with a hole in Vosges Alpes for example). But me, i don't want a hole for my mountains... you see ? i want that mountains is include in my country and that it function same a prohibited aera but allow to plane to go on. Do you understand me? May be its possible, but i don't find how. But i'm sure that your solution don't bypass my problem ! It's just to do a hole in a country. But i repeat, i don't want a hole XD.
29.05.2013 - 08:01
And you my friend, just spoiled one of the best keep secrets.
29.05.2013 - 10:51
Yes, lol. Only a few selected people know it, go and stare at most of the maps xD they fail to make lakes hardcore.
29.05.2013 - 11:23
It's not a secret... many thread speak to this. Like this : http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=7565 ... It's very known now ![]()
29.05.2013 - 11:37
I think you must read it again, the instrucctions are wrong. Check the date of the post, custom maps are out since december, and yet only a few maps have lakes in the right way, not even the new maps have "lakes". Even if this was widely know in the forums, you must keep in mind that only 5% of the players check the forums.
29.05.2013 - 11:40
Lol, i understand the post linked same the explication of Meesters ! I'm lucky So ! I love my bad english ^^. It's good for me in this situation ![]() PS : Can we speak about the topic ? it will be good ^^'
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