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30.01.2025 - 06:08
I know that atWar will be shutdown in the future, when Dave decides that he doesn't want to continue on with this game, I'm not sure who would pick it up. I want to dedicate this thread to us expressing our love and gratitude for this game. No matter how few people we are, we'll still play this game till the day it dies.

I'll go first. I made my first account in 2014 under the name of PartySUPERB15. I played up until rank 7, then completely forgot about the game, until I re-discovered it back in 2018. That's when I made my main account here, woojoo. I didn't meet many people through the game, but I hope I got along with you guys well enough (even if I am shit at 3v3s).
30.01.2025 - 07:39
I will miss Hendrix and Ghostface, fun to play with them and we always had each others back.
30.01.2025 - 08:57
Atwar was my life in 2017 to 2019
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

30.01.2025 - 09:34
I only come online to play my moves for my casual game and I bounce. This game will always have a spot in my heart. 2017-2019 was the best time to be around, then you had lockdown 2020 when most, if not, all of the players on this game came back. Life was fun back then, sad to see this game dead but it's part of life, you have jobs, college, possibly wife and kids now.

30.01.2025 - 11:29
I became a casual player due to the given circumstances.
30.01.2025 - 13:54
AtWar is lovely. I created my account in 2014, and 2014-2016 were definitely peak years. Mapmakers launching new maps everyday, games of 20 players getting full so fast (like WW2) in question of minutes). I mean, it was perfect, then the game went through updating from Adobe to HTML, then I think it had a year of problems with DDoS attacks (I am not sure if it was in 2019). I mean, it had lots of problems, but with the pandemic the game went back to be played, and 2020-2022 were the last years where quick games would still get filled. From 2023 to 2025, games have had increasingly more problems to get filled. At this point, no one can play even the smaller maps on quick games, but casual games are still resisting, even if 5 people leave in the first turns for not moving, and then the rest.

As I have pointed out during many years (even though I have been told again and again that it is not possible), I think that using AI may help the game significantly. I am not an expert on this topic, but Dave considered the idea last time we were talking on the chat, so I hope it is taken into consideration for all the players in the community that are still playing, and those new ones who are coming to discover the game in the next few years.
31.01.2025 - 08:19
Aye was great while it lasted

31.01.2025 - 08:41
 Amok (Administrador)
AtWar will live forever in our hearts! It's been 17 years since I started working on the map engine and initial game implementation back in 2008. It's truly amazing to think that this many years later it is still alive. Hugs everyone
31.01.2025 - 09:21
Escrito por Amok, 31.01.2025 at 08:41

AtWar will live forever in our hearts! It's been 17 years since I started working on the map engine and initial game implementation back in 2008. It's truly amazing to think that this many years later it is still alive. Hugs everyone

best baltic slavmin in the entire baltic
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

31.01.2025 - 15:25
I found atwar in college I think around 2017-2018? Those days there were so many players. Duels, fantasy games that were filled like LOTR, UN RP games that filled, WWI, etc. Great times to love the game. If there is enough players these maps we have, the units we can create, can be anything we want it to be. The ultimate pastime or escapisim. I will always love atwar.
31.01.2025 - 15:27
I found atwar through a friend in 2022 (new player wowie)
And since that day I liked this game and the strategies it offers in the player's hands
31.01.2025 - 18:50
 Dave (Administrador)
Escrito por woojoo, 30.01.2025 at 06:08

I know that atWar will be shutdown in the future, when Dave decides that he doesn't want to continue on with this game, I'm not sure who would pick it up. I want to dedicate this thread to us expressing our love and gratitude for this game. No matter how few people we are, we'll still play this game till the day it dies.

I'll go first. I made my first account in 2014 under the name of PartySUPERB15. I played up until rank 7, then completely forgot about the game, until I re-discovered it back in 2018. That's when I made my main account here, woojoo. I didn't meet many people through the game, but I hope I got along with you guys well enough (even if I am shit at 3v3s).

atWar is not shutting down lol.... I intend to keep it going for the long haul. Even if I'm the last one playing the game against a bunch of bots!

But otherwise I like the idea of this thread. I'll go: I started in 2018 (I think?) with my super-secret alt that still lurks in casuals from time to time. I still love the game, just wish I had more time to play these days.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

31.01.2025 - 18:55
 Dave (Administrador)
Escrito por Amok, 31.01.2025 at 08:41

AtWar will live forever in our hearts! It's been 17 years since I started working on the map engine and initial game implementation back in 2008. It's truly amazing to think that this many years later it is still alive. Hugs everyone

It's great to see you Amok, come around more often!

Also please don't be offended by my signature it was a joke someone sent me and I thought it was funny. I was not scammed at all and I'm actually grateful to be the one keeping atWar going. <3
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

31.01.2025 - 19:00
Escrito por Dave, 31.01.2025 at 18:50

Escrito por woojoo, 30.01.2025 at 06:08

I know that atWar will be shutdown in the future, when Dave decides that he doesn't want to continue on with this game, I'm not sure who would pick it up. I want to dedicate this thread to us expressing our love and gratitude for this game. No matter how few people we are, we'll still play this game till the day it dies.

I'll go first. I made my first account in 2014 under the name of PartySUPERB15. I played up until rank 7, then completely forgot about the game, until I re-discovered it back in 2018. That's when I made my main account here, woojoo. I didn't meet many people through the game, but I hope I got along with you guys well enough (even if I am shit at 3v3s).

atWar is not shutting down lol.... I intend to keep it going for the long haul. Even if I'm the last one playing the game against a bunch of bots!

But otherwise I like the idea of this thread. I'll go: I started in 2018 (I think?) with my super-secret alt that still lurks in casuals from time to time. I still love the game, just wish I had more time to play these days.

That is good to hear man, I will be honest I have been somewhat critical of how game is being managed but I appreciate this statement, I grew up playing AW and know many good people on here who still play. So to hear that AW won't shut down is genuinely great and puts a smile on my face.
31.01.2025 - 20:50
 brianwl (Administrador)
Escrito por Dave, 31.01.2025 at 18:50

Escrito por woojoo, 30.01.2025 at 06:08

... No matter how few people we are, we'll still play this game till the day it dies.

atWar is not shutting down lol.... I intend to keep it going for the long haul. Even if I'm the last one playing the game against a bunch of bots!


Sometime after the apocalypse...


01.02.2025 - 01:44
I'm glad the admin is keeping this game up for the long term. It really is a gem.
01.02.2025 - 12:47
Ghosts talking in a graveyard

01.02.2025 - 14:15
Why do you say that atWar will be shut down?
02.02.2025 - 10:56
I really like strategy games, and videogames in general. What started me on this journey was arguably atwar back in 2014. I didn't really look at games in the multiplayer sense until then. Since in a strategy game with multiple people, you are typically forced to cooperate with other players to achieve success.
In the form of being a cartographer and fabricating maps for the game, it has also beaten the path for me to become a content creator for games. That's how I got into the world of modding, and by extension, programming.
As you may know, atwar always lacked bots, unlike other strategy games. Actually, the reason I am a software engineer today - with a high interest in AI development - can be almost entirely accredited to playing atwar over a decade ago.
Hilarious. You wouldn't expect a game this tiny to have this enormous effect on someone's life. It's the small things that turn you into who you are, after all.
That's a fun analytical view of how I did what, when and why, up until this point... indeed.
02.02.2025 - 11:14
No crying
02.02.2025 - 13:05
Sounds like a pretty good reason to keep the game going...
02.02.2025 - 18:00
Escrito por 77TENGRI99, 01.02.2025 at 12:47

Ghosts talking in a graveyard

Yeah...your ghost from 2018 when I killed your hopes and dreams of ever becoming good on this game...

03.02.2025 - 02:13
Growing up I enjoyed playing board games, especially risk. At some point in life it was just impossible to frequently make a larger group of friends/family members to play something - and well, when you have these rare moments in life and attend or host a big get-together few times a year - playing board games does not really come in mind (well, except drinking games).
Somewhere around November-December of 2013, I was bored and I decided to find something to play. I searched for the risk based games, AtWar popped up in the first few search results. I made a test account and tried to check the game - I got stuck in a tutorial which was very poorly done at the time for longer than an hour and I had no idea how to finish it. I gave up.
Few months later I returned to the game and that time I managed to escape the tutorial. I joined a 50k world game, as DR Congo if I remember correctly. I was trying to take cities with bombers. After trying to expand for few turns I left that game and deleted the account again.
Something was attracting me to the game though, so I tried it again after few weeks. I hopped into 50k world game again and latejoined as the same country - DR Congo. I spammed tanks and was finally happy that I "broke the code" and managed to expand. I stayed and would play a game a day, because the games in beginners lobby used to be so long with newbs not knowing how to kill other players. It took me months to reach rank 4, when I noticed someone speaking Croatian in game - Tito/Skanderbeg. He invited me to JNA and trained me to expand as Turkey and Ukraine. We played few inner 3v3s and I had my first CW the same day. I picked Spain and we managed to win against 3 high rank players.
This game has been a big part of my life. The best period of the game for me was 2014/15 when I was not even aware of the toxicity in the community, mainly because I did not interact with anyone outside the clans I was in at the time. All in all, the pros outweight the cons and I do not regret a second I gave to this game and community. I met many friends/enemies/frenemies to this day and I love them all. If I were to try and mention and give a word or two about all friends I met here - it would take me days and I would 100% skip some. I happened to not check up the game for months, but there has not probably been a single day last few years in which I did not chat with friends I found here - like Panda, Nedris, Empirezzz...

03.02.2025 - 06:41
I started 2013 and i play a couple of Games every couple of Months, its sometimes sad to see some friends i made here being online 3400 days ago.
But thats life and i remember the fun i had.
The Game is pretty enjoyable and i am amazed by the progress it made in the years.
03.02.2025 - 09:47
If you dance i dance
if you not i dance anyway
03.02.2025 - 09:50
03.02.2025 - 17:31
I started back in college in 2016. I picked captainFarragut as my username in honor of my favorite US Naval Commander, and have stuck with the name since.

I got back after a 4-7 year hiatus to mostly just play casual games. I think they're great. A single casual game can be almost a highlight of a month(or even several).

While I have several problems with the game, it's still arguably my favorite strategy game(definitely my favorite war game), and it's so nice to know that this game is still going to be up for the foreseeable future.
04.02.2025 - 13:55
Escrito por captainFarragut, 03.02.2025 at 17:31

I started back in college in 2016. I picked captainFarragut as my username in honor of my favorite US Naval Commander, and have stuck with the name since.

I got back after a 4-7 year hiatus to mostly just play casual games. I think they're great. A single casual game can be almost a highlight of a month(or even several).

While I have several problems with the game, it's still arguably my favorite strategy game(definitely my favorite war game), and it's so nice to know that this game is still going to be up for the foreseeable future.


04.02.2025 - 14:11
Escrito por 77TENGRI99, 04.02.2025 at 13:55

Escrito por captainFarragut, 03.02.2025 at 17:31

I started back in college in 2016. I picked captainFarragut as my username in honor of my favorite US Naval Commander, and have stuck with the name since.

I got back after a 4-7 year hiatus to mostly just play casual games. I think they're great. A single casual game can be almost a highlight of a month(or even several).

While I have several problems with the game, it's still arguably my favorite strategy game(definitely my favorite war game), and it's so nice to know that this game is still going to be up for the foreseeable future.


not cool, say sorry right now
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

04.02.2025 - 16:35
I have ascended beyond the ranks of mere mortals. My skillset is untouchable, my strategies are flawless, and my execution is perfection. Each of you, at some point, has fallen before me, and that is not up for debate—it's historical fact. My status? Above legendary. My gameplay? A masterpiece in motion. My dominance? Undeniable.

I don't just play this game; I define it. I am the final boss, the endgame, the benchmark against which all others are measured—and found lacking. Your attempts are commendable, but ultimately, they only serve as footnotes in my ever-growing legacy of victory.

And with that, I say:
GG. EZ. GET GET GUD. And maybe—just maybe—try harder next time.
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