3 on equite
2 to rome.
Please crush carthage.
If we get to a trwasury of 100 (easy enough) we can build 8 fleets and 2 legions, which gives us a pretty solid chance of defeating carthage.
5 on equite
I would like to take out a 5/year land bill in order to reduce unrest by 2. I will donate 5 sheckles to rome every turn here on in to cover the cost.
Co sponsor nominations up for consideration.
Escrito por Phoenix, 07.08.2017 at 11:28
I would like to take out a 5/year land bill in order to reduce unrest by 2. I will donate 5 sheckles to rome every turn here on in to cover the cost.
Co sponsor nominations up for consideration.
I will co-sponsor
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I use the power of the tribune to nominate myself and phoenix to the office of consul.
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
I propose a type 1 landbill with a onetime payment of 20 cost sponsored by myself. Co-sponsored by Pavle (blessing of Pontifex Maximus)
(2 different types of landbills can be proposed and voted on - asked Aetius)
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Roll for equite without cash
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
I suggest consuls host another gladiatoral spectacle of 18 cost. Maybe even 2. Last turn we reduced unrest by 6 and still ended up with 7 unrest. We need to reduce a lot more.
I and tito roll for equite
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
We should really only make fleets, not legions. We need to be able to engage both foes to reduce possible unrest
Someone Better Than You
Pking shall be my co-sponsor then. I think our money is best spent on winning battles: that is our highest priority, unrest will remain high if we dont. Also, the sooner we take provinces the more money we'll have! Removing unrest via landbills makes sense in order to make the most of the units we're already paying for to idly sit by! Send them to battle fully equipped! Now!
Darth I suggest taking out the tier 3 landbill as an alternative, removing 1 unrest isnt going to do much.
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Phoenix, 07.08.2017 at 14:00
Pking shall be my co-sponsor then. I think our money is best spent on winning battles: that is our highest priority, unrest will remain high if we dont. Also, the sooner we take provinces the more money we'll have! Removing unrest via landbills makes sense in order to make the most of the units we're already paying for to idly sit by! Send them to battle fully equipped! Now!
Darth I suggest taking out the tier 3 landbill as an alternative, removing 1 unrest isnt going to do much.
Paying so many talents a turn is insane. If people like Freeman, Yellow Rose, Empirezzz, Need Mental Help, and others actually start hosting games instead of hoarding shekels, maybe unrest wouldn't be such a problem. Carthage is becoming a pain because of unrest spawning bad events. Stop spending 3 on an equite like morons. It's the early game, you're not making enough income per turn to be spending that kind of cash with only 1 in 4 chance of winning. Last 4 turns I've spent 0 on an equite (putting my self-interest aside for Rome's sake) and over the course of the game have donated 27 (twenty seven!) shekels to Rome to reduce unrest. Pavle has donated around 40. Populares is the only fucking reason Rome hasn't gone bankrupt, especially that turn Rome had a negative income. Even then morons put 3 on equite, 2 on equite, 4 on equite and 'balance to Rome'. Meanwhile Populares emptied our faction bank. And we get accused of hoarding power....What the actual fuck have any of you done (not you Phoenix and Tirp since you joined now) other than cry and whine and try and assassinate us?
Escrito por Darth., 07.08.2017 at 14:10
Escrito por Phoenix, 07.08.2017 at 14:00
Pking shall be my co-sponsor then. I think our money is best spent on winning battles: that is our highest priority, unrest will remain high if we dont. Also, the sooner we take provinces the more money we'll have! Removing unrest via landbills makes sense in order to make the most of the units we're already paying for to idly sit by! Send them to battle fully equipped! Now!
Darth I suggest taking out the tier 3 landbill as an alternative, removing 1 unrest isnt going to do much.
Paying so many talents a turn is insane. If people like Freeman, Yellow Rose, Empirezzz, Need Mental Help, and others actually start hosting games instead of hoarding shekels, maybe unrest wouldn't be such a problem. Carthage is becoming a pain because of unrest spawning bad events. Stop spending 3 on an equite like morons. It's the early game, you're not making enough income per turn to be spending that kind of cash with only 1 in 4 chance of winning. Last 4 turns I've spent 0 on an equite (putting my self-interest aside for Rome's sake) and over the course of the game have donated 27 (twenty seven!) shekels to Rome to reduce unrest. Pavle has donated around 40. Populares is the only fucking reason Rome hasn't gone bankrupt, especially that turn Rome had a negative income. Even then morons put 3 on equite, 2 on equite, 4 on equite and 'balance to Rome'. Meanwhile Populares emptied our faction bank. And we get accused of hoarding power....What the actual fuck have any of you done (not you Phoenix and Tirp since you joined now) other than cry and whine and try and assassinate us?
So your solution to me hoarding money is to assassinate me? Kkkk
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Darth., 07.08.2017 at 14:10
Escrito por Phoenix, 07.08.2017 at 14:00
Pking shall be my co-sponsor then. I think our money is best spent on winning battles: that is our highest priority, unrest will remain high if we dont. Also, the sooner we take provinces the more money we'll have! Removing unrest via landbills makes sense in order to make the most of the units we're already paying for to idly sit by! Send them to battle fully equipped! Now!
Darth I suggest taking out the tier 3 landbill as an alternative, removing 1 unrest isnt going to do much.
Paying so many talents a turn is insane. If people like Freeman, Yellow Rose, Empirezzz, Need Mental Help, and others actually start hosting games instead of hoarding shekels, maybe unrest wouldn't be such a problem. Carthage is becoming a pain because of unrest spawning bad events. Stop spending 3 on an equite like morons. It's the early game, you're not making enough income per turn to be spending that kind of cash with only 1 in 4 chance of winning. Last 4 turns I've spent 0 on an equite (putting my self-interest aside for Rome's sake) and over the course of the game have donated 27 (twenty seven!) shekels to Rome to reduce unrest. Pavle has donated around 40. Populares is the only fucking reason Rome hasn't gone bankrupt, especially that turn Rome had a negative income. Even then morons put 3 on equite, 2 on equite, 4 on equite and 'balance to Rome'. Meanwhile Populares emptied our faction bank. And we get accused of hoarding power....What the actual fuck have any of you done (not you Phoenix and Tirp since you joined now) other than cry and whine and try and assassinate us?
So your solution to me hoarding money is to assassinate me? Kkkk
I didn't assassinate you although I wish I knew who did so I could send them flowers. Assassinating someone for hoarding money is stupid and not worth the risk.
Don't accuse me without proof just because you dislike me irl
At least you're honest enough to admit to hoarding money.
==Turn 6: Phase 2 has begun==
Assassination Attempt!
Consul Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was attacked again on his way home from the forum but managed to shake him off. Political enemies are everywhere!
(rolled 4) attempt failed but the perpetrator has not been discovered..
Assassination Attempt Failed!
It was a long night for Andertius Paulius Myst, word had reached him of talks of a possible coup against his faction. His chosen consul had gone dark, his contacts in the other faction were having similar problems locating their consul as well. And all of this was happening when a secret message had been delivered to all the Senators. Was there a conspiracy between the neutrals and the Consuls? Myst ordered his guard to double their search for the missing consuls while he himself began to make the long walk to to the Senate district to meet with Martialism Ovidius. There was no time, voting was expected to happen within the hour. He had to make it to Ovidius' house and gather votes. He summoned a further group of senators and aides to meet him and Ovidius. The senators arrived and began discussing the potential new faction forming. Myst was distracted- where was Consul Nerva? He ordered a messenger to ready his tribune. Then, he stopped. There, at the front door was Nerva. Ovidius eyed him with surprise and quickly went to greet him. Myst let out an exhale. Then he was pushed to the ground.
The crowd gasped as a man screamed- Myst's secret bodyguard had plunged his dagger into the would be assassins side and sliced open his belly. "Who did it!" the bodyguard yelled. The assassin refused to name someone. The bodyguard plunged his dagger deeper and the assassin whispered something into his ear. "You bastard!", Myst yelled. "Flavius Regulus has ordered my assassination!"
More gasp rang out and it was realized the Senator was not present. Consul Nerva looked at his guards. "Find him."
Some say the Gods intervened to protect the man from his assassin. But the plebs feel the Gods were only toying with him. Regulus was not behind it, they thought. It was the will of the Gods.
(rolled 1+1 from assassination card= 2) attempt failed and the perpetrator has been caught (Yellow Rose)
It has come to my attention that members in my faction have acted outside of the goals of this faction- to protect and defend the Republic. I will have no choice but to call these men vermin and will hereby dissolve my faction. I will be joining populares and the will of the people, and the Gods, shall be followed. This... coup... has failed.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Ghostface leaves Populares, and accept Phoenixking!
Consul Vote
1)Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Martialism Ovidius "Fenix" (Pheonixking929)
Censor Vote
2)Antigonus Nerva (GhostFace)
Praetor Vote
2)Atilius Tullius Cicero (need mental help)
Commander of the 2nd Illyrian War?
2)Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) [populares candidate]
Force Raising
1)Construct 8 Fleets
Troop deployment:
1)Deploy all legions 2 fleets to Illyria, rest of fleets to carthage
Pompeian Land Bill:
Sponsor; Sextus Pompeius (Phoenix) +2 popularity if passes
CoSponser;*Martialism Ovidius "Fenix" (Pheonixking929) +1 popularity if passes
Tier II Land bill, Lowers unrest by -2, costs -5/year
Trial of Andertius Paulius Myst
2) Innocent
Trial of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth)
2) Innocent
Trial of Flavius Regulus (Yellow Rose)
1) Guilty (Death)
Pontifex Maximus Andertius vetoes Trial of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth), as it is against the will of Gods!
Tribune vetoes the Trial of Andertius Paulius Myst.
3 boywind and moi - a neutral choice in the name of rome
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Wow you guys are assholes. Me and Pavle combined spent 67 talents to keep your asses in this game, we're the only reason Rome didn't fall to bankruptcy and unrest, and you guys try to assassinate us. Ungrateful cunts.
Consul 1
Censor 2
Praetor 1
Command of Illy War 2
Force raising 1
Troop deployment 1
Land bill: Aye
Trial of Apollo: Guilty
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
You moron Aqollo. Pavle was immune to disaster rolls versus Macedonia - they have even more disaster rolls than Carthage. And you killed him just because you didn't know who assassinated you, and Populares is a convenient target for you to vent your butthurt rage on.
Freeman Cuenta eliminada |
Consul Vote
3)Popus Benedictus (Boywind) + Sextus Pompeius (Phoenix) [tribune proposal]
Censor Vote
1)Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
Praetor Vote
2)Atilius Tullius Cicero (need mental help)
Force Raising
2) Construct 7 Fleets
Troop deployment:
1)Deploy all legions 2 fleets to Illyria, rest of fleets to carthage
Pompeian Land Bill:
Sponsor; Sextus Pompeius (Phoenix) +2 popularity if passes
CoSponser;*Martialism Ovidius "Fenix" (Pheonixking929) +1 popularity if passes
Tier II Land bill, Lowers unrest by -2, costs -5/year
Trial of yellow rose: Innocent.
Let's crush the Illyrians, Roma Invicta!
Escrito por Darth., 08.08.2017 at 01:34
You moron Aqollo. Pavle was immune to disaster rolls versus Macedonia - they have even more disaster rolls than Carthage. And you killed him just because you didn't know who assassinated you, and Populares is a convenient target for you to vent your butthurt rage on.
i did not die faggot
Consul: 3
Censor: 1
Praetor: 2
Illyria: 3
Raising: 1
Troop deployment: 1
Land bill: 1
Yellow Rose trial: 1
Someone Better Than You
1)Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) + Martialism Ovidius "Fenix" (Pheonixking929)
censor1)Horatius Cocles (Empirezz)
pretor1)Sincerus Subsilva (Andartes)
Illyria2)Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Darth) [populares candidate]
Making Troops3) Construct 6 Fleets
Troops1)Deploy all legions 2 fleets to Illyria, rest of fleets to carthage
Land Bills:::Tier II Land bill, Lowers unrest by -2, costs -5/year
1) Guilty (Death)