15.05.2016 - 18:11
youre a lying bitch ass man thats what you are. a bitch man pussy
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15.05.2016 - 18:31
@GOW do me a favor and find him in that park and while you there beat him up ![]() @Lao If you think the community is inexperienced and all that then what were you all mods before being promoted?Let me remind you that we do have supporters,and the time I was a supporter not once I saw any mod asking for any opinion there,either for the new upgrades or anything else that you have in mind. @Eagle Man I don't think you should be talking about strategies,everytime I beat you you cried in forum because you felt bad you lost to a ''noob''.Instead of that you should try to be more open-minded and not go to forum and complain about a strategy. @Njab Blitz is for sure the first strategy that new players buy and probably stick with because of the range,what's new.That though doesn't mean that blitz is a narb strategy or a strategy for narbs.Every strategy has its own difficulties. @Steve chill man @Sultan I kinda agree but I definitely think this needs to be rediscussed. Go GOW loved your comments on Lao and CE. Support to the thread and I hope Lao you start being more open-minded.
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15.05.2016 - 18:34
i was hoping to do that but he never showed up that slimy excuse of a shell fish
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15.05.2016 - 18:37
why you lying you piece of shit motherfucker you and your motherfucking friends didnt show up you bitch ass pussys motherfucker , we were there but you and your bitch ass motherfucker friends never showed up you piece of shit of a pussy ass motherfucker pussy ass bitch
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15.05.2016 - 18:40
15.05.2016 - 18:40
I am not saying only mods, even some of the mods arent very good players(and dont add input to the strat discussion threads). If there are strat changes being discussed i often run them by ppl like mauzer, clovis, eagle etc. Or say for example if changes to mos were being discussed id run them by learster/trollface or other experienced players who can provide constructive input and suggestions. Furthermore many of the changes that have been implemented have come from the community. You can find them in suggestions if you look. My statement about "most of the community" was a bit general, it is more most of the forum posters specifically who generally clogup threads like this with the usual unhelpful nonsense.
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15.05.2016 - 18:40
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15.05.2016 - 18:45
LMAO mauzer????? That is rediculous,I mean mauzer?I would prefer even zizou to help with strategies than mauzer.Mauzer is more selfish and ego than anyone here plus I'm pretty sure he literally gives zero fucks for anyone else in this game than himself and his clanmates which obviously lick him a lot to keep their position in MK(hammer and jf,both great players and persons before they joined MK where they became mauzer's slave and changed personalities). Anyway back in topic you should do more research on who actually can also help in a change,it won;t hurt anyone and I'm sure you will see good results. Note that I wasn't attacking neither MK nor mauzer,I was just saying my opinion so just don't change this threads discussion.
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15.05.2016 - 18:46
Laochra is literally a jew, ofc he would want to nerf the strat named after what the Germans raped his people with ![]()
15.05.2016 - 19:09
Non of us, independently of our position in game, should disallow any other experienced player to be a part of important decision. Furthermore, I respect Lao as a player and friend, also I think we already discussed about this and still, I see he is putting several people in front of other high rank players, same active and experienced as they are. Including himself, which looks really egoistic and I cannot allow such disrespect towards gow, me, el crey, soldier, or any other player whose opinion is that blitz is now very fucked up strategy...guess after whose change.. Its silly if you say 'I played few duels as blitz and it is still pretty playable'. Like wtf?! Are you the only one who is relevant here to decide what is playable enough or what is not playable. Almost two years I liked to use blitz, same as someone who liked to use PD for example and played jt for years. Of course I am still enough able to see blitz became piece of crap which cant stand a ground to the majority of strats. Especially PD. Easy att fails, easy def fails. Nowadays blitz looks like: rush and you will lose what you rushed next turn. To clear this, we can do some researches together. Blitz on one side, other strats on another, then I will give you same battles SS before blitz nerf. Maybe you 'll realize it is not not not and not playable as you think.
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15.05.2016 - 19:23
I've defeated top elo man clovis TWICE, which makes me superior to all of you It is my ultimate assessment that laochra is a jew
15.05.2016 - 19:47
What change do you guys propose for Blitzkrieg? Just so we can move on with this discussion. It seems like the majority agrees that blitz need a change and I quite don't see the point arguing more about it.
15.05.2016 - 19:56
I was thinking the following: - All units get +3 range. - EXCEPT Infantries and Militias (+2 range). - Infantries get +1 def in cities (5 def in total). - Strategy's description is changed in order to fit the new theme. That way defending would become more a matter of rangeskills than to get more units in. The skill level increases a little as those who have experience maneuvering and mixing units will get more in their capitals than those who doesn't. Though?
15.05.2016 - 20:21
So technically, take cities with ranged tanks and defend them with usable infantries. Sounds like GC, but for some reason, looking at the other stats on other units, it still cant compare with skill needed to play GC.
15.05.2016 - 20:34
He's a soulless ginger irishman not a jew. Don't talk about shit you haven't the first clue about ![]()
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
15.05.2016 - 20:36
You saying gc is op or weak?
---- Hi
15.05.2016 - 20:36
Problem with every blitz discussion is that the people who want to make it stronger are literally the same people who suck at all the other strats and need blitz for wins
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
15.05.2016 - 20:51
Neither. In my eyes meaning of "op" would be a strong strategy being pretty easy to play. And no, GC is a strong strategy. Just, strong in some specific situations, with only one play style available. You cant rush with GC, its way too risky. So your opponent already can assume whats your plan.. Blitz with defense.. you just gonna have way too many options to play, aggression with a touch of defensive ability. Interesting range with normal price of units. It wouldnt be fun for the one whos playing vs blitz, aint that right?
15.05.2016 - 21:19
I'm not completely against a blitz boost btw, but i dont want to see blitz go back to dominating every single setting on atwar. Worse the high ranks who grew in that era never learned any other strategies and developed little in the way of skill. Blitz is that strat we all buy as beginners because it is easy and requires less micro. I went for it over sm for that very reason. If it is really powerful and versatile why ever move away from that? We all saw the result, and many of the high ranks im talking about quit after the nerf because they couldnt play anything else.
I've seen them all and considered them all too, the fact of the matter is i can hop into some standard europe duels and dominate with blitz when the circumstances suit. Look at clovis dominating la and sa with blitz. Any setting where maneuverability is important. When i set out to make strat changes i wanted to find a competitive niche for every strat and bring the underused ones up to par. I pretty much did just that. Nobody can say that i didnt. If there is any situation where blitz is indeed a piece of crap and cant stand against another strat then you shouldnt be playing blitz. You've a dozen or so other strats to choose from for a reason, use them. Rather than coming to the forums every few months to make the same complaints.
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15.05.2016 - 21:56
I am tire of these bullshit. How about we mix strategy up.. ![]() combine 2 strategies.
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15.05.2016 - 23:20
Units should get defense while in cities. Blitz units don't do any bonus damage.
---- Planet Howdy Prison = 152/89.
15.05.2016 - 23:34
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15.05.2016 - 23:39
case^ and point:i beat practically every *good* player here in cws or duels with other strats... and so have the other known blitz players. i beat you with RA twice in a row in 5k and then you made a cri thread about nerfing RA
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16.05.2016 - 00:23
Shut up blitz fag!
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16.05.2016 - 03:10
Good... blitz pro strategy once again
njab Cuenta eliminada |
16.05.2016 - 03:40 njab Cuenta eliminada
You are asking your ass to get kicked by toilet cleaner gang. You better stop it. Also, blitz is fine but RA isn't, stop crying like a baby.
16.05.2016 - 03:41
Remove -1 in cities = Blitz OP and 1 week later u have the opposite thread If u play Blitz, walls are actually ur 2nd line of defense, ur first one being TBs (I know the community doesnt believe me but again and again I notice Blitz TBs much better, both when I play it and when I play against it) Cheers
---- Seule la victoire est belle
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