Soldier, labienus julia, 3 on equites
Roma Victrix
Ignore Hannibal again, we'll kill Mago and then he won't have anyone to put in Spain anymore.
Someone Better Than You
Oh this is nice, 13 coins lost. Such communism.
Roll for equite without coin.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
Titus Ovidius "Fenix"
Soldier, following in the foot steps of his father
sell all equites
Sold 4 equites for 13 talents
Escrito por Dereny, 16.08.2017 at 19:21
Lucidius Derenius, soldier.
Also, I sell all my equites for dice roll.
Sold 2 equites for 3 talents
Pavle - Today at 7:35 AM
Sell my equites
Sold 4 equites for 14 talents
In the words of Kenyas oppossition leader, I demand a recount
==Turn 12: Phase 2 has begun==
Attemped Assassinations on the Populares!
Wild rumors were floating around Rome, the populares tried to avoid the crowds, they had lost the favor their fathers once had. On their way to the senate the were suddenly all attacked by killers. A wild fight in the street broke out and the Populares were able to defeat the attackers.
Assassination attempt on Flavius Paulius Myst (Pavle) rolled (2- secret bodyguard =1) Aerelius Pompeius (Phoenix) has been implicated, he loses 5 influence
Assassination attempt on Sulla Pisentius (White Army) rolled (4) unknown perpetrator...
Assassination attempt on Epimetheus (Tirpitz406) rolled (2) ? Tarquinius (Darth) has been implicated, he loses 5 influence
1) Subsilva (Andartes) and Gaius Sulla Pisentius (White Army)
2) ? Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
2) Faustus Caecilius (4nic)
1) Marius Secundus Cocles (Empirezz)
Both of them are guilty
1) Subsilva (Andartes) and Gaius Sulla Pisentius (White Army)
2) ? Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
2) Faustus Caecilius (4nic)
1) Marius Secundus Cocles (Empire)
Guilty on both of these.... scoundrals
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
First Dictator of Roman Republic, Flavius Paulius Myst, speaks!
In these hard times for Romans, generous and well aware of situation, our consuls, decided to appoint be as Dictator.
I will let Julius family command 1st Punic war.
I will let Cornellius Scipio family command 2nd Punic war, with all veteran troops deploying to Cisalpine Gaul, to wait for battle with Hannibal.
I will let Pompeius family command Syrian war.
I deploy 11 legions and the rest of ships to Illyria, incase of Syrians attacking us there.
New Governor of Illyria is me.
Concessions to Andertius and Ovidius families.
Yay on landbill
1) Subsilva (Andartes) and Gaius Sulla Pisentius (White Army)
2) ? Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
2) Faustus Caecilius (4nic)
1) Marius Secundus Cocles (Empirezz)
Both of them are guilty
Escrito por Oleg, 17.08.2017 at 11:01
I will let Cornellius family command 2nd Punic war, their ancestors were good against Hannibal.
My family name is Scipio...
Someone Better Than You
Consul: 2
Censor: 1
Praetor: 1
Pointifex Maximus: 3
Trial 1: 2
Trial 2: 2
Someone Better Than You
Escrito por Oleg, 17.08.2017 at 11:01
I will let Cornellius family command 2nd Punic war, their ancestors were good against Hannibal.
My family name is Scipio...
scipio is nick :d
) Subsilva (Andartes) and Gaius Sulla Pisentius (White Army)
2) ? Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
2) Faustus Caecilius (4nic)
1) Marius Secundus Cocles (Empirezz)
Both of them are guilty
Roma Victrix
Reformatio will vote accordingly unless they explicitely state otherwise
Consul 2
Censor 1
Praetor 1
Pontifex 2
Nay to dictatorship of pavle ofcourse
Escrito por Oleg, 17.08.2017 at 11:32
scipio is nick :d
No, Cornelius is nick, Scipio is the family name.
Someone Better Than You
4Chan Publicaciones: 2132 De: Austria
Barbarian uprising ...
Put me on trial for being a barbarian invader <3
1) Subsilva (Andartes) and Gaius Sulla Pisentius (White Army)
2) ? Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
2) Faustus Caecilius (4nic)
1) Marius Secundus Cocles (Empirezz)
both guilty. shame!
Escrito por Phoenix, 17.08.2017 at 11:37
Nay to dictatorship of pavle ofcourse
Dictatorship is not up for debate. Both consuls have agreed on their choice meaning there is no need for an election.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Escrito por Oleg, 17.08.2017 at 11:01
First Dictator of Roman Republic, Flavius Paulius Myst, speaks!
In these hard times for Romans, generous and well aware of situation, our consuls, decided to appoint be as Dictator.
I will let Julius family command 1st Punic war.
I will let Cornellius Scipio family command 2nd Punic war, with all veteran troops deploying to Cisalpine Gaul, to wait for battle with Hannibal.
I will let Pompeius family command Syrian war.
I deploy 11 legions and the rest of ships to Illyria, incase of Syrians attacking us there.
I will let Antonius family to return to Rome, as they just tried to save one of senators, and killed assasinator Tarquinius (assasination in defense)
New Governor of Illyria is Martialism Ovidius Fenix
Concessions to Andertius and Ovidius families.
Yay on landbill
Why would he need to go to illyria with 11 legions guys?
To rebel ofcourse.
Well done noobs
Gg pavle
Escrito por Phoenix, 17.08.2017 at 12:03
Escrito por Oleg, 17.08.2017 at 11:01
First Dictator of Roman Republic, Flavius Paulius Myst, speaks!
In these hard times for Romans, generous and well aware of situation, our consuls, decided to appoint be as Dictator.
I will let Julius family command 1st Punic war.
I will let Cornellius Scipio family command 2nd Punic war, with all veteran troops deploying to Cisalpine Gaul, to wait for battle with Hannibal.
I will let Pompeius family command Syrian war.
I deploy 11 legions and the rest of ships to Illyria, incase of Syrians attacking us there.
I will let Antonius family to return to Rome, as they just tried to save one of senators, and killed assasinator Tarquinius (assasination in defense)
New Governor of Illyria is Martialism Ovidius Fenix
Concessions to Andertius and Ovidius families.
Yay on landbill
Why would he need to go to illyria with 11 legions guys?
To rebel ofcourse.
Well done noobs
Gg pavle
Cita: I deploy 11 legions and the rest of ships to Illyria, incase of Syrians attacking us there.
Escrito por Phoenix, 17.08.2017 at 12:03
Escrito por Oleg, 17.08.2017 at 11:01
First Dictator of Roman Republic, Flavius Paulius Myst, speaks!
In these hard times for Romans, generous and well aware of situation, our consuls, decided to appoint be as Dictator.
I will let Julius family command 1st Punic war.
I will let Cornellius Scipio family command 2nd Punic war, with all veteran troops deploying to Cisalpine Gaul, to wait for battle with Hannibal.
I will let Pompeius family command Syrian war.
I deploy 11 legions and the rest of ships to Illyria, incase of Syrians attacking us there.
I will let Antonius family to return to Rome, as they just tried to save one of senators, and killed assasinator Tarquinius (assasination in defense)
New Governor of Illyria is Martialism Ovidius Fenix
Concessions to Andertius and Ovidius families.
Yay on landbill
Why would he need to go to illyria with 11 legions guys?
To rebel ofcourse.
Well done noobs
Gg pavle
Cita: I deploy 11 legions and the rest of ships to Illyria, incase of Syrians attacking us there.
Dont talk to me like im stupid omg
Name will be Marcus. Politician again.
Both guilty.
Consul Vote
1) Subsilva (Andartes) and Gaius Sulla Pisentius (White Army)
Censor Vote
2) ? Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
Praetor Vote
2) Faustus Caecilius (4nic)
Appoint Pontifex Maximus?
1) Marius Secundus Cocles (Empirezz)
Trial of Aerelius Pompeius (Phoenix)
1) Guilty (Death)
Trial of ? Tarquinius (Darth)
1) Guilty (Death)
Titus Ovidius Fenix was enjoying the day, he was about to be governor of Illyria, not a bad position he thought. The crowds didn't like that he always had a bodyguard around him in the open, like some kind of king, but he didn't mind, it kept him perfectly safe. Until it didn't. As he was enjoying the food at a local high end resteraunt, the crowds filtered out which triggered alarm. The bodyguards went to check but found the doors locked. Then came the smoke. Then the fire. They found the windows boarded up. That was the end of Fenix.
Assassination attempt on Fenix (pking) rolled (6-2 open bodyguard+1 from assasination card =5) Titus Ovidius Fenix is killed!
I hope this Cornelia lives up to the name of his glorious ancestor by delivering a victory.
Heaven forbid he brings shame to their name. If he does something cowardly like hiding from Rome's enemies, I propose we throw him off the rock for cowardice.
(credit to Pking for #)
==Turn 12: Phase 3 has begun==