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Publicado por Elijah, 13.01.2018 - 15:46
In the past few months, more and more people have been complaining about Hateful Eight members rigging games. I have also been told by several parties that The Hateful Eight wants my map to fail, and they generally gangbang and fail to play by the rules. This of course is not true of all members of this clan, but today a player rogued me, stated he hated my clan, and said "glory to the hateful eight". Some may claim that I want this clan to fall apart, this is not the case. Others may claim I am a puppet of the Imperial Union, that is sort of true.

What I want is for dialogue to open, to figure out what the H8's interests are, and to ensure my map can be played without coalitions rigging games. The large majority of the people I banned as of late will probably be unbanned, and things will hopefully return to something that is somewhat normal. I have not ignored any of the people I banned, so I can assure I will be getting spammed. Thank you for reading this, and sorry for the lack of fluidity in this message.

Edit: I have now un-banned the people that I banned simply for being in the Hateful Eight.
14.01.2018 - 03:11
This community.... what trash
14.01.2018 - 03:43
The October Headaches are coming back to me......... Maps should not be controlled by mass groups of people, This has been the first time ive seen a justified mass ban by the IU being publicly shown. Ive seen this enough times to know exactly whats going on, and its hysterical of why it is. Because ultimately its pointless and you are all wasting your time. Also bringing this to the Fourms is making the Rp community shittier than it already looks at the moment. You people are making it very hard to find a solution to making rp better. The fact that it has spread to this extent is quite annoying. Now days people choose the most drama inducing people to lead them.
14.01.2018 - 05:23
This argument will go nowhere. All the two parties have is just plain accusations. Neither have any solid proof.

Your 'argument' consists of attempting to insult the others reputation, or in other words, ad hominem.

14.01.2018 - 05:42
Escrito por Guest, 13.01.2018 at 21:03

Idk why you guys keep trying to drag Aelius into your gay rp orgies. He clearly wants nothing to do with you lil kiddies so why not keep the roleplaying to yourselves and if you want to ban an entire coalition from joining your games then do so, you dont need to be an attention seeker and promote a topic about it all, I got pissed off with this coalition because they kept joining games and allyfagging with several late joining so i banned them and didnt make a deal out of it.

If you had read everything youd see its not about the ban, as in that aspect, you and i converge, its the fact he's going low and derailed (somethinh that was never to be this according to elijah) topic to put up false accusations and proceeding to slander me particularly in some capacity on something my name got dragged to when i refused to take part or involve as shown in prints, if anything its he whos making a fuzzy orgy by involving people, in his drama with a friend, nothing else
14.01.2018 - 05:45
Escrito por LukeTan, 14.01.2018 at 05:23

This argument will go nowhere. All the two parties have is just plain accusations. Neither have any solid proof.

Your 'argument' consists of attempting to insult the others reputation, or in other words, ad hominem.

Im not actually accusing, im defending from ad hominem accusations against me when i was studying for exams and wasnt aware of any drama, any accusation i made can be substantiated with what mods already have tho
14.01.2018 - 05:50
Escrito por Wheelo, 13.01.2018 at 21:07

Why are you screenshotting private messages, thats low.

For the sake of truth and coherency and honesty it had to be done, wont allow public executions with senseless evidence that are decontextualized and frame my character

(Sorry for the separate posts but on my phone, wont reply to anything slanderish here, if Aelius has the courage to slander publically, he can also talk to me in private on atwar or discord, as he knows and could.)
14.01.2018 - 06:03
Escrito por Al Fappino, 14.01.2018 at 05:50

Escrito por Wheelo, 13.01.2018 at 21:07

Why are you screenshotting private messages, thats low.

For the sake of truth and coherency and honesty it had to be done, wont allow public executions with senseless evidence that are decontextualized and frame my character

(Sorry for the separate posts but on my phone, wont reply to anything slanderish here, if Aelius has the courage to slander publically, he can also talk to me in private on atwar or discord, as he knows and could.)

I'm still waiting for you to even debunk anything, also check Discord, lets go in Voice Chat if you'd like to talk privately
14.01.2018 - 06:38
RP drama
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

14.01.2018 - 07:07
I did debunk you and your false victim claims, and I did expose some of your attempts at doing the very same thing you're now claiming to be a victim of, explicitely debunking you and shaming you, or public execution as mods coined in the past here on the forums would imply me go as low as you're used to go (see statement you uttered below) and providing public information that only mods and I am aware.

I'll leave you at that and your petty victimized senseless and without any base of truth, considering noone you accuse has anything to do with what your friend did. And I did debunk you, simply check my post above where I responded to your false claims of taking advantage of our friend, thing you actually did just in this thread, how saddening is that to see.

Escrito por Aelius, 13.01.2018 at 16:10

Please leave me out of these petty atwar politics, im done with you guys being utter morons, threatening to leak my families house address? threatening to leak my university info? sad little people, Elijah you are talking garbage also, i doubt you were even the one to write this... i smell A.. dog

Escrito por Aelius, 14.01.2018 at 06:03

I'm still waiting for you to even debunk anything, also check Discord, lets go in Voice Chat if you'd like to talk privately

1st part answered above.

2nd part should be very clear to you that I will not abide by your bidding and demands, as I've never done in the past where you wanted to coerce me to go on a voice chat and be a part of your lil' meme group to roast or whatever you professional memers do.
Given the history i've been told of you recording conversations or creeping out on people via voice, I'd rather have our chat being screenshotted by yourself and distorted like no tommorrow and actually hold concrete evidence of that than being creeped via voice by some anonymous whom I can't trust nor have any base of intimacy to engage in a voice conversation with. If I haven't engaged in conversations with close friends on atwar, what makes you think you're special?

Play by the rules I set of talking on AW or Discord, at least there you won't sell-out for attention to gain any moral grounds based on lies and decontextualize stuff as you've been doing as previously mentioned, my initiative, my rules, and since you agreed upon it, pacta sun servanda

Slandering ends here.
14.01.2018 - 14:35
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
You're all trash players. Get a life.
15.01.2018 - 08:20
Xaaa i waited so long for this! +1 Elliijjjaaahhhh!
15.01.2018 - 10:13
I stop playing RP because people like to gangbang high rank if I'm not friend with them.
23.01.2018 - 06:27
Escrito por Htin, 15.01.2018 at 10:13

I stop playing RP because people like to gangbang high rank if I'm not friend with them.

get 1 high rank friend then kill an entire lobby, easy sp
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna

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