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07.07.2011 - 03:13
Is it possible that some neutral countries give up and don't defend themselves if I attack with a much bigger army?
The reason that I'm asking this is that I just attacked Seoul which had 8 militia in defense. I had a much bigger army with a lot of tanks. When I conquered the city, I all of a sudden had 8 militia in my army that wasn't there before.
07.07.2011 - 03:34
No, this is normal when capturing any city: you get the same number of militia as you can make reinforcements in that city, free of charge (except upkeep)
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
07.07.2011 - 05:03
Additionally, some cities have infantry - if you conquer these you will not get infantry you only receive militia.
Escrito por Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Escrito por tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

07.07.2011 - 06:46
Ok thanks guys

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