16.06.2016 - 16:24
In my opinion I think the clan-joining system is a bit broken, and the occassions recently where people could join 3 different clans in 1 day isn't really helping the broken system. (No offense to Sun at all, I really like how you interact with the community ![]() So to help this problem I came up with an idea to probably fix this ''clanhopping'' problem. What if every account from the start receives 5 tickets (points, entrees, cards, however you want to call it) to join a clan. *The amount of tickets can be discussed* With these tickets you can basically join 5 clans you want, but when you are out of tickets, you won't be able to join a clan. Ofcourse this doesn't mean that you can only join 5 clans in your whole AW adventure, because I also have a little bit kind of complex solution system for it, (which is probably gonna get rejected because it is ''not that easy to do'', which I think is worth taking the time for but thats my opinion). You can achieve tickets to join clans by staying in a clan for an amount of time. This time can be discussed, I personally was thinking about maybe 25% or 20% of the days since you started playing this game. So if you play the game for 1 year, which means 365 days, you need to stay in a clan for 91,25 days. So basically 3 months. I think an amount of 3 months to receive 1 ticket to join a clan later on, is a fine amount. Ofcourse the longer you play the more you have to wait. Because for example someone that plays for 3 years, like me, has to wait 273,75 days to receive a ticket. Thats basically around 8 months. This does also include making a clan. So there are 2 options which are: 1. The days only count if you stay in 1 clan, so that means when you leave a clan and join another one, you have to start all over again with counting for a new ticket. 2. The days count throughout the days you stay in a clan, doesn't matter if you joined another clan in the meantime. I personally like option 1 more, because option 2 still somehow allows the ''clanhopping'' and doesn't really support the purpose of my suggestion. Some changes could be made. However to solute the problem with longer playing players that has to basically wait 1/4th year for only 1 ticket, we could set standard amounts of percentages divided by the years people play. Maybe above 3 or 4 years the highest amount of percentage? Because if you play this game later for 10 years with this sytem, you basically are screwed, I think. I will name the benefits of this system: - People will choose their clans wisely. - Less 1-season clan's being made. - More ''serious thought of'' clans are being made, this because people actually spent a worthfull ticket for it. - People won't be able to switch from clan to clan to clan with the purpose of gaining more seasonal elo with your current clan on your past clans. - More clans start growing to eachother, this meaning I am talking about people are willing to stay with eachother for a longer time. Let me hear your opinion about it, ofcourse I am willing to adjust the percentages if we come to a conclusion what percentage is accepted by the community. ![]()
16.06.2016 - 16:26
Thanks you waffel but no need we are fine as it is now.
16.06.2016 - 16:30
By only your response I can tell you only read the first 2 sentences and decided to only search up this quote and then smart-ass with a comment like this. Which also confirms the amount of time between I published this thread and the time of your comment, including the searching-up-the-quote time. You, a person that wants people to take threads and suggestions and a way to actually improve this game to be taken serious, acting like this. And please, dont speak for an entire community, people have opinions too, which I am therefore making a thread for them to share them.
16.06.2016 - 16:31
Are you kidding me? you expect me to stay in a clan for 1 year and 3 months until i can join a new one?
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16.06.2016 - 16:32
Therefore I am saying to pick wisely and be save with ur tickets.
16.06.2016 - 16:37
no, its stupid, i dont want to stay in a clan for 15 months, when it just doesnt work out in the end and i'm tired of all the serbs. or i'll get kicked by bonker 4 times and i wont be able to go anywhere, because i already used up all my retarded tickets thats retarded, waffel, nobody is going to support this bullshit
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16.06.2016 - 16:39
>Didn't read Sun Tzu's response to clan hoping > Says I was the one who didn't payed time to read this thread Sure man. Anyway as I said the current system is fine as it is.
16.06.2016 - 16:42
This is why I am saying, that it might be smart to add up an standard amount of percentages for the older players, so this doesn't affect them as much compared with the others. Also there should be a way to not include being kicked from your clan for losing your ticket, but ofcourse this could be abused, maybe if you get kicked from a clan before the first 15 or 20 days, you should regain your ticket back. Ofcourse like I said, the amount of days and percentages could be discussed. And to be honest tirp, you don't join 5 different clans within 15 joins already right? So I wonder how this effects you badly? This is purely based on the clan-hopping problem.
16.06.2016 - 16:45
So even if I have read the comment of Sun, which I did, I am not allowed to come up with a suggestion/solution based on clan-hopping? Could you please stop derailing this thread, because it becoming quite annoying. Thank you.
16.06.2016 - 16:50
its not about me, its about the entire community. besides, i might join 5 different clans, time is infinite and 5 tickets is just 5 fucking tickets
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16.06.2016 - 16:51
Well I won't comment if you don't want me - but you're trying to solve a problem that no longer exists. Good Luck.
17.06.2016 - 10:58
I wonder if you actually read it all? I mentioned for exactly this reason that ofcourse it does not mean you can only join 5 clans, you can gain more tickets by the time you complete being in a clan.
17.06.2016 - 17:52
I'd support this no problem, the idea needs some fine tuning to counter trolling, like ,if your kicked from your clan you don't lose the ticket, tickets could get reset after each season or 2.
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