23.06.2018 - 19:26
When playing casaul, I notice some players seem to be able to create units on the first turn but I never can until my second turn. Is there an upgrade I need to be able to do this?
24.06.2018 - 06:38
They are hackers report them and they get banned
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
24.06.2018 - 08:24
They joined turn 0 when the host started the game thats all.
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. --Les Brown
26.06.2018 - 03:03
If you latejoin a casual game or any game and it's an instant join, you don't get reinforcement till next turn.
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07.07.2018 - 22:34
Man- hosts who have R8 + and build units on the first turn in a Casual War especially on a small map like Europe etc have got to man up-- Atm it is an inadequacy of the game as well as one of several imperfections that many of us in the "Casual World" have been patiently waiting for rectification- I can forgive lower ranks profiteering from this glitch- But i myself and other Leaders in our clan as well as other honourable players do not build first turn, [Nohost1sttrnReinf] or [Nohostbuildturn1] etc are some of the headings you will see on game titles- If you join a 1v1 game you may want to message the host and see what the host's protocol is regarding this- if you ever join 1 of my games there will be no first turn build or if another player joins on turn 0 i will ask them not to build if i dont restart the game [if it is a low rank ill may let them be]- also, as you enter a casual game and before you join [spectate] go to players list, click on each individual name and it will tell you which turn that player has joined, [turn 0, turn1]- obviously you dont want to spawn next to a neighbour who has joined turn 0 and has an advantage over you etc-
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