08.08.2020 - 10:08
Upon agreement from (now former) Order of The Emperor members, we have decided to release all of the guides, expansions & other helpful threads that we used inside the clan. Garde throughout the past year or so has gone threw the forums and brought public (mostly) information together to one thread that makes it easy for someone to learn what the thread is talking about. These guides are endorsed officially by the Supporters Team (est. 8/8/2020) as they are made by the community as a whole and includes different points of view on the game- all while covering one basic topic to allow the player to easily read and understand what they came to the thread to prey their eyes on. Do be mindful that these guides may still be updated over time and have sections put on them ahead of time- Also be mindful of other peoples' views. Competitive Starter Guide was made by Gardevior (now Garde). Before you can start playing comp, there are a few things you need to know in order to play effectively and win. I will be covering what Upgrades are objectively the best to start out with and in what order you should purchase your Upgrades as you garner magic points, how to start playing United Kingdom/Germany (Both are the best picks to learn first as they cover a wide range of situations and concepts you need to know to play anywhere else), and how to communicate with our members and start CW/Dueling. I. Upgrade Unlock Order The order by which you should unlock your upgrades varies person to person, and no specific order is objectively optimal in all situations. I like to tell noobs that learning to play Perfect Defense is the most valuable thing they can do to improve their game, as its the most universal Strategy in the game and excels at everything besides attacking. I'll be basing this entire guide around the premise that you're learning Perfect Defense first, and later on I'll show you two variant strategies for United Kingdom and Germany that will up your game after learning the basics: Naval Commander for UK, and Imperialist for Germany. The following Upgrades list is predicated on you wanting to learn and play competitive 1v1s (Duels), 2v2s (CWs), and 3v3 (CWs). This list accelerates the process by which you can play a fully-functioning Perfect Defense so that you stand a far better chance against high ranks, while disregarding most every other strategy until you learn Guerilla Warfare and Imperialist as your second and third strategies, respectively. Take note that if you want to play World games, Scenarios, etc, you may need different upgrades to compete there. In the future if it is requested, perhaps I'll make Upgrades guides for those scenes as well. But for now, I would look at the first 10 upgrades on this list as law and everything else after can be subjective depending on how you see yourself progressing. Just never ever buy Air Stealth or its accompanying upgrades, Lift The Fog I/II, and Hybrid warfare. HW is an actual decent strategy, but even I have trouble playing it. It's very complex and not good for anyone sub rank 9 imo. ![]() IIA. How to play UK Strategy 1: Perfect Defense Make sure to check out Tirpitz's UK Guide for 3v3s before proceeding, as it goes over all the basics you need to know before committing to PD UK. I'll be covering the Slowroll playstyle here, as it is the most basic successful playstyle you can adhere to in almost every other pick. We will be discussing three different Turn 1 Expansions you can do without Upgrades,;the best way to format your Stacks (Armies); how to progress through the Mid-Game and Fund your East (Turkey or Ukraine, depending on what your ally picked); and what to do if you reach the Late-Game stage of a 3v3. Strategy 2: Imperialist IMP UK is an oft underrated and under-rated start, as it allows you to hyperfund your allies and pass impressive numbers through continental Europe, the key factor proclaiming its less-than-optimal nature being the mediocre stats IMP brings to the table. Nonetheless, IMP UK should be learned early to help massively boost your East or Third Pick's overall economic standing. IIB. How to play Germany Strategy 1: Perfect Defense Strategy 2: Guerilla Warfare III. How to learn more Using the Forums: Contacting clan members: Using Youtube:
08.08.2020 - 22:31
All of this is fascinating. i think its great. there is a lot to absorb with all the guides posted. i have wondered what upgrades to buy. the chart is kinda hard to read. and what r the numbers to the side with shields?
09.08.2020 - 04:20
The numbers are the order you should be getting them ar and the rank symbols are at what rank you should be getting them at (r1-r10)
23.11.2022 - 19:46
I'm approaching to 7200 SP. Why should I buy Expendable Infantry over Cheap and Safer Transportation?
23.11.2022 - 20:26
The aim is to focus your upgrades on your infantry (the most used unit given your strategy) to be on par with the top players. Having weaker / more expensive inf will put you at a disadvantage. It may seem attractive to beef up your transports, but you only build a few of those each game, compared to the hundreds of imp you'll build each game. So Expendable Infantry > Cheap/Safe Transportation.
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23.11.2022 - 22:22
Thank you.
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