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Publicado por Desu, 10.01.2013 - 03:29
The title is a direct quote and it came out of a long discussion, I saw it as a thoughtful and wise way to describe my thread.

edit: The original title was: <Fruitcommando>fix these shitty strats nigga
But no fun allowed around here ok.

These have been discussed for a while and seem reasonable. Though I believe the idea for blitzkrieg is my best.


As blitz is known for letting noob players expand fast, I thought it fitting we kept to that model. Blitzkrieg eventually loses its luster as a strategy when you continue playing, and learn new strategies. My suggestions are:

• Ignore enemy defence bonus'
• Ignore the enemy general bonus'

Instead of adding +1 attack to blitzkrieg as other threads have proposed, just allow it to ignore the city defence bonus that infantry get, and that militia get in pd/gw. This means blitz will have the same attack when attacking stacks that aren't in a city, but when attacking cities allows it to move and expand against enemies more freely. Also I'd like it to ignore the general defence bonus.


Iron Fist

Everyone seems to have forgotten that IF was in fact nerfed twice for the same reasons, and one nerf was not taken away when the other was added.

• Transport range returned
• Air Transport range returned

If you look at the transports of IF, you'll notice -4 for transports, and -5 for air transports on their range. This was an attempt to stop IF from being OP because of its old +3 hp, but since they took IF's hp down to only +2hp, I don't see this range nerf as needed anymore. Bring the range back up to only the standard -2 range all Iron Fist units get.


Naval Commander

This has always been an under appreciated strategy, when some of the better players get bored we do play this. We think it's a gem that needs to be shined, let's bring it forth in a glorious fashion.

• Add +5 to the sea transport capacity

This doesn't add to the statistical power of NC in terms of unit to unit. However will allow for the coasts to be controlled more easily, and doesn't affect anything too far inland.


Lucky Bastard

Now this is the strategy to challenge yourself with - but that's it. It cannot be played vs the better players, but only to fool around 'cause you know, you're LB n u stron.

• +12 instead of +5 Crit. chance

Now I know some of you went through some testing and came up with the answer "OGMDSMF OP" when we had merged into atWar. LB had a far higher critical chance, and now you've not only nerfed it, but pushed it back into its previous state. Even with +12 this still won't be playable as a competitive strategy, but it's a start.


Desert Storm

This strategy is pretty strong as it is. It does use its own powerful unique unit--the helicopter. It gives +1 range to its marines, allowing for some added expansion. However, it still isn't unique in its playstyle, let's change that.

• 1 Marine Capacity to Helicopters

• -1 Attack to Infantry, with
• -1 Defence to Infantry, or
• +10 to Infantry cost, or
• -1 to Infantry range

Now before you say "what? why teh attack? Wty add nerfs?" I did say DS was strong in its own right. Make DS more geared toward using the helicopter and marines combined than other units. This does in fact make the strategy much stronger than before, and even I am hesitant to add this in my post.

With an initial nerf, or nerfs, this brings the probability of further nerfs later down. If you gave it -1 defence, the attack of DS matters more. If you put -1 range, this makes it harder to expand with only infantry, and harder to defend cities and capitals. +10 cost would make up for not having to create air transports, even if only just a bit. -1 Attack, like SM, would be a small compromise and should be mixed with the other ideas.

Overall the strategy becomes stronger and more unique. If ever implemented it would probably go over another hurdle of testing and discussion.


Now I understand your search for balance, however we should start adjusting with small buffs to the weak strategies rather than always looking for a nerf to the strong strategies.

Oh, and discussion is welcome. Pls rate/hate/support or whatever you do when posting on a thread ok.
22.01.2013 - 13:51
OK I think all has been said. Now lets see if it is implemented.
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