27.10.2014 - 17:17 ![]() Clan War Report by Clovis & Madara 10/26/14 Greetings everyone, Just a few days ago Stalins Martians had their 500th CW with one of the most active coalitions on atWar, evoL. To celebrate, this CW was a 10 v. 10 on the standard world map! ![]() Let's see what the founder of Stalins Martians was thinking before the CW started; [pr] Epic_win: b0nkerS: Greetings, can I interview you? [pr] b0nkerS: ya go [pr] Epic_win: b0nkerS: hehe Thanks. [pr] Epic_win: b0nkerS: What do you think about this cw? [pr] b0nkerS: it will be long [pr] b0nkerS: hopefully fun [pr] b0nkerS: and hopefully a celebration for 500 wars, no drama etc etc [pr] b0nkerS: evol have bought mercenaries though, so they prolly win [pr] Epic_win: b0nkerS: Good to know, do SM have any kind of strategy for the game? [pr] b0nkerS: no strategy just have fun. [pr] Epic_win: b0nkerS: ok Thanks you! Looks like they're gonna just have fun with this rare occasion and give their hardest! Now to the battlefield. ![]() The Tactician as United Kingdom. joedtaxi as Ukraine. b0nker as USA: Great Lakes. Unlimited Power as Mexico. Goblin as Turkey. Sasori as Egypt. Mantis as USA: Midwest. Nero as Italy. BertanK as Russia: Volga. W4r as Germany. Tirpitz as Iran. chill as China: North. Desu as Taiwan. Mr_Own_U as Vietnam. 1godofwar1 as Thailand. Gonzo as Pakistan. Stryko as China: Northeast. Madara as USA: Northeast. Xen0 as France. Paolo as South Korea. ![]() ![]() For this CW both parties went straight for N.A, Europe and Asia leaving South America, Africa and Oceania vacant. All the players picked on the richest continents! North America: ![]() b0nkerS as USA: Great Lakes Mantis... as USA: Midwest v. Unlimited Power as Mexico Madara as USA: Northeast. We have a 2v2 in USA, looks like it could go either way. Europe and Asia must have been more important! Europe and Middle East: ![]() In Europe: The Tactician as United Kingdom BertanK as Russia: Volga Xen0 as France Goblin as Turkey Tirpitz! as Iran v. joedtaxi as Ukraine Nero as Italy W4r as Germany Sasori as Egypt Gonzo as Pakistan Pretty even fight here too but Goblin is caught in the middle of his enemies. evoL has the advantage in the Middle East unless Turkey decides to go East. Asia: ![]() Stryko as China: Northeast Desu as Taiwan 1godofwar1 as Thailand. v. Mr_Own_U as Vietnam Paolo as South Korea chill as China: North. 3v3 in Asia, this should be the most interesting. Overall evoL has the better starting countries but SM are amazing players it won't be easy to out preform them. Due to technical difficulties we only got turn 17 and on but Clovis has the details!: OVERVIEW: America After some turns of expancion and fights, by turn 5 bonker lost his only expancion, USA: Atlantic, to Madara. The next turn he got capped, losing in turn 8. mantis ran out of luck and eventually got capped in turn 9. Result: The battle ends in turn 11, with the victory of evoL over America. OVERVIEW: Europe and Middle east - Western europe: While Xeno and The Tactician pressures W4r, Nero went for balkans for help sasori to fight a weak Goblin. However, after capping paris in turn 7, W4r lost his capital, and eventually turned into the second casualtie for evoL, following up Sasori. Nero ran out of luck and got capped in turn 11, losing in turn 13. - East europe: Having to fight a 2vs1, Goblin had a very though match against Nero and Sasori. In the north, it was more even: A 1vs1 fight between BertanK and joedtaxi. In turn 7 BertanK was the second casualtie for SM. - Middle East: While Sasori was in balkans, Tirpitz expand though the arabian peninsula, while sending some troops at syria. Tirpitz as well took some indian cities for keep Pakistan busy. In turn 9, Sasori was the first casualtie of evoL and the third of the game, leaving Tirpitz alone with Pakistan on middle east. Result: joedtaxi end up as the only evoL survival in Europe, having to fight the overpowered SM in the continent. In middle east, the battle between Tirpitz and india would last till the end of the game. OVERVIEW: Asia Losing Shangai in turn 1 against chill was a very bad move by Desu. Stryko tried (and won) Shangai on turn 2, but leaving himself unprotected against South Korea/Paolo. His effort were in vain as Southeast was soon retaken by evoL. In indochina, MOU holds against Thailand and go for cap a weaken Desu. By turn 6, Desu end up leaving. This was the first casualtie for SM, and the first for the game. MOU capped thailand in turn 8, and stryko lost his capital by turn 9. Result: The asian scenario end in turn 10, with the victory of evoL. Turn 17 Overview: Xen0/France going down to Africa while Unlimited Power/Mexico tries to find a way to land his undefended transports. ![]() Madara lands in Europe. ![]() Tirp as Iran trying to hold off the Asian invasion. ![]() Unit counts: Asia with 351 and Tirp/Iran with Just over 300. ![]() ![]() Turn 18 Overview: Looks like France is winning out against Mexico. Innate gives his input. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Turn 20 Overview: Asia making it's way into Europe, mind you the max turns is 50 and SM's only hope is too win by SP but they were down by about 400 SP if my memory serves me well. ![]() Madara continues to skirmish in EU ![]() Mexico lands in Africa while MOU makes a foot hold in the area ![]() joed holding out at turn 20 completely surrounded and keeping Eu's attention. ![]() Turn 21 Overview: Madara caps Paris and Madrid. ![]() ![]() blargh's input ![]() Turn 22 Overview: Tactician as UK overwhelms Paris, making it clear Madara wouldn't make it in Europe ![]() MOU as Vietnam makes it all the way to west russia ![]() Unit counts, evoL is clearly catching up with tons of time to win the game. ![]() Acq's/founder of Illyria's input ![]() Turn 25 Overview: evoL winning the game with a 350 SP lead to lean on ![]() Tirp with the most SP with Madara/USA a close 2nd. Looks like Goblin pushed out evoL and went to help Iran take back the middle east. ![]() Paolo pushing into Russia, close to saving joed. ![]() Madara completely pushed out of Europe and outnumbered 3 to 1 ![]() Turn 26 Overview: joed holding out for 26 turns finally capped ![]() 1godofwar1's input ![]() ![]() Turn 28 Overview: Tirp/Iran capped, if SM loses him they lose all his SP. This means certain defeat for SM who caught up in SP with evoL since they killed joed/Ukraine. ![]() Turn 30 Overview/Finale evoL ends up holding Tirp/Iran's capitol and taking the win for SM's 500th CW in 30 turns! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Laochra's input ![]() ![]() Match rating - 8.5/10: For the 500th CW of SM it was quite one sided but nonetheless exciting. Congratulations to both coalitions! Let's hear from some of the players!: [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: That was a good game! Conglatulation on SM 500th CW. Can I interview you? [pr] ~Desu: Oh sure. [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: Did SM had any kind of plan for the cw? [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: or all was random? [pr] ~Desu: All random. We had a great idea forming on the first round but someone kept dc'ing and we ended up remaking 5x. [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: yeah but finally the CW started.... Is this the first time that a 10vs10 CW on whole world happens? [pr] ~Desu: Which is too bad, we had the best picks the first time through. And yes, first 10 vs 10 World CW [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: Too bad about the picks. What was your impression when SM lost in america and asia? [pr] ~Desu: "Too bad," but still had a chance. Europe was winning and we just had to hold out. [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: And then Goblin and The Tactician made an awesome recover around turn 27! What do you think about this? Did they had chances at this time? [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: Tactician got Madara off europe, and goblin retook some russian territories. Did the clan still trust on a victory after that? [pr] ~Desu: Oh yeah of course. Hard to say who did better, but there was some awesome gameplay. When Joed was killed and SM had more SP, it was a pretty awesome moment too. [pr] ~Desu: Definitely. We had a feeling Tirpitz couldn't hold forever, which was the case, but if we could manage to hold the Middle East we thought we could win. [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: Cool. One last question [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: After the 500th CW, what do you think about the future of Stalins Martians ?[/color [pr] ~Desu: Complete stability, just as we always had. It's pretty bright. The group is always good. [pr] ~Desu: We've always considered ourselves one of the best, and will continue to follow that statement through thick and thin. [pr] Epic_win: ~Desu: Good to know. Thanks for the time, and Good luck in the future of the clan! [pr] ~Desu: You're welcome, I look forward to the article. [pr] The Tactician: hi [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Hey! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: so I know is a bit later but can I interview you? [pr] The Tactician: Sure! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: First of all, Conglatulation SM for their 500th CW! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Was enjoylable the cw? [pr] The Tactician: Thanks, its an honor to be apart of it! [pr] The Tactician: very enjoyable, big cw's always are [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Yes, but it took some remakes before start.... Did the wait wort it? [pr] The Tactician: Definetly worth it. [pr] The Tactician: it was so annoying though when people dc'd hahaha [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Yeah [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: But at last, the CW finally started! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Did you like the picks? Did you had any plan for the game? [pr] The Tactician: I think the picks were pretty much well balanced, we maybe had a player more in Europe, but that Egypt was breathing down Gob's neck. [pr] The Tactician: We generally wanted to win eu and asia [pr] The Tactician: from there it shoudve been easy [pr] The Tactician: i guess we can, not sure how much time i have but might be able to play [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Yeah.... but by turn 10, SM was removed from Asia and America! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: What were your impressions about it? [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Was game over? or still not? [pr] The Tactician: Yes its unfortunate, losing Asia was tough, game changing. [pr] The Tactician: but the game is never over till the fat lady sings!!! (or in this case a duet from ivan and amok) [pr] The Tactician: Although things were pretty hard on us by then [pr] The Tactician: it was really more celebratory than competitive, everybody had a blast, thats whats important [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: So, advancing. [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Madara started to attack Europe by turn 19, and in turn 21 he managed to take both Paris and Spain ! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: What did you though about this? [pr] The Tactician: Yea we observed Madara's bombers coming from USA a few turns before, hence my walls [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: But the move in paris and madrid was outstanding! It reverted France economy back to 100% [pr] The Tactician: he shook us up a bit, but everything was able to be retaken eventually [pr] The Tactician: yes a scattered raid of bombers with very high range causes panick, nobody really knows where youre going to hit [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: You are right, and by turn 26, you did an impressive job taking madara out of europe and taking some lands in russia. [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Goblin as well took some russian territories, africa, and arabia [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Did you though SM was advancing foward? [pr] The Tactician: Goblin was OP [pr] The Tactician: We were definetly making progress [pr] The Tactician: Enough to take the game though? not sure [pr] The Tactician: they had swarms coming from Asia and America, assaults from everywhere [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: That is right [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Even though regaining land, Tirpitz eventually lost his capital in turn 28! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Was there any plan for recap him? [pr] The Tactician: Yes Tirp was being pressured a lot [pr] The Tactician: Well after Tehran being taken the game's outcome was set [pr] The Tactician: but oh well, it was a very fun and interesting game! [pr] The Tactician: Very epic indeed [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: I agree, It was a very historical game for whole AW community! [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: One last question [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: After your teanmates left, It was curious your 165 units in sea. What were you planning to do with that? [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Was you planning to attack Madara with that? or there was an stealth attack following it? [pr] The Tactician: eventually I had to reach USA [pr] The Tactician: so yea i had a few subs backing up [pr] The Tactician: but that was my main force [pr] Epic_win: The Tactician: Cool, Thanks for your time! [pr] The Tactician: My pleasure! Just want to say thanks to all of evoL for participating in our celebratory CW and thanks to all my clanmates/leaders from being so OP and leading us to 500 CWs! Also xenoisgay [pr] Epic_win: Madara: I've got like 30 mins... so can I interview you? [pr] Madara: Sure. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: aight. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: SM had their 500th cw and evoL was recluiting old members for join. Did you joined in this way? [pr] Epic_win: Madara: What where your thoughs about this special CW? [pr] Madara: Good friend of mine, Sas, said they needed another and insisted that I play. So, I took him up on the offer and generous oppurtunity. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: So, after some remakes, the CW finally started! [pr] Madara: Yeah on the last remake I told evoL I'd leave if there was another remake but luckily the game started. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: What did you though about USA scenario? having midwest and great lakes and a mexico as ally.... [pr] Epic_win: Madara: midwest and great lakes as enemy* [pr] Madara: I didn't think we'd win in USA, I was sure they'd both rush me before Mexico could help me. Plus Mexico went Blitz so I was expecting somewhat of a disaster. [pr] Madara: But mantis wasn't doing much and thankfully b0nker rushed USA atlantic like I anticipated. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Yes, and you managed to cap bonker by turn 6! [pr] Epic_win: Madara: After winning on America, did you had a plan for attack Europe? [pr] Madara: Yeah I was gonna keep France and UK busy while Asia worked their way into Europe [pr] Madara: And fund them a couple thousand every few turns [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Did you had any stealth attack planned? [pr] Madara: Nah, stealth isn't my thing. UK went for a sealth attack tho, made me more confident that I was doing my job [pr] Epic_win: Madara: So the bombers where your choise. And by turn 21 you did a great move capping paris and taking spain! [pr] Epic_win: Madara: were* [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Did you though "the end" was near for SM, after reverting france income to 100% ? [pr] Madara: Yeah I noticed how much weaker France was compared to UK so I took both to get rid of his reinforcements. I wanted to keep their attention so I did something crazy and risky. [pr] Madara: It was over when they lost Asia and USA so quickly, the atmosphere in evoL was very calm and confident except for chill x3 he made it fun [pr] Epic_win: Madara: What about The Tactician? by turn 26 he manages to remove you completery from Europe, while making some advances in Russia, along with Goblin. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: What were your thoughs about it? [pr] Madara: Yeah Tact definitely pushed me out of Europe but then he never went to help his team keep Tirp alive [pr] Madara: I just kept spamming some bombers every now and then and he just stayed where he was like I wanted him to [pr] Madara: Funded my team mates every now and then [pr] Madara: He did great holding me off but idk why he used 300 units to do it [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Excelent strategy! And by turn 28, evoL finally capped Tirpitz ! [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Did you though it was over for SM? Did the clan though Tirpitz would be recapped by goblin? [pr] Madara: Yeah After that I skipped Eu went towatd goblin to TB and kill some of his stacks [pr] Madara: Yeah I was sure it was over around turn 10 which was disappointing [pr] Madara: And we didn't think they would recap, even if they did we had tons of units floating around. Everyone was calm [pr] Madara: Paolo never spoke a word during the CW, MOU hardly spoke aswell [pr] Epic_win: Madara: And by turn 30, the last hope for SM (win by SP) was lost! [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Did you enjoy the CW? [pr] Madara: I wish it was exciting as it sounds but turn 30 was it for the CW [pr] Madara: I enjoyed it . Glad to have been apart of it [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Cool! One last question [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Even though USA: Pacific is the biggest economy of USA, it didnt received much attention from the start. [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Why you think this happened? [pr] Madara: SM was too preoccupied to go for it and I didn't get it cause I'm such a slow player and it wasn't a big deal [pr] Epic_win: Madara: Good, Thanks for your time! [pr] Madara: My pleasure. [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: Aye there, I'm going to interview you! [pr] joedtaxi: ok [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: So, how did you hear about the 500th CW and why did you go to fight for evoL? [pr] joedtaxi: well MOU pmed me and asked me would i like to go back for the cw because of my history with evol so i tought it would be fun to play in it [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: What were your impressions when evoL beat SM in Asia and America? [pr] joedtaxi: i had a feeling we would win asia because i think we had better picks but i was pretty shocked we won in america [pr] joedtaxi: i dont remember the players but we had a blitz mexico which i tought was going to be a disaster [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: It was Madara and Unlimited Power [pr] joedtaxi: ahh [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: How did evoL lose Europe? People in game chat were sure you'd win [pr] joedtaxi: well they had an extra player so that is what it came down to id say [pr] joedtaxi: i think they had better picks aswell [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: Did you feel that evoL victory was in danger at any point in the game? [pr] joedtaxi: at the start i wasnt sure if we would win or not but once we won asia and america i knew we would win it [pr] Madara: joedtaxi: evoL currently have 364 CW's. Will you be there for their 500th or 400th CW too? [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: I catch u! [pr] Tirpitz!: hu? [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: time for an interview! [pr] Tirpitz!: ok [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: can I? [pr] Tirpitz!: ofc [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: Thanks you! [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: So, what do you think about SM 500th CW? it had to be remaked 5 times! [pr] Epic_win: did it wort the wait? [pr] Tirpitz!: waiting 30 hours for a game of cap stacking was so much fun, I want to do it everyday now [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: Cool, so the CW finally started. Did SM had any kind of plan? or all was random? [pr] Tirpitz!: no [pr] Tirpitz!: the plan was: we win [pr] Tirpitz!: but desus plans are away retarded [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: So, advancing. What where your thoughs when SM lost in both Asia and America? [pr] Tirpitz!: My thoughts on asia were that I told desu to pick Vietnam, but he doesn't want to listen to people he considers as worse than himself because he is ignorant as hell [pr] Tirpitz!: when I noticed we were loosing in usa I was like "Oh, we lost in USA, didn't notice" [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: And what about Europe? [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: Nero and joedtaxi were still there, by that time. [pr] Tirpitz!: well, I was happy that my allies were winning because I wouldn't get gangbanged if my allies won at least half of the Eurasian continent [pr] Epic_win: by turn 19, SM had control over all europe, and ukraine was very weak! [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: Do you think SM had chances of victory? [pr] Tirpitz!: if my allies funded me a bit more and just like DIDNT SPAM MOS STEALTHS [pr] Tirpitz!: if they jewed USA and like funded me a bit more, we coul've won [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: So they didn't had a plan for jew usa mainland? [pr] Tirpitz!: well, i mean if they took some USA [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: Well, one last question... [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: By turn 28, SM had an impressive recover by getting Americans out of europe, and Goblin also recovered some russian territories. [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: However, SM didnt was doing that good on africa and middle east, where you got capped [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: Was there any plan for recap you? [pr] Tirpitz!: yes, we had me capped, but asia was spamming bombers and 50 bombers tbed an 60 unit stack i had, and with wich we would've recapped [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: So, after your cap and consecuently dead in turn 30, was it "Game over" for SM? [pr] Tirpitz!: yes, because we lost 1k SP with wich we could've won after some time [pr] Epic_win: Tirpitz!: ok, Thanks you for the interview! [pr] Tirpitz!: np [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: ok, time for an interview. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: can I? [pr] Mr_Own_U: sure. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: cool, let get this starting. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: How did evoL feel when SM offer to have their 500th CW with evoL? [pr] Mr_Own_U: I was surprised. evoL is only a year old. SM is a clan that no one can quite compare to. We were honored. [pr]Mr_Own_U: I thought some oldschool members coming back would make it even more epic, which it did. The other leaders of evoL returning for this event was great. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: And how do you feel to see your old clanmates rejoining for enjoy this special cw? [pr] Mr_Own_U: I felt great, a nice reminisce. A blast from the past. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: So, after some remakes the CW finally started. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: What were your impressions when evoL beat SM in Asia and America? [pr] Mr_Own_U: Excited, we felt we had the best picks in both parts. We just had to out perform them since they are great players. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: It was a very cool and very awesome part of the cw. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: However, at some point around turn 27, The Tactician and Goblin manages to push Madara out of Europe and recover some Russian territories. [pr] Mr_Own_U: Yep I agree. Definetly one I'll remember and would be placed into top 3 of my career. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: Did you felt that evoL victory was in danger? [pr] Mr_Own_U: No, we knew they would gain some territory back in clumps, cause the way we sent our first wave left us vulnerable to it. Also knowing we had entire Americas/Asia/India we felt confident. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: cool, another question! [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: joedtaxi holds his capital and the hope for Ukraine for about 26 turns! [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: what do you think about it? Did it grave enough time for evoL to push back over asia? [pr] Mr_Own_U: Not much. We all knew joe could have been capped at any time. There was absolutely no reason for take out joe, since he wasn't a threat anymore. [pr] Mr_Own_U: No, goblin didn't focus on joe either, he went to Asia. Made little difference. [pr] Mr_Own_U: But joe still did an excellent job [pr] Mr_Own_U: And was crucial in our victory. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: ok, one last question. [pr] Epic_win: Mr_Own_U: evoL currently have 364 CW's. Will you guys plan a special cw for the 500th too? [pr] Mr_Own_U: Yes I hope to have something planned for evoLs 500th Clanwar, I'm sure we will make it ! Many thanks to clovis who made this article possible and welcome to ATN! Hope you all enjoyed the read! Thanks for reading. By Clovis & Madara
Death1812 Cuenta eliminada |
27.10.2014 - 17:20 Death1812 Cuenta eliminada ![]()
Death1812 Cuenta eliminada |
27.10.2014 - 17:24 Death1812 Cuenta eliminada
atwar is life ![]()
nice sm v evol cw videos ![]()
Stryko Cuenta eliminada |
27.10.2014 - 17:59 Stryko Cuenta eliminada
Nice article guys, was a great read ![]()
27.10.2014 - 18:00
Great contribution guys.thanks for this and the time you spent.and keep them coming, revive ATN we all support this! ![]()
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27.10.2014 - 18:03
Excellent report. Joed and madara did very good and i got impressed. Looking forward for evols 400th cw. Its gonna be awesome
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27.10.2014 - 18:07
Opinions, thoughs and suggestion are welcome guys! Remember this is my first work for ATN. I am sorry to not bring "The man of the match" part. I didnt asked it to the players that I interview, so didnt send it for the report. But will do next time!
27.10.2014 - 18:26
Great cw we are very honored to face the best clan on atwar for their 500th cw. Great report also.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
27.10.2014 - 18:48
Correction One of the best clans not the best*
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loomer Cuenta eliminada |
27.10.2014 - 21:31 loomer Cuenta eliminada
Good stuff
27.10.2014 - 21:38 ![]()
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
27.10.2014 - 21:39
[pr] Madara: Paolo never spoke a word during the CW, MOU hardly spoke aswell Sorry madara forgot to invite you to the skype call Me, Gonzo, Paolo, Nero, Chill, Joe, war I think briefly
---- It's not the end. ![]()
27.10.2014 - 23:00
I was laughing more than I was playing in the skype call
---- "evoL is that place you go to to find yourself and then ditch when you're pro and want to hang out with the other players we made" - Sasori
28.10.2014 - 05:21
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
28.10.2014 - 06:53
So I know is a bit later but can I interview you? ![]() too much drama on CW
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28.10.2014 - 07:09
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Black Shark Cuenta eliminada |
28.10.2014 - 08:12 Black Shark Cuenta eliminada
Why did Chill jon as North and not as South?
28.10.2014 - 08:31
I love these reports. They are always fun to read. ![]()
---- "Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler ![]() ![]()
28.10.2014 - 09:37
Good write up must have been a good cw. We need more of this ! hope we can participate in some of these
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28.10.2014 - 11:57
Gj on the report, and well done to stalins and evol for making this cw happen. Pity though stalins basically lost on picks.
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29.10.2014 - 05:47
I still think that getting cameroon would be legit great report and really nice cw
29.10.2014 - 07:43
Congratulations to Madara for the awesome report. Congratulations to all evoL comrades for the victory and also to SM for their 500th CW! Cheers everyone! ![]()
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
29.10.2014 - 22:58
I support you avatar
---- "evoL is that place you go to to find yourself and then ditch when you're pro and want to hang out with the other players we made" - Sasori
30.10.2014 - 14:00
Great report and awesome CW! Thanks for making it happen with us evoL!
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
31.10.2014 - 19:13
I personally think it would be easier to make it as a video, but good job anyways!
31.10.2014 - 19:32
china north best pick in asia 10k.....
Black Shark Cuenta eliminada |
01.11.2014 - 01:06 Black Shark Cuenta eliminada Oh yeah, 10k not 15/25k.
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