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19.09.2015 - 23:07
The silverlight editor was garbage and the current html5 editor is just as garbage. So here is a list of suggestions that caught my attention or are quite popular among the forum community.

Map & Scenario Editor Suggestions

Need to have

Remove Unit Restrictions Link
(Tags) Map Editor City/Recruiting Overhaul. Link

Like to have

Allow us to group units in "classes" to make it easier when adding defense bonuses against them.
(Like Risk Missions) Custom Events & Triggers in AtWar Link Link Link Link
Import Units from other maps Link
Allowing rare units to have a 100% chance of spawning when you take a city Link
Folders/place holders for units: This would organize units to categories to make it more organized and faster for map makers.

Nice to have

Better Map Filters Link Link
Redo Button (In Map Editor) Link
Maps bigger than 9999 x 9999 - Link
Custom Resources for custom maps Link
More Rights and Privileges to Collaborators Link Link
Custom Strategies for Custom Maps Link
Allowing us to to place rare units in the scenario editor (as events) Link
Custom unit icon Link
Longer unit description box Link
Custom Alliances Link
Custom Music for Scenarios/Maps
Banned alliances between certain players: This would be great for map makers to prevent two OP factions/countries from allying and dominating the game which makes it no fun.
rank restriction of countries/sides in a scenario/map
Auto walling in scenarios: Apparently the units don't auto wall when set and it would be more convenient if they do.
Explosive/one time units: So a ''remove unit upon engagement'' -Sheba option where you could only use the unit once then it disintegrates. This would be useful for bombs and nukes in scenarios.
Sending units: This would add realism but would need to figure out how not to make it OP. Maybe 10 units sending per turn max.
Make: "this city can only be taken by specific unit"; Could be useful to elaborate a new lign of maps (and scenarios) that include "side developments" (technological and economic) and could function as "trigger cities" and/or "trigger units". As innital attempts, check scenarios like Medieval Civicus or Arvond.

This list is updated as of January of 2019, if u have any ideas feel free to post or send me a PM. For ideas not related to the map editor or scenarios, look here: [2019] The Tactician's Compilation of Ideas+
20.09.2015 - 07:01
Lol, nice trying to push the changes.

gl I guess.
20.09.2015 - 08:46
I like the idea of being able to merge territories/selections.

Please don't stone me.
"Not all those who wander are lost."
20.09.2015 - 17:12
How about units available only in certain regions even if you put units determined by faction and not by region? For example Faction A has country A, B and C and faction B has country D and E. You could make Faction A be able to make it's units even in territories it captures from Faction B but still have some units that are only buildable in Country A and not in Country B or C
Someone Better Than You
20.09.2015 - 18:30
Escrito por Zephyrusu, 20.09.2015 at 17:12

How about units available only in certain regions even if you put units determined by faction and not by region? For example Faction A has country A, B and C and faction B has country D and E. You could make Faction A be able to make it's units even in territories it captures from Faction B but still have some units that are only buildable in Country A and not in Country B or C

"Map Editor City/Recruiting Overhaul."
is the same thing.
22.09.2015 - 18:19
Fully agree with the strat limit removal, or at least redefining it, to some areas of maps , such as Roleplay, I felt obligated to make it more autistic by ignoring the potential of every strategy and make all (or 99%) of the units Other, due to the limits being too strict.
I also agree with the fact maps should be allowed to be bigger than 9999x9999

I support the initiative fully
30.09.2015 - 12:57
Escrito por Sheba, 20.09.2015 at 08:46

I like the idea of being able to merge territories/selections.

Please don't stone me.

Fully support this
06.02.2016 - 14:06
I'd like to have a way to the members of some team (for example, allies after defeating germany) can declare war to its former allies. There, a defeat of axis can lead to a cold war.
06.02.2016 - 17:00
I'd like to have different movement points over different "types" of terrain.
06.02.2016 - 17:03
Change restrictions on Transports:

Air units should be able to carry other air units (Bombs, missiles etc.)
Naval Units able to carry other naval units
Naval Units able to carry Air units, so that we can finally have real aircraft carriers
06.02.2016 - 17:05

--Some way to make units disappear or die after a number of turns (bombs, artillery shells, missiles, etc.)

--Event units that are given to whomever owns a specific city
06.02.2016 - 17:27
Some sort of profile recognition for map makers, like a rank symbol but for map plays.
Variable land (I know hard to implement) for mountains jungles etc
06.02.2016 - 18:45
Make it to where you can copy something in one map, and somehow transfer it over to another (as in borders, may be not possible I don't know but just a suggestion)

also: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=18161 (glaciers)
the original idea is expanded on in the thread.
[pr] Your Camel: Al Fappino: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap, what day is it fap?

If you go on ebay and find a life, lmk so i can give you cash so u can get it-Commando Eagle
06.02.2016 - 18:49
Also, different victory conditions for different scenario sides
06.02.2016 - 23:26
Another suggestion:

make it to where some cities can be excluded from total annihilation rules (as in, if they only have that specific city then they loose anyways)
useful because there are reinf balancer cities but when you use them you can't go total annihilation

OR make an option for total annihilation of countries, not cities (as in, if you no longer own a capitol then you will loose)

either one solves the reinf balancer city problem.
[pr] Your Camel: Al Fappino: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap, what day is it fap?

If you go on ebay and find a life, lmk so i can give you cash so u can get it-Commando Eagle
01.04.2018 - 19:00
Escrito por clovis1122, 20.09.2015 at 07:01

Lol, nice trying to push the changes.

gl I guess.

well, what about now?
01.04.2018 - 19:27
Escrito por Tundy, 19.09.2015 at 23:07

Need to have

Remove Unit Restrictions Link

(Tags) Map Editor City/Recruiting Overhaul. Link


The unit restriction would take about 4 hours of works and would require Ivan/Amok intervention. The Map Editor Overhaul... that one could possibility take 20 hours. Do note those are rough estimates and the real time may vary. They're just to give you an idea.

Atm we're really interested in finishing the Scenario Editor, but if the support is as strong as you say, then I'll personally work on those ASAP we finish the scenario editor.
01.04.2018 - 19:50
Escrito por Guest, 07.02.2016 at 02:15

Escrito por Al Fappino, 22.09.2015 at 18:19

Fully agree with the strat limit removal, or at least redefining it, to some areas of maps , such as Roleplay, I felt obligated to make it more autistic by ignoring the potential of every strategy and make all (or 99%) of the units Other, due to the limits being too strict.
I also agree with the fact maps should be allowed to be bigger than 9999x9999

I support the initiative fully

I agree, this would make other strategies more usable in rp games.. rather than only being able to use blitz... itd remove some of the cancer an add actual strategy an such.. much like ww1/2 games.

I argued that the only way to make strategies usable in RP games is to make less retarded units. I still argue that.

01.04.2018 - 20:13
I dont make maps. i dont know how nor do i think i want to tackle it. these fellows seem to have been working on this map maker for a while. BAM, here it is. we have been waiting forever for a mapmaker. now we got it. we should be having riots all across the planet like they do when an american team wins a world championship. i mean lets put some naked women on some floats set their hair on fire and make them dance the hookey dookey................NOPE, its garbage,its useless, cant play the fucker, i cant make this unit or that one. the shade of blue for the water is 2 shades to dark. how come when my mom tells me to take the garbage out i have to quit beating my meat. JESUS CHRIST. u fuckers got what u wanted.
01.04.2018 - 20:29
Make commanders a normal unit instead of a rare. So many missed options for me to make a low att/def unit with 1-4 hit points yet have that commander have a bonus to a certain unit(s) i.e one commander being the "Hammer" then another being an "Anvil" the hammer would only boost the cavalry and the anvil would only boost the infantry. instead of a ship just being a ship you could have a commander that has a high attack but low defence and a good critical hit and its called a "Ram" "Attach this to your (certain) ship to deal high damage to the enemy"

This is just by having a commander as a normal unit, if you buy these like normal one map makers could potently make their own "Custom" strategies and new ways of players using their units to deal high damage or smart moves on the map.

More freedom to the map makers with the units would be nice.
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
01.04.2018 - 20:33
Havent tested personally yet but reduced zoom lvl shud be changed back me n helly were discussing
02.04.2018 - 00:52
Escrito por Professor Adog, 01.04.2018 at 19:50

Escrito por Guest, 07.02.2016 at 02:15

Escrito por Al Fappino, 22.09.2015 at 18:19

Fully agree with the strat limit removal, or at least redefining it, to some areas of maps , such as Roleplay, I felt obligated to make it more autistic by ignoring the potential of every strategy and make all (or 99%) of the units Other, due to the limits being too strict.
I also agree with the fact maps should be allowed to be bigger than 9999x9999

I support the initiative fully

I agree, this would make other strategies more usable in rp games.. rather than only being able to use blitz... itd remove some of the cancer an add actual strategy an such.. much like ww1/2 games.

I argued that the only way to make strategies usable in RP games is to make less retarded units. I still argue that.

Exactly, the only reason units are so expensive in RP is because countries have too many cities with too much sp so they make the units more expensive and copy the fashion of giving them overpowered stats. Less cities and divisions as well as less overpowered stats mean the units can be something other than just the "other" unit type.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.04.2018 - 04:32
Would be nice if you could change unit stats mid-game. And yes I know you can add a new unit and remove the old one but that doesn't affect already-present stacks plus it fucks up range merging bonus
Someone Better Than You
02.04.2018 - 09:08
Escrito por Tundy, 19.09.2015 at 23:07

Put my rank symbol down as supporting all those changes.

02.04.2018 - 21:47
Escrito por Tundy, 19.09.2015 at 23:07

The silverlight editor was garbage and the current html5 editor is just as garbage. So here is a list of suggestions I was nice enough to make for you:

Map Editor/Scenario Suggestions

(*) Every Insignia represents a real player that supported the idea.

Need to have

Remove Unit Restrictions Link

+ All Map makers

(Tags) Map Editor City/Recruiting Overhaul. Link

Like to have

Allow us to group units in "classes" to make it easier when adding defense bonuses against them.

(Like Risk Missions) Custom Events & Triggers in AtWar Link Link Link Link

Import Units from other maps Link
(Ivan said "Good Idea")

+ 52 Anonymous votes

Allowing rare units to have a 100% chance of spawning when you take a city Link
(Amok said "Sure, why not")

Nice to have

Better Map Filters Link Link

Redo Button (In Map Editor) Link

Maps bigger than 9999 x 9999 - Link

Custom Resources for custom maps Link

More Rights and Privileges to Collaborators Link Link

Custom Strategies for Custom Maps Link

Allowing us to to place rare units in the scenario editor (as events) Link
(Amok said "Sure, why not")

Custom unit icon Link
(This idea was taken from meester's map making idea list)

Longer unit description box Link
(This idea was taken from meester's map making idea list)

Custom Alliances Link
(This idea was taken from meester's map making idea list)

Put my symbol down for supporting everything
02.04.2018 - 21:59
My symbol down for everything as well, especially the Remove Unit Restrictions one (since I made that thread).
03.04.2018 - 05:02
Some ideas i have:

-import custom sound effects (More realistic to have swordsman with sword sounds than yours standard sounds of gunfire)
-Some new game modes: see traitors and allies mode: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=34004
-Agreed on custom unit icons.
-Changing Map: after X amount of turns the map will change to a diff image, why? Realism, can make day/night situations. or a developing battlefield, ect.
-Custom soundtracks we can upload onto our maps?

EDIT: put me down for everything.
Glory to the Nexus, Glory to the LIN, Glory to the Imperial Union!
03.04.2018 - 07:23
If someone gives me 3.7k protos i can fix it

07.04.2018 - 00:25
Some of those ideas are interesting, but there's an awful lot of whiny shit. There's just no end to the entitlement......
Embrace the void
10.01.2019 - 15:52
Bump of justice*

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
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