Please aetius dont make a fool out of yourself...
Dictator - Absolute Commander of the State (must be an ex-Consul) +7 influence
Nominations: Only if 3 or more active wars or an active war a combined land and fleet strength ≥ 20.
No vote requried, picked by the Consuls , can be one of themselves, or anyone else they pick. If they can't agree no dictator will be appointed.
its not a vote required process.
Dictator can only be in place if 3 or more active wars are in play. Read the rules yourself
There shouldn't even be a dictator vote until there are 3 active wars. So why are we voting on a dictator when there are only 2?
Escrito por Phoenix, 26.08.2016 at 06:51
There shouldn't even be a dictator vote until there are 3 active wars. So why are we voting on a dictator when there are only 2?
enemies with a combined strength of 30 naval+army power, to appoint dictators this needs to be above or at 20
Escrito por Phoenix, 26.08.2016 at 06:51
There shouldn't even be a dictator vote until there are 3 active wars. So why are we voting on a dictator when there are only 2?
enemies with a combined strength of 30 naval+army power, to appoint dictators this needs to be above or at 20
To appoint... i.e vote. so why is GoW crying?
Its badly worded, all it means is consuls pick one person and not multiple, sorry if there was confusion. Their appointment still has to be confirmed by the senate, especially a dictator, the most powerful office and Rome's paranoia of Kings!!111 This is the republic, _everything_ is voted on for better or worse (mostly worse)
Dictator Vote
Consul Vote
1)Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime) & Gaius Antonius (El Tundero)
Censor Vote)
Praetor Vote
1)Vibius Caetronianus (MrArmy987)
War on Illyria, creating the 1st Illyrian War
The Consuls have chosen declare war upon the impudent Illyrians for their Piracy, will the Senate approve
Who will command the 1st Gallic War?
2)Tiberius Numertorius (JF.) [Ripam Alexandriae]
Who will command the 1st Illyrian War?
2) Cassius Flavius (Aqollo) [Ripam Alexandriae]
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 4 fleets and 4 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch 9 Legions to fight Gauls, 8 fleets to attack Carthage, 3 Fleets and 5 Legions to attack Illyria
Trial of Gaius Antonius (El Tundero)
Trial of Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Escrito por Aetius, 26.08.2016 at 08:36
Its badly worded, all it means is consuls pick one person and not multiple, sorry if there was confusion. Their appointment still has to be confirmed by the senate, especially a dictator, the most powerful office and Rome's paranoia of Kings!!111 This is the republic, _everything_ is voted on for better or worse (mostly worse) 
worst coverup ever
why would it say No vote requried, if a vote is required?
worst coverup ever
why would it say No vote requried, if a vote is required?
Well the point is moot because pyrrhus and I were chatting and if he had known you would become dictator with no election he said he won't agree to appointing you. So the senate doesn't want you nor does your co-consul although he did vote for you it seems. Anyway, waiting for you to vote.
Escrito por Aetius, 26.08.2016 at 08:36
Its badly worded, all it means is consuls pick one person and not multiple, sorry if there was confusion. Their appointment still has to be confirmed by the senate, especially a dictator, the most powerful office and Rome's paranoia of Kings!!111 This is the republic, _everything_ is voted on for better or worse (mostly worse) 
worst coverup ever
why would it say No vote requried, if a vote is required?
Oh I dont know... Maybe because when there aren't 3 active wars a vote IS required
Gow whining and complaining about rules again in order to get it changed to suit him. Why I'm I not even suprised.
Here is a new rule I think we should have.
Gow automatically wins and everybody lose.
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Phoenix, 26.08.2016 at 09:15
Escrito por Aetius, 26.08.2016 at 08:36
Its badly worded, all it means is consuls pick one person and not multiple, sorry if there was confusion. Their appointment still has to be confirmed by the senate, especially a dictator, the most powerful office and Rome's paranoia of Kings!!111 This is the republic, _everything_ is voted on for better or worse (mostly worse) 
worst coverup ever
why would it say No vote requried, if a vote is required?
Oh I dont know... Maybe because when there aren't 3 active wars a vote IS required
Actually a vote isn't required when the enemy has a combined strength of greater than or equal to 20. Carthage has 20 without general and 26 with general. Since both Pyrrhus and Gow had agreed to gow being dictator he should be dictator. On the other hand, if the Consuls can arbitrarily appoint a dictator, this game is gonna get screwed up real fast. So if Aetius is changing the rules to a vote, even if it is to ensure that gow doesn't get too much influence, rather than any sort of mistake on his part, I'd agree to it.
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Gow whining and complaining about rules again in order to get it changed to suit him. Why I'm I not even suprised.
Here is a new rule I think we should have.
Gow automatically wins and everybody lose.
Gow wasn't whining and complaining to change the rules. The rules were either badly worded, or changed by Aetius to ensure gow doesn't get the dictator position. If you're not even surprised, don't comment
Hear me,
This game is very interesting and i would like us to try and create Roman Empire (+-Emperor) by conquering South Europe and North Africa. Clearly this many wars, bad omens and unrest is not helping us, and neither our squabbling. I advise to change game rules so we can try to win by recreating historical Roman Empire, that way there won't be 1 winner, but all of us. It's like playing team game against AI and not against each other. Our enemy will be Carthage, Gauls, Brits, Germans, Dacians, Illyrians, Seleucids, Egypt, Bad Omens and Unrest but in 'easy mode', not throwing 2-3 enemies on us at once.
Also, i propose to start with more income and wealth as that will help us and because Roman Republic was really more wealthy and better organized than the rest of the neighbors.
This current game is about to reach its end (again) and we didn't even took one region, let alone defeat one enemy. So reducing the difficulty and giving more income (to the State) will balance the things out.
If not here, than after this game. If not changing rules, then modifiying them for the new try.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
Escrito por Darth., 26.08.2016 at 09:50
Gow wasn't whining and complaining to change the rules. The rules were either badly worded, or changed by Aetius to ensure gow doesn't get the dictator position. If you're not even surprised, don't comment
Here comes his brown noser lackey to blindly defend him on everything.
Look kid, I know enigma is the first big clan you've been in, but if you're going to blindly follow your leader like kim jong il, then you are a fool.
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Hear me,
This game is very interesting and i would like us to try and create Roman Empire (+-Emperor) by conquering South Europe and North Africa. Clearly this many wars, bad omens and unrest is not helping us, and neither our squabbling. I advise to change game rules so we can try to win by recreating historical Roman Empire, that way there won't be 1 winner, but all of us. It's like playing team game against AI and not against each other. Our enemy will be Carthage, Gauls, Brits, Germans, Dacians, Illyrians, Seleucids, Egypt, Bad Omens and Unrest but in 'easy mode', not throwing 2-3 enemies on us at once.
Na the 2-3 enemies is what makes it fun and complicated. But other than that..great idea. Support
Also, i propose to start with more income and wealth as that will help us and because Roman Republic was really more wealthy and better organized than the rest of the neighbors.
It is already richer than its neighbors. It gets 10p income. The rest are getting 20-35 income. We become richer by conquering the heathen barbarians.
This current game is about to reach its end (again) and we didn't even took one region, let alone defeat one enemy. So reducing the difficulty and giving more income (to the State) will balance the things out.
No, keep it as it is (and maybe increase difficulty if we're doing it as a team without infighting amongst individuals). We could try and conquer beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire...see how far we get before we die.
I have Darth ignored and he's still quoting me..
Fuck off kid, you're a nuisance.
Gow find a dick worth sucking.
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Darth., 26.08.2016 at 09:50
Gow wasn't whining and complaining to change the rules. The rules were either badly worded, or changed by Aetius to ensure gow doesn't get the dictator position. If you're not even surprised, don't comment
Here comes his brown noser lackey to blindly defend him on everything.
Look kid, I know enigma is the first big clan you've been in, but if you're going to blindly follow your leader like kim jong il, then you are a fool.
Yeah...that's nice dude. While I'm busy 'brown nosing' and being a 'fool' why don't you use that brain of yours and realise exactly how much hypocrisy was there in that sentence...
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Someone do me a favour and tell Phoenix I was agreeing with him
Escrito por Darth., 26.08.2016 at 09:59
Yeah...that's nice dude. While I'm busy 'brown nosing' and being a 'fool' why don't you use that brain of yours and realise exactly how much hypocrisy was there in that sentence...
Please do point out the hypocrisy instead of saying there is. I don't kiss the ass of clovis or anybody else who was leader of my clan in the past.
Will wait a bit longer for GoW and JF to vote but they already viewed thread and didn't post, so only like an hour or so. They could tip the consulship vote which is currently 35 for Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime) & Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) and 29 for Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) & Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Darth., 26.08.2016 at 09:59
Yeah...that's nice dude. While I'm busy 'brown nosing' and being a 'fool' why don't you use that brain of yours and realise exactly how much hypocrisy was there in that sentence...
Please do point out the hypocrisy instead of saying there is. I don't kiss the ass of clovis or anybody else who was leader of my clan in the past.
Well look at the 'civilized western republican' wanting to learn from a 'brown nosing Indian kid'. You imply I can't defend gow without it being brown nosing, and yet the second someone comments on something thats against Phoenix, you're there to insult them, their mother, and their dog. And also, sure you don't
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Aetius, 26.08.2016 at 10:07
Will wait a bit longer for GoW and JF to vote but they already viewed thread and didn't post, so only like an hour or so. They could tip the consulship vote which is currently 35 for Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime) & Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) and 29 for Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) & Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Gow said he is coming on in about 2 hours. Waiting until then is fine?
Dictator Vote (NOTE: If the Dictator is elected he will take charge immediately and proposal votes of the Senate will become merely "advice" for the dictator)
1) Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Consul Vote
2)Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) & Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
2)Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816)
"Now, the Senate shall vote on the proposals of the Consuls. Tribunes speak now or forever hold your peace!"
Declare War on Illyria, creating the 1st Illyrian War
The Consuls have chosen declare war upon the impudent Illyrians for their Piracy, will the Senate approve
The Consuls have chosen not to replace Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as overall commander of the First Punic War
Who will command the 1st Gallic War?
1) Consul Publius Marius (Pyrrhus )
Who will command the 1st Illyrian War?
1) Aurelius Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) (Gaius Julius (GodofWar ) promising to resign in favor of him)
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 4 fleets and 4 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch 9 Legions to fight Gauls, 8 fleets to attack Carthage, 3 Fleets and 5 Legions to attack Illyria
Note: These people didn't donate last turn, I will now prosecute them as promised:
Trial of Gaius Antonius (El Tundero)
Presiding Censor: Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Presiding PraetorQuantius Maximus (GC)(+8 votes due to oratory) will gain half 3 influence if he is prosecuted
Accused: Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) (+2 votes in his defense due to 2 influence)
Crime: Avarice (Minor Prosecution)
Penalty: -5 influence, -5 popularity, all concessions lost
Sertorius speaks
"Men of the senate, this man Gaius Antonius is guilty of hoarding his wealth in a time of war, exploiting the farmers while they are away fighting, we cannot let this injustice go unpunished.
As a jury of his peers, the Senate is now to declare its verdict on this case!"
Trial of Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Presiding Censor: Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Presiding PraetorQuantius Maximus (GC)(+8 votes due to oratory) will gain half 3 influence if he is prosecuted
Accused: Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) (+9 votes in his defense due to 9 influence)
Crime: War Profiteering (Minor Prosecution)
Penalty: -5 influence, -5 popularity, all concessions lost
Sertorius speaks
"Men of the senate, this man Gaius Octavius is also guilty ofthe same crime, he benefits from the production of our fleets yet does not contribute. War profiteering is not roman!"
As a jury of his peers, the Senate is now to declare its verdict on this case!"
1) Innocent
Aetius 25.08.2016 - 11:20 Oh also since the Punic war has a greater strength than greater than or equal to 20 you may appoint a dictator if pyrrhus agrees
Aetius 25.08.2016 - 12:00 Tunder has nominated Phoenix as Dictator with a tribune, unless you guys propose your own to run against him he will take control of everything this turn
this clearly shows aetius saying that its not a choice or vote but that he will actually control it all.
Also i do agree to the fact that rome should win not one player.
this should be a game for fun and team effort not a 1 player takes all
Aetius 25.08.2016 - 11:20 Oh also since the Punic war has a greater strength than greater than or equal to 20 you may appoint a dictator if pyrrhus agrees
Aetius 25.08.2016 - 12:00 Tunder has nominated Phoenix as Dictator with a tribune, unless you guys propose your own to run against him he will take control of everything this turn
this clearly shows aetius saying that its not a choice or vote but that he will actually control it all.
I never asked to be dictator, but tunders tribune didnt work... and pyrrhus didnt agree... so what do you want?
The rules state that when enemy strengh is up to 29.... you need to vote on it. Aetius' wording sucks sure, but this is in the board games rules and whenever theres a problem its best to refer back to it.... like the fact you were assasinated in phase 1 last game.. rules changed after error... and tunder assasinated when he was out of rome.. again after error it was resolved....
In this instance we already knew the rules from previous games.
Jesus, i thought I was the whiney one....
Also i do agree to the fact that rome should win not one player.
this should be a game for fun and team effort not a 1 player takes all
its not.... any number of players can win
Escrito por Phoenix, 26.08.2016 at 10:40
Also i do agree to the fact that rome should win not one player.
this should be a game for fun and team effort not a 1 player takes all
its not.... any number of players can win
your wrong just shut the fuck up already you idiot.
Escrito por Phoenix, 26.08.2016 at 10:40
I never asked to be dictator, but tunders tribune didnt work... and pyrrhus didnt agree... so what do you want?
actually pyrrhus did agree check his vote...