Escrito por Tik-Tok, 10.11.2013 at 23:44
Escrito por Guest, 10.11.2013 at 23:30 It's such a shame that the admins are busy. Just wait for HTML5, and your updates will come. Hopefully. And we need more originality. we have 18 UNs. More brainstorming and daydreaming!
Escrito por Guest, 10.11.2013 at 23:30 Hopefully.
Stop bullshitting to yourself. We're tired of hoping. We've hoped for a year with the same excuses and promises. They have jobs, they have family. And we don't? Does that stop us making maps that take weeks, even months to make? Do we get any reward for that? Do we ask for any? No, we ask to be listened to so can do our job better.
74 days for that ''Not Available in this Country'' Option for units in custom maps. Do you have any idea how much that could change things? Unit specific areas. Stables, Barracks, Airfields, Ports. It's a minor change which would make our job far easier and that could make for some very interesting map ideas.
That's just one single idea and there are so many like it. We mapmakers are bottom of the barrel. While they get tournaments, Unit changes in default, strat changes. What do we get? We got dumped in the custom map idea ghetto with a gravyard of ideas that dwindles more and more because we are all utterly tired of spamming the word ''Support'' and not getting any feedback, let alone implementation.
We provide the content, which provides the incentives, which provides the money. And we are tired of being ignored.
Cartographers everywhere salute thee. Our voices shall be heard.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
Tik i telling the truth if i got a dollar everytime the un game was played id have over 3000 dollars
Black Hole Cuenta eliminada |
Black Hole Cuenta eliminada
Escrito por Tik-Tok, 10.11.2013 at 23:44
Escrito por Guest, 10.11.2013 at 23:30 It's such a shame that the admins are busy. Just wait for HTML5, and your updates will come. Hopefully. And we need more originality. we have 18 UNs. More brainstorming and daydreaming!
Escrito por Guest, 10.11.2013 at 23:30 Hopefully.
Stop bullshitting to yourself. We're tired of hoping. We've hoped for a year with the same excuses and promises. They have jobs, they have family. And we don't? Does that stop us making maps that take weeks, even months to make? Do we get any reward for that? Do we ask for any? No, we ask to be listened to so can do our job better.
74 days for that ''Not Available in this Country'' Option for units in custom maps. Do you have any idea how much that could change things? Unit specific areas. Stables, Barracks, Airfields, Ports. It's a minor change which would make our job far easier and that could make for some very interesting map ideas.
That's just one single idea and there are so many like it. We mapmakers are bottom of the barrel. While they get tournaments, Unit changes in default, strat changes. What do we get? We got dumped in the custom map idea ghetto with a gravyard of ideas that dwindles more and more because we are all utterly tired of spamming the word ''Support'' and not getting any feedback, let alone implementation.
We provide the content, which provides the incentives, which provides the money. And we are tired of being ignored.
Now I have to agree. I think allowing trigger events would be easier then a whole strat.
Escrito por Tik-Tok, 10.11.2013 at 23:44
Escrito por Guest, 10.11.2013 at 23:30 It's such a shame that the admins are busy. Just wait for HTML5, and your updates will come. Hopefully. And we need more originality. we have 18 UNs. More brainstorming and daydreaming!
Escrito por Guest, 10.11.2013 at 23:30 Hopefully.
Stop bullshitting to yourself. We're tired of hoping. We've hoped for a year with the same excuses and promises. They have jobs, they have family. And we don't? Does that stop us making maps that take weeks, even months to make? Do we get any reward for that? Do we ask for any? No, we ask to be listened to so can do our job better.
74 days for that ''Not Available in this Country'' Option for units in custom maps. Do you have any idea how much that could change things? Unit specific areas. Stables, Barracks, Airfields, Ports. It's a minor change which would make our job far easier and that could make for some very interesting map ideas.
That's just one single idea and there are so many like it. We mapmakers are bottom of the barrel. While they get tournaments, Unit changes in default, strat changes. What do we get? We got dumped in the custom map idea ghetto with a gravyard of ideas that dwindles more and more because we are all utterly tired of spamming the word ''Support'' and not getting any feedback, let alone implementation.
We provide the content, which provides the incentives, which provides the money. And we are tired of being ignored.
The reason most of the contents are not added is because it is difficult to implement them with Silverlight. If it wasn't would they want to convert the game to HTML5?
The more contents they add now the more the would need to convert to HTML5 later. The wisest thing to do would be to convert the game to HTML5 and then implement all the new contents. I am sure all the custom map maker ideas out there will not be hard to implement once the game upgrades to HTML5. The HTML Client allows you to make applicatons that move as fast as and in some cases faster than the Silverlight client which would make the game far better in every aspect.
Escrito por Meester, 11.11.2013 at 06:19 The more contents they add now the more the would need to convert to HTML5 later. The wisest thing to do would be to convert the game to HTML5 and then implement all the new contents. I am sure all the custom map maker ideas out there will not be hard to implement once the game upgrades to HTML5. The HTML Client allows you to make applicatons that move as fast as and in some cases faster than the Silverlight client which would make the game far better in every aspect.
Excuses. We weren't converting a year ago when these changes were asked for but we were patient because we just has a custom map maker. But when I pointed out the bugged no go areas, I was ignored, over and ver, long before any talk of conversion.
Amok (Administrador)
Escrito por Tik-Tok, 11.11.2013 at 11:01
Excuses. We weren't converting a year ago when these changes were asked for but we were patient because we just has a custom map maker. But when I pointed out the bugged no go areas, I was ignored, over and ver, long before any talk of conversion.
Has this bug been logged in the bugs forum? Can you provide a link please?
Garde Publicaciones: 2842 De: Canada
Escrito por Tik-Tok, 10.11.2013 at 22:41
Escrito por Amok, 22.10.2012 at 04:08 What's wrong with circles? I don't thing it's a good idea to have different icons across the maps. We've tried several options during the original AW beta, and everyone seemed to agree that the current representation works best.
Pre Custom.
This was a damn good idea at the time. Players wouldn't get confused, otherwise they would be confused with custom maps. My WWII has 4 times the number of units than Default. That doesn't confuse people and I doubt a Tank Icon being a Cavalry Icon will confuse people. They seem fine when buying these units in Colonial Maps when they are called ''Cavalry'' with a picture of a horse. People tend to automaticlaly assume they are Tank units.
And why look at the past? We have many sci fi maps with spaces ships, space marines and Ufos. WHo needs a rifle when we cna have pahsers, mega explosions, futuristic lasers. Hell, if you want to go full Star Wars, lets have a lightsaber strike. We even have zombie maps and other horror based games. This wouldnt make the game worse, it would make it better.
It's Pure asthetic. If a Tank has a rifle sound, barely anyone would notice. So why not let us upload sounds and get admin or mod approval to put them in game. I can understand a problem with letting people upload pictures or sounds. They could be offensive or even illegal. So just upload it, get approval and let admins/mods put them in.
But these are ancient ideas. Ignored, thrown away, discarded. Such minor things which add so much more dimension to gameplay.
To add to this: We could have "Roles" in unit symbolism, i.e: Representing a Tank-esque unit with another symbol. For example, you would have the regular circle, your cavalry image on top, and a watermark/effect of a Tank, or maybe a certain number of dots/stars under the circle, or hell, the circle could be a damn square etc etc. Could also just have subfolders of units (Units>Land>Tanks) or colour coordination. There is no excuse for not being able to have different unit icons, if we can coordinate them in a simple and understandable manner.
Just as a suggestion of unit icons we could use varyingly:
Some other suggestions could be Mythical creatures, simple icons (Emoticons, Shapes, Numbers), and alternate versions of the defaults (Regular soldier, Running Soldier, Trench Soldier, etc).
I apologize if this post went off topic, but considering the Admins are already monitoring this thread, I felt it necessary to respond in this matter. Thank you for reading.
The only arguments I see here are this:
- whaaaa the admins never implement ideas
- we need more icons and fancy noises
- we've waited too long for our demands
Now, personally, I am enjoying the game. It's a strategy game. I also hold that graphics do not make a game. You're crying for useless graphics and the amending of no-go areas.
I've not seen a link to the bug report of the no go areas. If bugs are the big issue here then this argument is completely unrelated. Most of the content implemented are based on or roughly in the same sphere of user generated input.
The admins might be busy living & enjoying life. Unlike us, the consumers, they probably have other better interests. I'd hope none of you piss off the devs so much that they don't even want to continue managing the site. On most larger games I'm on you never see the devs actually get down on players levels and chat with them about fucking problems with the game. I'd say that's pretty rude.
Next up we have the whole 'hire more staff' concept thrown around the thread. Let's face, fully payed professional staff would cost money. I assure you AtWar probably doesn't generate the most revenue of a game of it's caliber. We've cycled through lord knows how many promotional/development personnel over just the past year and a half. Who do we have now? abf? 'brendon'?
Let's not badger the devs and admins for goodness sake. Instead, continue making and advocating ideas. Try to remember how effective they are or are not before you go around thinking they are automatically deserving of approval and implementation.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
The only arguments I see here are this:
- whaaaa the admins never implement ideas
- we need more icons and fancy noises
- we've waited too long for our demands
Now, personally, I am enjoying the game. It's a strategy game. I also hold that graphics do not make a game. You're crying for useless graphics and the amending of no-go areas.
I've not seen a link to the bug report of the no go areas. If bugs are the big issue here then this argument is completely unrelated. Most of the content implemented are based on or roughly in the same sphere of user generated input.
The admins might be busy living & enjoying life. Unlike us, the consumers, they probably have other better interests. I'd hope none of you piss off the devs so much that they don't even want to continue managing the site. On most larger games I'm on you never see the devs actually get down on players levels and chat with them about fucking problems with the game. I'd say that's pretty rude.
Next up we have the whole 'hire more staff' concept thrown around the thread. Let's face, fully payed professional staff would cost money. I assure you AtWar probably doesn't generate the most revenue of a game of it's caliber. We've cycled through lord knows how many promotional/development personnel over just the past year and a half. Who do we have now? abf? 'brendon'?
Let's not badger the devs and admins for goodness sake. Instead, continue making and advocating ideas. Try to remember how effective they are or are not before you go around thinking they are automatically deserving of approval and implementation.
^Not entitled to updates, if you don't like it leave the game.
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
7 DaysLeft Cuenta eliminada |
7 DaysLeft Cuenta eliminada
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
First of all, if we disable the hability to play custom maps for 1 week, this game will die, in fact before custom maps where implemented the old school branch was about to die-out and UN was Already getting shitload of plays, Yes! Un! Before custom maps where released!.
Now about ww2, is by far the most skill hungry thing you could do other than a 3 vs 3 againts Real old school clans. Right now clan wars are not about who has the most skilled but about who has the less noob members.
You consider people that play ww2s as noobs? Kid by the time that it took you to become rank 6 i was already 8 (no custom maps yet)
Edited: i would love to see you play as germany in a ww2 and try to take down a pro Uk, without getting overrun by usa and canada at turn 9
Actually fock, expansion is dependent on factors not always related to the map... But everything else you said is more or less... par. Sub-par maybe. Scenarios arguably require even more strategic understanding- because you have to actually manage more units than normal. All those cute little stacks you talk about have to be used effectively. If your experience in WWII was bad it's likely due to a lack of teamwork... you really should have no problem stopping the US as long as you maintain good contact with fellow axis (which practically serve as meat shields for the Reich.)
I'm not saying the map makers here don't deserve respect or recognition. I'm just saying that we don't have much room to complain. I see crap on here about bugs somehow piggy-back riding an argument that admins don't listen to the players...
I'm sorry but that's not how it works.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
Escrito por Guest, 13.11.2013 at 10:25
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
First of all, if we disable the hability to play custom maps for 1 week, this game will die, in fact before custom maps where implemented the old school branch was about to die-out and UN was Already getting shitload of plays, Yes! Un! Before custom maps where released!.
Now about ww2, is by far the most skill hungry thing you could do other than a 3 vs 3 againts Real old school clans. Right now clan wars are not about who has the most skilled but about who has the less noob members.
You consider people that play ww2s as noobs? Kid by the time that it took you to become rank 6 i was already 8 (no custom maps yet)
Edited: i would love to see you play as germany in a ww2 and try to take down a pro Uk, without getting overrun by usa and canada at turn 9
Can't speak your mind on your main..? Interesting.
People like you (assuming you really are a high rank) who played world maps, 3v3 exc. who are playing WWII and scenarios now aren't the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who have only played scenarios since the beginning of their time on atwar. The people that never learned to properly expand or fight in different situations. These rank 4s and 5s and 6s who play the same scenarios over and over as the same countries they only learn to fight in that particular situation. You put them in any other situation and they'd get their ass run over.
Your last part about me getting run over by turn 9 as Germany only proves my point! Please tell me how spamming bombers and inf on trans as the USA takes skill? Brazil does the same thing except its main job is to attack Vichy. What skill does it take for the allies to play? Playing as countries that already give you an extremely large advantage.
Escrito por Guest, 13.11.2013 at 10:25
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
First of all, if we disable the hability to play custom maps for 1 week, this game will die, in fact before custom maps where implemented the old school branch was about to die-out and UN was Already getting shitload of plays, Yes! Un! Before custom maps where released!.
Now about ww2, is by far the most skill hungry thing you could do other than a 3 vs 3 againts Real old school clans. Right now clan wars are not about who has the most skilled but about who has the less noob members.
You consider people that play ww2s as noobs? Kid by the time that it took you to become rank 6 i was already 8 (no custom maps yet)
Edited: i would love to see you play as germany in a ww2 and try to take down a pro Uk, without getting overrun by usa and canada at turn 9
Can't speak your mind on your main..? Interesting.
People like you (assuming you really are a high rank) who played world maps, 3v3 exc. who are playing WWII and scenarios now aren't the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who have only played scenarios since the beginning of their time on atwar. The people that never learned to properly expand or fight in different situations. These rank 4s and 5s and 6s who play the same scenarios over and over as the same countries they only learn to fight in that particular situation. You put them in any other situation and they'd get their ass run over.
Your last part about me getting run over by turn 9 as Germany only proves my point! Please tell me how spamming bombers and inf on trans as the USA takes skill? Brazil does the same thing except its main job is to attack Vichy. What skill does it take for the allies to play? Playing as countries that already give you an extremely large advantage.
Play bonkers and aetus's maps, they are much better and skillful.
7 DaysLeft Cuenta eliminada |
7 DaysLeft Cuenta eliminada
Escrito por Guest, 13.11.2013 at 10:25
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
First of all, if we disable the hability to play custom maps for 1 week, this game will die, in fact before custom maps where implemented the old school branch was about to die-out and UN was Already getting shitload of plays, Yes! Un! Before custom maps where released!.
Now about ww2, is by far the most skill hungry thing you could do other than a 3 vs 3 againts Real old school clans. Right now clan wars are not about who has the most skilled but about who has the less noob members.
You consider people that play ww2s as noobs? Kid by the time that it took you to become rank 6 i was already 8 (no custom maps yet)
Edited: i would love to see you play as germany in a ww2 and try to take down a pro Uk, without getting overrun by usa and canada at turn 9
Can't speak your mind on your main..? Interesting.
People like you (assuming you really are a high rank) who played world maps, 3v3 exc. who are playing WWII and scenarios now aren't the ones I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who have only played scenarios since the beginning of their time on atwar. The people that never learned to properly expand or fight in different situations. These rank 4s and 5s and 6s who play the same scenarios over and over as the same countries they only learn to fight in that particular situation. You put them in any other situation and they'd get their ass run over.
Your last part about me getting run over by turn 9 as Germany only proves my point! Please tell me how spamming bombers and inf on trans as the USA takes skill? Brazil does the same thing except its main job is to attack Vichy. What skill does it take for the allies to play? Playing as countries that already give you an extremely large advantage.
Play bonkers and aetus's maps, they are much better and skillful.
By skilled you mean i pick imp and auto-win?
I haven't ever lose a game in bonker's map without getting gang-ban by 10 players. And in Aetius playing as rome is auto-win.
7 DaysLeft Cuenta eliminada |
7 DaysLeft Cuenta eliminada
Can't speak your mind on your main..? Interesting.
I hope this gives you a idea of how fexible the ww2 map is (turn 12):
Escrito por Tundy, 08.08.2013 at 10:47

Oh, it's a tunder alt.
Haha, classic tunder.
Just be happy your GGG is popular with the plebs, because I don't get why it should be.
Fock you are verrrrryyyyyy off based. Anyway this is off topic... personally I feel a mod should lock- this was piss poor discussion.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
Garde Publicaciones: 2842 De: Canada
Fock you are verrrrryyyyyy off based. Anyway this is off topic... personally I feel a mod should lock- this was piss poor discussion.
You turned it into Piss-poor discussion, before with Tik it was straight-forward and agreeable. Mods should not interfere with this thread, unless it's deleting the 10 or so above posts, as you said it, they are off-topic.
On to the actual topic at hand: The Admins do deliver, they just take forever doing it, and their major updates don't disappoint, but I believe weekly/update updates of a smaller scale would be much more beneficial, even if they're dumb little gimmicks to tide us over for the grander vision. Maybe have yearly massive updates (Example: Custom Maps), seasonal major updates (Example: ELO), and weekly minor updates (Example: Alliance options)? As long as the admins seem active, I'd be happy. To be honest, I am happy with AtWar at the moment, but that's due to users, not the bulk of the game. HTML5 will be 2013's massive update it seems, maybe 2014 could be a new UI/Menus and use of symbolism (AtWar's Silhouettes), as well as more customization options? Going off on a tangent, sorry.
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
uggh another anti scenario fanatic, get over yourself. Scenarios play a significant role in the popularity of this game, they bring a different spin to the standard world map and units and an element of roleplay. Some of the maps/scenarios are very well made and ive nothing but admiration for the makers of these games. players are attracted to this game for different reasons, some for a love a strategy, others because of some of the maps on offer and a love of games like risk. This anti scenario campaign i see on these forums is nothing but elitist nonsense. It is not for you to dictate how others choose to play this game.
"Ohhhh we spend soo much time on maps so we deserve better whaaaa"
Amok and the team spent a shitload of time on this game. Do you see them complaining about a lack of revenue? They don't make nearly as much as they deserve. Just because you spend a lot of time on something, doesn't mean you deserve anything in return.
"We are the heart and soul of the community!!"
Bullshit. This game started out in a beta with only the standard map and some variations of it. Look at how many people it attracted to play. If anything your precious little scenarios are what's ruining this game. Take WWII for example. Germany is stacked so he can rape UK and USA is stacked to save UK. I've played Vichy and other countries many times and it's the same shit every time. 'Wall this, defend this, take this' The only time it actually gets interesting is when there's only 4-5 players left 60 turns in. Not to mention scenarios don't teach anybody jack shit how to expand. Which is one of the pillars of atwar. There is a drastic drop in strategy needed to play when you are given hundreds of units and a lot of land at the very start of the game. Role playing is more important than actually developing skills in those stupid scenarios. So when you scenario noobs play a real game, you don't know how to expand. You don't know how to properly use your strategies. You fucking ruin the game because you have no clue what the fuck to do.
World map/competitive map are like the dinner. The meat, potatoes, the green beans. Scenarios are like the dessert. Something you get to have AFTER you finish your dinner.
uggh another anti scenario fanatic, get over yourself. Scenarios play a significant role in the popularity of this game, they bring a different spin to the standard world map and units and an element of roleplay. Some of the maps/scenarios are very well made and ive nothing but admiration for the makers of these games. players are attracted to this game for different reasons, some for a love a strategy, others because of some of the maps on offer and a love of games like risk. This anti scenario campaign i see on these forums is nothing but elitist nonsense. It is not for you to dictate how others choose to play this game.
<Except UN, UN sucks balls.
Scenarios play a significant role in the popularity of this game, they bring a different spin to the standard world map and units and an element of roleplay. Some of the maps/scenarios are very well made and ive nothing but admiration for the makers of these games. players are attracted to this game for different reasons, some for a love a strategy, others because of some of the maps on offer and a love of games like risk. This anti scenario campaign i see on these forums is nothing but elitist nonsense. It is not for you to dictate how others choose to play this game.
Pretty much sums it up. I am not forced to play custom maps/ scenarios and likewise people who enjoy these should not be forced to play 'standard' game types. The more variation the better. The best players are actually those who play both sides.
Cita: Cita:
By skilled you mean i pick imp and auto-win?
I haven't ever lose a game in bonker's map without getting gang-ban by 10 players. And in Aetius playing as rome is auto-win.
Same goes for any scenario that is not a team game.
Death1812 Cuenta eliminada |
Death1812 Cuenta eliminada
Cita: Cita: Escrito por b0nker2, 13.11.2013 at 15:35
By skilled you mean i pick imp and auto-win?
I haven't ever lose a game in bonker's map without getting gang-ban by 10 players. And in Aetius playing as rome is auto-win.
Same goes for any scenario that is not a team game.
hi <3
Escrito por Guest, 13.11.2013 at 13:00
Fock you are verrrrryyyyyy off based. Anyway this is off topic... personally I feel a mod should lock- this was piss poor discussion.
You turned it into Piss-poor discussion, before with Tik it was straight-forward and agreeable. Mods should not interfere with this thread, unless it's deleting the 10 or so above posts, as you said it, they are off-topic.
On to the actual topic at hand: The Admins do deliver, they just take forever doing it, and their major updates don't disappoint, but I believe weekly/update updates of a smaller scale would be much more beneficial, even if they're dumb little gimmicks to tide us over for the grander vision. Maybe have yearly massive updates (Example: Custom Maps), seasonal major updates (Example: ELO), and weekly minor updates (Example: Alliance options)? As long as the admins seem active, I'd be happy. To be honest, I am happy with AtWar at the moment, but that's due to users, not the bulk of the game. HTML5 will be 2013's massive update it seems, maybe 2014 could be a new UI/Menus and use of symbolism (AtWar's Silhouettes), as well as more customization options? Going off on a tangent, sorry.
Uh- no. Tik-Tok's posts weren't straight forward- bringing up bugs in an S&I section?
Like I said earlier, the admins have plenty more to do and most player inputs are eventually implemented. This topic is old, and there are plenty more side-conversations on this forum. The only valid argument here is that admins take an unreasonable amount of time to implement ideas. After that, it's useless banter that slightly relates to the topic at hand.
"Admin Involvement in the "Ideas and Suggestions" Forum"
That's the topic. I'd say all the cards have been set forth. Nothing else can really be generated except perhaps an accord. Beyond an accord, only senseless debate will persist in this thread.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
Death1812 Cuenta eliminada |
Death1812 Cuenta eliminada
Escrito por Guest, 13.11.2013 at 10:58
Can't speak your mind on your main..? Interesting.
I hope this gives you a idea of how fexible the ww2 map is (turn 12):
Escrito por Tundy, 08.08.2013 at 10:47

i was germany <3
Garde Publicaciones: 2842 De: Canada
Escrito por Guest, 13.11.2013 at 13:00
Fock you are verrrrryyyyyy off based. Anyway this is off topic... personally I feel a mod should lock- this was piss poor discussion.
You turned it into Piss-poor discussion, before with Tik it was straight-forward and agreeable. Mods should not interfere with this thread, unless it's deleting the 10 or so above posts, as you said it, they are off-topic.
On to the actual topic at hand: The Admins do deliver, they just take forever doing it, and their major updates don't disappoint, but I believe weekly/update updates of a smaller scale would be much more beneficial, even if they're dumb little gimmicks to tide us over for the grander vision. Maybe have yearly massive updates (Example: Custom Maps), seasonal major updates (Example: ELO), and weekly minor updates (Example: Alliance options)? As long as the admins seem active, I'd be happy. To be honest, I am happy with AtWar at the moment, but that's due to users, not the bulk of the game. HTML5 will be 2013's massive update it seems, maybe 2014 could be a new UI/Menus and use of symbolism (AtWar's Silhouettes), as well as more customization options? Going off on a tangent, sorry.
Uh- no. Tik-Tok's posts weren't straight forward- bringing up bugs in an S&I section?
Like I said earlier, the admins have plenty more to do and most player inputs are eventually implemented. This topic is old, and there are plenty more side-conversations on this forum. The only valid argument here is that admins take an unreasonable amount of time to implement ideas. After that, it's useless banter that slightly relates to the topic at hand.
"Admin Involvement in the "Ideas and Suggestions" Forum"
That's the topic. I'd say all the cards have been set forth. Nothing else can really be generated except perhaps an accord. Beyond an accord, only senseless debate will persist in this thread.
You generalize what this topic can cover; perceive it's elements from a different angle, if you will. Considering we know for a fact that the Admins and staff are monitoring this thread now, we can present forgotten material relating to the topic "Admin involvement with Ideas" as key evidence of lack of implementation through popular support and as a reminder of it's existence. Maybe the Admins care a lot more than people perceive (I do believe they care at their core, but lack the time, with all variables added, to run an entire game alone, which is why I still insist that a larger staff is created; Risk is key to business, and if it fails, you try again), but without constant reminders, people seem to lose hope. Remember Dave from Promotion? When he came and helped the supporter and translation programs flourish, people had high hopes. Where did he go? Who's Brendon? Maybe Amok & Ivan need a director of fun, or a public speaker that can make weekly articles about developments and game-related News.
Please tell me how spamming bombers and inf on trans as the USA takes skill? [...] What skill does it take for the allies to play?
I don't know, ask any USA that played against an actual decent Germany.
you really should have no problem stopping the US as long as you maintain good contact with fellow axis (which practically serve as meat shields for the Reich.)
You obviously never played Germany, and if you did, it was against shitty allies.
Lol at the inexperienced WW2 players talking as if they know what it's all about. It's like the beggar teaching you how to be rich xaxa
Please tell me how spamming bombers and inf on trans as the USA takes skill? [...] What skill does it take for the allies to play?
I don't know, ask any USA that played against an actual decent Germany.
you really should have no problem stopping the US as long as you maintain good contact with fellow axis (which practically serve as meat shields for the Reich.)
You obviously never played Germany, and if you did, it was against shitty allies.
Lol at the inexperienced WW2 players talking as if they know what it's all about. It's like the beggar teaching you how to be rich xaxa
Obviously you've never Germany, and if you did, you had shitty allies.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"