Escrito por Labienus, 28.09.2016 at 08:30
Titus Labienus stay home and keep his province neutral and safe.He don't want to participate to this bath of blood beetween roman brothers

Choose a side those who stay in the middle of the road get run over 
Phoenix, my dear friend, How dare You betray the republic even when we had supper under the same roof, one day before the rebellion...
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
I love the fact that everyone has taken on a Star Wars theme <3
Escrito por Aetius, 28.09.2016 at 11:44
Escrito por Phoenix, 28.09.2016 at 11:36
Erm, no, I tried to do something about it, but Aetius riged the assassination, I gave my card to meester to kill him after I wasted his body gaurds. They wouldn't have rebelled without Aetius, that's why he did it, to end the game . .
You're so pathetic now man go away you aren't even in the game anymore. "rigging" the assassination , you would have failed even harder without the card. Also even if you gave it to meester, you already hit me first, only one assassination against a person per turn and I left rome after that. Nothing would have changed no matter what you did you are just so butthurt and frankly sucked at this game. Now spectate quietly like a good boy, you are ruining everyone elses fun.
1 assassination against a player per turn?
Why do I feel like that's a new rule?
Perhaps because in the last game there were 2 attempts on a player In a single turn... I think that player was me...
I know it would have been suicide, it was intentional, I had less to lose than you.
I might suck at this game but I'm employed, I have a girlfriend and I know what it feels like to get laid. I also don't need to win by ally fagging half the fucking players in the game. I don't care about "winning" pointless battles.
I have no time for you while you're acting like a poor winner, you don't own the forums, ignore me or talk sense.
Escrito por Darth., 28.09.2016 at 12:21
I love the fact that everyone has taken on a Star Wars theme <3 
Only the dark side has
Disband bodyguard. +3 equite roll. Rest to rome.
Also make army Co leader if possible
Escrito por Phoenix, 28.09.2016 at 12:23
1 assassination against a player per turn?
Why do I feel like that's a new rule?
Perhaps because in the last game there were 2 attempts on a player In a single turn... I think that player was me...
I know it would have been suicide, it was intentional, I had less to lose than you.
I might suck at this game but I'm employed, I have a girlfriend and I know what it feels like to get laid. I also don't need to win by ally fagging half the fucking players in the game. I don't care about "winning" pointless battles.
I have no time for you while you're acting like a poor winner, you don't own the forums, ignore me or talk sense.
You're missing the entire point of the game... infact you've been missing it ever since t1.
Someone Better Than You
Zenith Publicaciones: 1505 De: USA
Lars Pedius and his daughter Floridia make their way from their house to the Senate room. On the way, Floridia asks her father another question.
"What is to become of the state of Rome?" Lars didn't reply. The two continue to walk when, again, Floridia asks "What is to become of the state of Rome?"
Lars finally replied, "The senators are very weak. We need funds in order to build fleets and legions. I have a good sum of money, which I will donate to the Senate. If we survive the rebels, we will be recognized. If we don't donate the money, we will probably die."
Floridia looked back at her father, "What promise do you have that we will survive the rebels?" "Nothing is promised to us," was her fathers reply. Floridia saw as her fathers men who went to serve the people of Rome marched away. She turned from the path with her father and followed them instead.
Lars cried out, Floridia! Where are you going?" Floridia turned and said, "To join the rebellion."
Floridia walked away...
(Donate all money to Senate, sell any Equites i have for money and donate that money to the Senate as well.)
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Zenith, 28.09.2016 at 12:36
Dude....that's beautiful.
Are you on SB or SV?
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
All my money goes to Triumvirate Treasury
Escrito por Zenith, 28.09.2016 at 12:36
Made me cry
Donate all of my money to Rome
Marcus for name
Darth. Publicaciones: 3783 De: India
Escrito por Google, 28.09.2016 at 13:00
Escrito por Zenith, 28.09.2016 at 12:36
Made me cry 
Escrito por Phoenix, 28.09.2016 at 12:23
1 assassination against a player per turn?
Why do I feel like that's a new rule?
Perhaps because in the last game there were 2 attempts on a player In a single turn... I think that player was me...
I know it would have been suicide, it was intentional, I had less to lose than you.
I might suck at this game but I'm employed, I have a girlfriend and I know what it feels like to get laid. I also don't need to win by ally fagging half the fucking players in the game. I don't care about "winning" pointless battles.
I have no time for you while you're acting like a poor winner, you don't own the forums, ignore me or talk sense.
You're missing the entire point of the game... infact you've been missing it ever since t1.
In the original version of this game there are 3/4 factions, bringing more balance. When one faction gets too strong the others work against it, just like populares and potestatem did in the first 5 turns against Gows faction. This game, with one faction having more than half the players and only 2 factions is unbalanced.
If I cared about playing this still I would have gone into exile upon being trialled.
But the fact is I don't care, you think I don't see the point of the game? I challenge you to tell me what the point of playing this is now. Its an interpretation of a functional board game. While a lot of effort was put into it, key rules and elements of the original have been left out, spoiling the competitive nature of it.
Another example besides having a faction per player (who controls multiple characters within his faction) is that rebellions are suppose to be able to buy intrigue cards which raise the unrest level... They have been totally left out here. We also don't have a definition of who is supposed to win come t50 provided no rebellion succeeds.
For those who don't see that Populares have won already, they can afford to maintain their army for about 4 turns. Even if you stave them off with naval units, you wont be able to defend against them as they walk through Illyria and then cisalpine Gaul. You will struggle to raise a decent army in that time, not to mention. They will be able to invade other provinces and appoint governors to those provinces, raising their revenues.
So I suggest you save your energy, concede and remake a more functional version of this game.
Escrito por Phoenix, 28.09.2016 at 13:17
But the fact is I don't care, you think I don't see the point of the game? I challenge you to tell me what the point of playing this is now. Its an interpretation of a functional board game. While a lot of effort was put into it, key rules and elements of the original have been left out, spoiling the competitive nature of it.
saying "oh you allyfagged to win" is stupid considering the whole point of the game is to convince and use people to further your goals.
Someone Better Than You
Escrito por Darth., 28.09.2016 at 12:21
I love the fact that everyone has taken on a Star Wars theme <3 
There was a star wars marathon on Sunday (I had off from work and didn't know what to do with my time) and I just remembered vader saying this in episode 4 and just knew I had to use it
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Escrito por Labienus, 28.09.2016 at 08:30
Titus Labienus stay home and keep his province neutral and safe.He don't want to participate to this bath of blood beetween roman brothers

Choose a side those who stay in the middle of the road get run over 
If the Senatebecome a threat to my interest in cisalpine Gaul Titus Labienus will join the revolt be aware of me
Roma Victrix
Escrito por Phoenix, 28.09.2016 at 13:17
But the fact is I don't care, you think I don't see the point of the game? I challenge you to tell me what the point of playing this is now. Its an interpretation of a functional board game. While a lot of effort was put into it, key rules and elements of the original have been left out, spoiling the competitive nature of it.
saying "oh you allyfagged to win" is stupid considering the whole point of the game is to convince and use people to further your goals.
Oh please... There's using others to further your goals and then there's twisting the original game rules to allow a faction to have over half the playing field.
We already established that it defeats the point of the game because a faction that does this can so easily rebel and hoard the vote ... This was about 6 turns ago, and looks what's happening....
Its not a competitive game, so there is no point in playing. I've seen Turks play world 50k with higher odds stacked against them
Also I'm levying auxilaes to protect my lands from anyone who will attempt to attack Cisalpine
Roma Victrix
Escrito por Labienus, 28.09.2016 at 14:00
If the Senatebecome a threat to my interest in cisalpine Gaul Titus Labienus will join the revolt be aware of me
Can't join the revolt once you have rejected to participate, the Senate can do whatever it wants with you now
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
All money to rebellion.
New first name
Escrito por Pyrrhus, 28.09.2016 at 14:07
Escrito por Labienus, 28.09.2016 at 14:00
If the Senatebecome a threat to my interest in cisalpine Gaul Titus Labienus will join the revolt be aware of me
Can't join the revolt once you have rejected to participate, the Senate can do whatever it wants with you now
 Good to know you didn't actually want to remain loyal though.... death to traitors.
Zenith Publicaciones: 1505 De: USA
Escrito por Google, 28.09.2016 at 14:23
Escrito por Pyrrhus, 28.09.2016 at 14:07
Escrito por Labienus, 28.09.2016 at 14:00
If the Senatebecome a threat to my interest in cisalpine Gaul Titus Labienus will join the revolt be aware of me
Can't join the revolt once you have rejected to participate, the Senate can do whatever it wants with you now
Good to know you didn't actually want to remain loyal though.... death to traitors.
My fellow Senator, let us focus our forces on quenching the rebellion, rather than fighting neutrals.
Ok updated donations to senate treasury
I donate all my money to rebel treasury.
As for phoenix ramblings the only good point he brought up was factions, if ever remade would limit factions to 5 players but realize this wouldn't be that game changing. Instead of one party being in charge it would be a coalition of two until one faction amassed enough votes to no longer need it. The one law that seems to be universal in life as well as in this game is that wealth and power tends to naturally concentrate over time and there is not much anyone can do to artificially counter it. Revolting is quite hard as it is btw, took us a long time to prepare this after running the senate for most of the mid republic and we are not exactly certain of success here.
Donated all shekels to rebel treasury
Change mine to all to rome
Why do we not have info on the rebel bank
All mein to the rebel cause
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Escrito por JF., 28.09.2016 at 17:28
Why do we not have info on the rebel bank
Was posted last phase we had 133 Talents, spent 130 on raising troops.
All talents to the liberation
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus